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Daniela MINETTI. INTERREG III. Structural funds Cooperano between european region. INTERREG III C. Covers entire EU territory Types of operations : Individual projects, Networks and Regional framework operations (RFOs). Daniela MINETTI. OPERATION CHARACTERISTICS.
Daniela MINETTI INTERREG III • Structural funds • Cooperano between european region INTERREG III C • Covers entire EU territory • Types of operations: Individual projects, Networks and Regional framework operations (RFOs).
Daniela MINETTI OPERATION CHARACTERISTICS Title: Robinwood - Revitalisation of rural areas through sustainable development by means of integrated forestry management. Type: Regional Framework Operation Duration: 42 months (Oct. 2004/April 2008) Total budget: 6.597.394,29 ERDF: 4.358.106,29
Daniela MINETTI OBJECTIVES Main objective: integrated forestry management and creation of a wood chain process in rural areas.
Daniela MINETTI OBJECTIVES Specific objectives: 1. To induce sustainable management of forests 2. To remedy hydrogeological instability 3. To use wood regional resources as a fuel source 4. To increase socio-economic potential for the forestry sector 5. To protect of biodiversity.
Daniela MINETTI WHAT EACH PARTNER BRINGS IN • LIGURIA: best practices in the application of sustainable development tools and planning • BRANDBURG: territorial development based on the use of wood as an energy source • MURCIA: good command of hydrogeological issues • WALES: experience in forestry development and handling of social problems with the aid of woodland • EASTERN SLOVAKIA: biomass energy potential and need for interregional exchange
Daniela MINETTI STRUCTURE OF THE OPERATION 5 components • Project Management • Hydrogeological mitigation • Energy from biomass • Forestry management • Communication
Daniela MINETTI TECHNICAL COMPONENTS COMPONENT 2: HYDROGEOLOGY Testing of hydro-geological management models in order to reduce natural hazard, observing the possibilities of application, transferability and sustainability
Daniela MINETTI TECHNICAL COMPONENTS COMPONENT 3: FORESTRY MANAGEMENT Testing of sustainable management model in order to launch a wood revaluation program and improve rural economy
Daniela MINETTI TECHNICAL COMPONENTS COMPONENT 4: ENERGY To define the operative tools and methodologies necessary to launch the real initiatives for the energy production through forestry biomass
ACTIVITY PLANNING Daniela MINETTI Analyses of current situation and policies Calls for proposals Definition of sub-projects International exchange and study tours Local sub-projects deployment Master plan of measures Guidelines Policy reccomendations
STATUS OF PROJECT First phase: international level Forestry management Hydro-geology Energy • Analysis on Partners forestry biomass • Analysis of energetical indicators • SWOT analysis • on hydro-geological issues • Survey on hydro-geological • situation of Partner • SWOT analysis on forests • Forests Partners situation INTERNATIONAL DEEPENING International conferences Study missions Daniela MINETTI
Daniela MINETTI STATUS OF PROJECT Second phase: local level Technical deepening
Daniela MINETTI STATUS OF PROJECT Third phase: international and local level • Opening of Call for subproject proposal • Local advertising • Selection of subproject
Daniela MINETTI SUBPROJECT 1 Hydrogeology Title: Models of sustainable hydrogeological management of territory. Objective: Testing hydrogeological models to resolve critical issues by examining their possible application, their re-use and whether they can guarantee sustainability. Duration: one year. Typology: pilot projects. Partners: Liguria, Brandenburg, Murcia, Wales. Total budget: approximately 714,000 euros. Beneficiaries: local bodies, public research organisations, university, other public organisations.
Daniela MINETTI SUBPROJECT 2 Forestry Management Title: Sustainable Forestry Management. Objective: to test the application of a plan for sustainable forestry management in order to implement in real terms a wood revaluation programme. Duration: one year. Type: pilot project. Partners: all Total budget: 900,000 euros. Beneficiaries: local organisations, associations, university, local action groups, research centres.
Daniela MINETTI SUBPROJECT 3 Energy Title: instruments to facilitate the application of forestry biomass technologies at a local level. Objective: to define the instruments and operational methodologies necessary for the implementation of concrete initiatives to favour use of energy from forest resources. Type: studies. Duration: one year. Partners: all Total budget: approximately 620,000 euros. Beneficiaries: local authorities, local action groups, public bodies, associations, University, public development agencies.
STATUS OF PROJECT Fourth phase: locallevel • Support in sub-project definition • application of technical deepening at local level • helping on international partnership creation Fifth phase: locallevel • Support in sub-project management Daniela MINETTI
Daniela MINETTI CALL FOR SUB-PROJECT PROPOSAL Interreg IIIC RFO is a little European Founds Program that have to finance subproject selected by a call for proposal Interreg rules foresee that this call for proposal is common for all the partners and finance subproject that involved at least 2 region partners of the RFO Robinwood Steering Group decided to help local authority to create transnational partnerships necessary for subprojects dividing calls for proposals into two steps
Daniela MINETTI CALL FOR SUB-PROJECT PROPOSAL 1st STEP: Selection of Potential Local Beneficiaries. This I° step is to select the local potential beneficiaries in each Robinwood partner region. 2nd STEP: In the II° step the Local Potential Beneficiaries have to create transnational partnerships and definitive proposal for the subprojects.
