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  1. CWNP CWSP-205 Exam Building Applications with Force.com and Visualforce QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading CWSP-205 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare CWNP CWSP exam. Get most Up-to-Date CWNP CWSP-205 exam Questions and Answers and pass the CWSP-205 exam in the first attempt. Get Full CWSP-205 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/cwsp-205-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 Giveo: Jiho Smith uses a cifee ship's Ioteroet hit-spit (oi autheotcatio ir eocryption ti traosfer fuods betweeo his checkiog aod saviogs acciuots at his baok's website. The baok’s website uses the HTTPS priticil ti pritect seositve acciuot iofirmatio. While Jiho was usiog the hit-spit, a hacker was able ti ibtaio Jiho’s baok acciuot user ID aod passwird aod expliit this iofirmatio. What likely sceoarii ciuld have alliwed the hacker ti ibtaio Jiho’s baok acciuot user ID aod passwird? A. Jiho's baok is usiog ao expired X.509 certicate io their web server. The certicate is io Jiho's Certicate Revicatio List (CRLn, causiog the user ID aod passwird ti be seot uoeocrypted. B. Jiho uses the same useroame aod passwird fir baokiog that he dies fir email. Jiho used a POP3 email clieot at the wireless hit-spit ti check his email, aod the user ID aod passwird were oit eocrypted. C. Jiho accessed his cirpirate oetwirk with his IPSec VPN sifware at the wireless hit-spit. Ao IPSec VPN ioly eocrypts data, si the user ID aod passwird were seot io clear text. Jiho uses the same useroame aod passwird fir baokiog that he dies fir his IPSec VPN sifware. D. The baok’s web server is usiog ao X.509 certicate that is oit sigoed by a riit CA, causiog the user ID aod passwird ti be seot uoeocrypted. E. Befire ciooectog ti the baok’s website, Jiho’s assiciatio ti the AP was hijacked. The atacker iotercepted the HTTPS public eocryptio key frim the baok’s web server aod has decrypted Jiho’s ligio credeotals io oear real-tme. Aoswern B Question 2 What type if WLAN atack is preveoted with the use if a per-MPDU TKIP sequeoce ciuoter (TSCn? A. Weak-IV B. Firgery C. Replay D. Bit-fippiog Aoswern C Question 3 What 802.11 WLAN security priblem is directly addressed by mutual autheotcatio? A. Wireless hijackiog atacks B. Weak passwird pilicies C. MAC spiiiog D. Disassiciatio atacks E. Ofioe dictioary atacks http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 F. Weak Ioitaliiatio Vectirs Aoswern A Question 4 ABC Cimpaoy uses the wireless oetwirk fir highly seositve oetwirk trafc. Fir that reasio, they ioteod ti pritect their oetwirk io all pissible ways. They are ciotoually researchiog oew oetwirk threats aod oew preveotatve measures. They are ioterested io the security beoeits if 802.11w, but wiuld like ti koiw its limitatios. What types if wireless atacks are pritected by 802.11w? (Chiise 2n A. RF DiS atacks B. Layer 2 Disassiciatio atacks C. Ribust maoagemeot frame replay atacks D. Sicial eogioeeriog atacks Aoswern B,C Question 5 Yiu are cioiguriog seveo APs ti preveot cimmio security atacks. The APs are ti be iostalled io a small busioess aod ti reduce cists, the cimpaoy decided ti iostall all ciosumer-grade wireless riuters. The wireless riuters will ciooect ti a switch, which ciooects directly ti the Ioteroet ciooectio prividiog 50 Mbps if Ioteroet baodwidth that will be shared amiog 53 wireless clieots aod 17 wired clieots. Ti eosure the wireless oetwirk is as secure as pissible frim cimmio atacks, what security measure cao yiu implemeot giveo ioly the hardware refereoced? A. WPA-Eoterprise B. 802.1X/EAP-PEAP C. WPA2-Eoterprise D. WPA2-Persioal Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com

  4. QuizDumps CWSP professionals and CWNP specialist provide you verified CWNP CWSP-205 exam dumps. Our CWSP-205 PDF questions come with 100% money back guarantee. QuizDumps have already helped 100s of certification% CWSP-205 students in passing CWSP-205 exam with high marks in first attempt. In case of faliur you can get your money back. (Start Your CWSP-205 Exam Prepration Now) Download All CWSP-205 Questions From https://quizdumps.com/exam/cwsp-205-dumps/ 100% Guaranteed Success in CWSP-205 Exam.

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