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Virtualization 101

Virtualization 101. Knowledge is Power. Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman | Technical Intelligence Manager. Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman, Technical Intelligence Manager for the Office of CTO, Delphix. http://dbakevlar.com. What is Virtualization?.

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Virtualization 101

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  1. Virtualization 101 Knowledge is Power Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman | Technical Intelligence Manager

  2. Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman, Technical Intelligence Manager for the Office of CTO, Delphix http://dbakevlar.com

  3. What is Virtualization? Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device, database, files or network resources.

  4. Virtualization Adoption Trend . Source: Gartner Forecasts

  5. This will only increase in the next five years as cloud overtakes the industry

  6. Source: Right Scale State of the Cloud 2016

  7. http://siliconangle.com/blog/2016/04/29/survey-sees-rapid-growth-in-enterprise-cloud-adoption/http://siliconangle.com/blog/2016/04/29/survey-sees-rapid-growth-in-enterprise-cloud-adoption/

  8. Cloud Wars Who advanced the most from the recent Amazon S3 outage? Cloud Endure LTD.

  9. Welcome to Your New Skill Adoption!

  10. Virtualization and the DBA Virtualized Not Real Anymore!! • Can’t write to it • Can’t restore from it • Can’t manage it like a real database

  11. What Comprises the Virtualization Space? Network Virtualization Storage/Server Virtualization Backup Snapshots Thin Cloning File Imaging

  12. Network Virtualization Splits up available network bandwidth Distributes according to needs Similar to partitioning is to DBAs

  13. Storage/Server Virtualization Storage • Pools physical storage from multiple storage devices • Appears as one device • Single console manages all • Common in SAN environments Server • Masks server resources • Allows for resource sharing

  14. What is a Snapshot?

  15. How Snapshots Work

  16. Types of Snapshots Hardware • VM level, not application or software “aware”. • Older VM technology required the virtual image to be in a static or closed state before creating a snapshot. • Some hardware VM technology is software “aware” or compliant. Software Consistent • Creates a static or consistent snapshot of software or applications. • Similar to RMAN putting tablespaces in backup mode, tracks changes and block level for both physical and logical consistency. • Is required for complex code and interactive products.

  17. Storage Vendors Examples • Oracle ZFS • NetApp • EMC XtremIO • Many require additional software investment to be application or database“aware”.

  18. Too Much!!

  19. The DBA, The Developer and The Tester Need to… Manage Databases and Applications Need an interface to environments, but may not care about anything at the storage or network level. Need a user friendly interface.

  20. Just DB Info

  21. Just the Facts

  22. Copy Data Management

  23. Copy Data Management, (CDM) Confusion- New Term • Creates physical copies of images with clones • Tracks copies of physical clones • Manages clones/thin clones • Virtualizes non-production clones • Hybrid management mixed in for coolness Types • Enterprise • Integrated • DevOps • Agile

  24. What CDM IS NOT… Simply copying databases/applications/files on-premise or in the cloud. Transportable tablespace, datapump and other archaic processes to migrate data. A non-repeatable process, (i.e. only works once or in a vendor’s lab.) Cloning or copying, but leaving data unusable, (i.e. snapshot technology that isn’t application or database aware.)

  25. What is Copy Data Management? ?

  26. Could be Simple, FULL Copies… 8TB 8TB 2TB 8TB =24TB

  27. What if they’re in the Cloud? $$ 24TB

  28. Why Hybrid Management with Virtualization 2TB =2TB 1TB Compressed and de-duped Virtual Databases

  29. Which Would You Rather Manage/Pay For? 24TB or 2TB?

  30. Test Data Management Ability to deliver development and test environments in short cycles. Capability to provide virtualized or synthesized datasets Data masking of sensitive data for test and development Self-Service to allow developers and testers to recover or refresh environments when destructive tests occur. Ability to deliver branched data/code to development when testing discovers issues. Automate code delivery and result comparisons *Many times, this list is completed with more than one product.

  31. Ability to Deliver and Mask Data for Testing- FAST Develop Test Deploy DB DB DB DB DB APP APP APP APP APP Refresh Everything Mask PCI/PII and then virtualize DB Production

  32. Confidential Data

  33. Do I Have to Mask Data? Nah…. As of April, 2014, Yes- at least in Europe. • ARTICLE 29 DATA PROTECTION for EU HIPAA • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) PCI • Payment Card Industry Standards, 2016, Updated PII • Personably Identifiable Information, GSA Rules SOX • Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

  34. Masking in the Picture As 80% of data in a company are copies, then 80% of data won’t be subject to security like a production environment. Securing this data is not just a priority, but in many cases, subject to legal ramifications, (i.e. PCI/PII) Encryption is reversible, masking isn’t. The masked data should be representative of the original data type to ensure performance is consistent. Referential Integrity should be maintained as part of the masking process. Masking should be a simple, repeatable process with a user interface that ensures it is simple.

  35. How to Relax with Virtualization…

  36. Know You’re Optimization Arsenal • AWR and ASH can isolate issues on a VM just as it can for a stand alone host. Don’t over think it and track down resource over-usage. • Optimize SQL and applications! Hardware enhancements will only take you so far for so long. • Tracing can be a the best choice for a process that isn’t quickly diagnosed by the above tools. The real culprit may have been hidden outside of the primary process, (advanced features like adaptive plans or dynamic sampling.) • If tracing is used, application or network tier waits can at least be identified, removing the database tier from persecution. http://dbakevlar.com/2015/02/how-to-use-an-ash-report-and-why/http://dbakevlar.com/tag/awr-report/

  37. They Deployed my VMs in the Cloud, Now What Do I Do?? • Utilize tools like snapper, tracing, slob and even Swingbench to view performance bottlenecks from different perspectives and gain new insight. • AWR and ASH can help some, but the most common bottleneck is network, which these two tools often miss. • In AWS, consider Cloudwatch • If Azure, use their Performance Dashboard • If multiple cloud vendors, consider a provider for a single dashboard, like Datadog.

  38. Summary Virtualization is a large landscape. Cloud is an huge part of the discussion. Products cover many areas- hardware, database, network and application. Some focus on solutions for specific challenges in IT. Terms like Copy Data Management can be confusing. Automation and User Interface is almost as important. Virtualization can mean big saving when discussing the cloud. Don’t overthink it & realize many of the tools you have today will work tomorrow.

  39. Thank you! Q&A

  40. In-depth AWS Trial Ops Manager IT Architect Developer/Tester Database Administrator https://www.delphix.com/products/free-trial-request https://www.delphix.com/products/free-trial-request

  41. Connect With Me @DBAKevlar https://dbakevlar.comhttp://delphix.com kellyn@delphix.com https://linkedin.com/in/kellynpotvin

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