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IBM C9020-562 Exam IBM Storwize Family Technical Solutions V4 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading C9020-562 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare IBM Certified Specialist exam. Get most Up-to-Date IBM C9020-562 exam Questions and Answers and pass the C9020-562 exam in the first attempt. Get Full C9020-562 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/c9020-562-dumps/
Version: 8.0 Question 1 A customer is planning to implement a new IBM Storwize V5030 soluton and is evaluatng the requirements for implementng disaster recovery with HyperSwap. Which HyperSwap confguraton requirement needs to be part of installatonn A. Both I/O groups and managed disks are at the same site. B. Confguraton with standard topology with all controlenclosures are at the same site. C. Confgure volume mirror relatonship with a controller from each I/O group at diferent sites. D. Each I/O group and its managed disks are at diferent sites. Aoswern D Explanatonn HyperSwap volumes, where copies of a single volume are in diferent storage pools that are on diferent sites. The volume is cached in two I/O groups that are on diferent sites. These volumes can only be created on Storwize V5030 systems when the system topology is HyperSwap.
Referencesnhtpn//www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/STHHGUJ_._.0/com.ibm.storwize.tb5.__0.dReferencesnhtpn//www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/STHHGUJ_._.0/com.ibm.storwize.tb5.__0.d oc/tbrd4Jtbrd4ovr.html Question 2 A cloud soluton is being planned using the IBM Storwize family to provide storage for multple clients on IBM Power and Intel hosts. Which soluton provides the necessary storage for the primary site and a disaster recovery locaton at a data center 1500 kilometers awayn A. Create a four node IBM Storwize V_000 cluster with one I/O Hroup at the primary data center and the other at the disaster recovery locaton. Gse FlashCopy to copy the volumes from the primary I/O Hroup to the disaster recovery I/O Hroup.
B. Create volumeson IBM Storwize V_000 storage at the primary data center and use Hlobal Mirror to create copies on an IBM Storwize V_000 at the disaster recovery locaton. C. Create volume mirrors on IBM Storwize V_000 storage at the primary data center with virtualizedexternal IBM Storwize V3_00 storage at the disaster recovery locaton. D. Create volumes on IBM Storwize V_000 Storage at the primary data center and use Metro to create asynchronous copies on an IBM Storwize V5030 at the disaster recovery locaton. Aoswern B Explanatonn Metro Mirror and Hlobal Mirror are technologies that enable you to keep a real-tme copy of a disk at a remote site that contains another SVC Cluster or Storwize V_000 system. Incorrect Answers An FlashCopy is a functon that allows you to create a point-in-tme copy of one of your SVC disks. This might be helpful when performing backups or applicaton testng. These copies may be cascaded upon one another, read from, writen to, and even reversed. These copies are able to conserve storage, if needed, by being space-efcient copies that only record items that have changed from the originals instead of full copies. Cn Volume Mirroring is a functon designed to increase high availability of the storage infrastructure. It provides the ability to createup to two local copies of a volume. Referencesn IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V_000 Replicaton Family Services, page 22 htpn//www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg24_5_4.pdf Question 3 A customer has several large disk systems serving up block data over Fibre Channel that are of varying degree of utlizaton and needs to constrain growth and manage performance. The disk systems are made by EMC, Huawei, Bull, and IBM. Which IBM sofware soluton should be discussedn A. IBM Spectrum Control Base Editon B. IBM Virtual Storage Center for Storwize C. IBM Cloud Object Storage D. IBM Spectrum Scale Aoswern B Explanatonn IBM VirtualStorage Center for Storwize provides a lower-cost alternatve to Fibre Channel-based replicaton that is easily confgurable in existng IP infrastructures, eliminatng the need for FCIP routers and dark fbre. SAN Volume Controller can virtualize IBM andnon-IBM storage (over 1_0 systems from IBM, EMC, HP, HDS, Sun, Dell, NetApp, Fujitsu, NEC, Bull) Referencesn IBM Storwize Family Sofware, (SVC & Storwize), Product Roadmap, page 4 htpsn//www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/fles/form/anonymous/api/library/c1cc45e5-e212- 4b3c-a2ce-5c_4534ba5e2/document/4555d51c-455b-4093-bb05-ca_0c51e2e3e/media
Question 4 Which authentcaton protocol for remote authentcaton of users is supported by the IBM Storwize V_000 model 524n A. Lightweight Extensible Authentcaton Protocol (LEAP) B. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) C. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) D. Challenge Handshake Authentcaton Protocol (CHAP) Aoswern C Explanatonn You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to confgure the Storwize V_000 to authentcate users against servers implementng the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), including IBM Tivoli Directory Server (ITDS) and Actve Directory (AD). Referencesnhtpn//www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ST3FR_J5.4.1/com.ibm.storwize.v_000.541 .doc/svcJremoteauthentcliLDAPJ0c0_094c.html Question 5 Which IBM Storwize product allows for scalability up to a maximum of 20 expansion enclosures with a single control enclosuren A. IBM Storwize V5030 B. IBM Storwize V3_00 C. IBM Storwize V5020 D. IBM Storwize V5010 Aoswern A Explanatonn V5030n Standard expansion enclosuresn up to 20 standard expansion enclosures per controller. High-density expansion enclosuresn up to c high-density expansion enclosures per controller. Question 6 An IBM i customer decided to take advantage of the performance of fash-based storage and is implementng an IBM FlashSystem V9000. The customer plans to move all data to the V9000 with natve IBM i atachment. Which connecton protocol is required for this environmentn A. FC B. FTP C. 10 Hb FCoE
D. InfniBand Aoswern A Explanatonn IBM FlashSystem V9000 can be atached to IBM i in the following waysn * Natve connecton without using Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) Natve connecton with SAN switches can be done with these adaptersn 4 Hb Fibre Channel (FC) adapters, feature number 5__4 or 52_5 c Hb FC adapters, feature number 5_35 or 52_3 15 Hb FC adapters, feature number EN0A or EN0B Direct natve connecton without SAN switches can be done with these adaptersn 4 Hb FC adapters in IBM i connectedto c Hb adapters in IBM FlashSystem V9000 15 Hb adapters in IBM i connected to 15 Hb adapters in IBM FlashSystem V9000 * Connecton with VIOS in NJPort ID Virtualizaton (NPIV) mode There are rules for mapping server virtual FC adapters to the ports in VIOS when implementng IBM i in VIOS NPIV connecton. * Connecton with VIOS in virtual SCSI (VSCSI) mode ReferencesnIntroducing and Implementng IBM FlashSystem V9000, page 2_2 htpn//www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/pdfs/sg24c2_3.pdf Question 7 What is the minimum of connectons that an IBM Storwize node canister should have to a host according to best practcesn A. 4 B. 1 C. 2 D. 5 Aoswern C Explanatonn The system contains a Storwize V_000 storage system. Each Storwize V_000 single processing unit is a node canister, which is also called a node. The two nodes within their canisters make an I/O group that is atached to the SAN fabric. Each Storwize V_000 control enclosure requires two Ethernet cables to connect it to an Ethernet switch or hub. One cable connects to port 1 of the lef node canister, and the other cable connects to port 1 of the right node canister. A 10/100/1000 Mb Ethernet connecton is required for each cable. Both Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet ProtocolVersion 5 (IPv5) are supported. Noten For increased redundancy, an optonal second Ethernet connecton is supported for each Storwize V_000 node canister. Referencesnhtpn//www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ST3FR_J_._.0/com.ibm.storwize.v_000.__0 .doc/svcJportsandconnectJgen2.html
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