Daniela MINETTI CALL FOR SUB-PROJECT PROPOSAL – II° STEP At the end of the I° step the Steering Commitee selected a shortlist of Potential Local Beneficiaries. In the II°STEP they are invited to work together to create international partnerships and to prepare the Definitive Interregional Proposals of Subprojects, under the supervision of Robinwood National Partners of Reference.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS • The Potential Local Beneficiaries will create the international partnership of subprojects consisting of: • a Lead Partner of the Subproject • one or more partners from different Robinwood partner regions.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS • The Subproject Lead Partner will be: • responsible towards the Steering Committee of Robinwood • Technical Coordinator of the interregional activities of the Subproject. • Every international subproject partner will be responsible towards its NPR for the administrative and financial management.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS Definitive Interregional Proposals will be submitted to the Robinwood Steering Committee for the final approval. Robinwood expects to fund 15 Subprojects. After the approval Each NPR will proceed to finance the Local Beneficiaries according to its own procedures.
Daniela MINETTI CALL FOR SUB-PROJECT PROPOSAL – II° STEP In order to participate to the second step of the public call, “Creation of Interregional Partnerships and Definitive Proposals of Subprojects”, and in the definitive selection of subprojects, Local potential beneficiary must fill in a new application form together with the other partners.
Daniela MINETTI CALL FOR SUB-PROJECT PROPOSAL – II° STEP The second application form must be: a) WRITTEN IN ENGLISH. b) Presented by 30th June 2006 the latest c) Addressed to the National Partner of Reference on printed paper, recorded delivery on receipt, and on the envelope the following must be typed: PIC INTERREG III C “ROBINWOOD” APPLICATION TO SUBPROJECTS Second step Furthermore, a copy of all application forms in electronic format must be sent to the Region of Liguria (email address robinwood@regione.liguria.it ).
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS • Each subproject will consist of two different levels of actions: • local actions • transnational activities, such as meetings, exchange of experiences, educationals, etc. • Robinwood components focus on specific aspects of forest management. The subprojects must analyse one or more of the component themes
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS • Robinwood will finance 15 subprojects in which: • beneficiaries will work in partnership with at least one trans-national partners. • they will cover specific issues of one or more components of the project but always in a integrated way.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECTS • Other Details: • The maximum duration for the implementation of Subprojects is 1 year. • The subproject must begin before 1st October 2006. • The total amount of funding for each approved local subproject must not exceed the sum of Euro 200.000. • The co-financing share provided by the applicant will be a percentage of the total funding.The rate can vary according to the different countries
Daniela MINETTI Changes and Modification Changes to the subproject timetable may be permitted as long as they remain within the due date of the project and are agreed with not less than three months before the deadline of the subproject. Any variation to the budget will normally be limited to less than 10% of the total funding for the subproject and agreed with the NPR at least 3 months before the deadline of the subproject. For any variation over 10% of the total value of the subproject the lead partner must present a request
Daniela MINETTI STATUS OF THE CALL FOR PROPOSAL • First step is closed and second one started. • SC have create a list of regional/local selected subproject • on the 7 of April in Ruthin, meeting of the international committee to prepare Mursia Forum e the first international meeting of subprojects, and suggest some link to create the trnsnational partnership e proporre gli abbinamenti per la partnership • NPR stanno concertando to their own Regional sub-projects (budget, kind of expenditures, action…)
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECT SELECTION: NEXT STEPS Mursia Subproject Forum: - mid-day meeting to inform subproject Beneficiary about Interreg rules (Financial flows, Reporting Activities, Responsibilities, Agreements …) - mid-day workshop to create international partnership. Small group to facilitate discussion. - poster section to present the regional/local sub-projects - actions to facilitate meeting and exchange of experience among forum attendants
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECT SELECTION: NEXT STEPS • We have to do … • 30 June, deadline to send Application Form by post and by e-mail to NPRs involved (NPR of Sub-project LP and to NPRs of sub-projects PP) and to Liguria Region. • 13-14 July in Liguria RW Steering Committee to approve the international subprojects.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECT SELECTION: NEXT STEPS • About definitive Subproject, at the end of II° step … • They must be composed by at least two regional/local sub-projects • They have to define the LP of Sub-project • They have to define the international activities: meetings, exchange of experiences, studies … • They have to define the definitive Financial Plan by cost categories • They have to fill the AF and to send it to NPR and Regione Liguria by post and by e-mail within 30 June.
Daniela MINETTI SUB-PROJECT SELECTION: NEXT STEPS • About definitive Subproject when they are approved … • They have to sign a partnership agreement between the partners • They have one year to conclude all sub-project activities • They have to work in accordance with Interreg rules
Daniela MINETTI Thank you for your attention and … good work! daniela.minetti@regione.liguria.it
OCR “ROBINWOOD” ORGANIGRAMME relator: Daniela MINETTI Chef de file Comité de Pilotage Sous-comité financier Sous-comité institutionnel • Chef de programme local • Expert en hydrogeologie • Expert en foresterie • Expert en energie • Expert en communication Responsable institutionnel regional Directeur Financier Local Auditeur • Chef de programme local • Expert en hydrogeologie • Expert en foresterie • Expert en energie • Expert en communication Responsable institutionnel regional Directeur Financier Local Auditeur • Chef de programme local • Expert en hydrogeologie • Expert en foresterie • Expert en energie • Expert en communication Directeur Financier Local Responsable institutionnel regional • Chef de programme local • Expert en hydrogeologie • Expert en foresterie • Expert en energie • Expert en communication Directeur Financier Local Responsable institutionnel regional Auditeur • Chef de programme local • Expert en hydrogeologie • Expert en foresterie • Expert en energie • