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“One Health” pulling Animal Health and Public Health together

Brussels 3 October 2007. “One Health” pulling Animal Health and Public Health together. Walter Winding President FVE. FVE is a Federation of 42 veterinary organisations in 37 European countries. Through its members, FVE represents approximately 200 000 veterinarians.

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“One Health” pulling Animal Health and Public Health together

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  1. Brussels 3 October 2007 “One Health”pulling Animal Health and Public Health together Walter Winding President FVE

  2. FVE is a Federation of 42 veterinary organisations in 37 European countries Through its members, FVE represents approximately 200 000 veterinarians

  3. 3 October 2007 • Veterinary Practitioners (UEVP) • Hygienists and Public Health Veterinarians (UEVH) • State Veterinary Officers (EASVO) • Veterinarians in industry, research and education (EVERI) Synergy is our Strenght ! FVE also comprises four specialised groups:

  4. FVE’s objective Representing the Veterinary Profession at the European level in order to: • Promote Veterinary Medicine • Support veterinarians in delivering their services and their responsibilities towards our societies

  5. Veterinary Medicine3 Pillars • Animal Health • Animal Welfare • Public Health these 3 are strongly interlinked

  6. Over 70 % human pathogens originate from animals ! Some examples: • Anthrax • Influenza • BSE • Brucellosis • Campylobacteriosis • E. Coli • Lyme Borreliosis • Q Fever • Rabies • Toxoplasmosis • Tuberculosis • Salmonellosis • Leishmaniasis • Echinococcosis

  7. 3 October 2007 • Bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, worms, etc. • can easily be transmitted from animals to people • Through direct contact with the animals • Through the air, water, contaminated objects • Through the ingestion of contaminated food • Etc.

  8. 3 October 2007 In the ancient civilisations in Persia, Egypt, India, etc people already knew about the importance of healthy animals for healty people

  9. - late 1700s – first small pox vaccin by use of cow pox virus (E. Jenner) The “One Health” Concept

  10. 3 October 2007 1960: Dr. Celvin Schwabe « The father of veterinary epidemiology » “One Medicine”

  11. Core domains of Veterinary Public Health: - diagnosis, monitoring, surveillance; - epidemiology; - control & prevention of zoonoses; - food safety; - biomedical research; - management of wildlife populations - management of public health emergencies

  12. Veterinary Public Health an essential part of Global Public Health

  13. 3 October 2007 « Animal health is truly at a crossroads.Its convergence with human and ecosystem health dictates that the 'one world, one health, one medicine' concept must be embraced. We need our colleagues in human medicine, public health, and the environmental health sciences. "Together, we can accomplish more in improving global health than we can alone, and we have the responsibility to do so. » R. Mahr, DVM AVMA July 2006

  14. „One Medicine“ The integrated approach of veterinary and human medicine to prevent and control diseases of animal origin

  15. “One Health” As veterinary profession in Europe we take the responsibility together with our colleagues in other parts of the world to join forces with human medicine to protect and improve animal and public health.

  16. 3 October 2007 « Hominum animaliumque saluti » to the Health and Welfare of Man and Animal

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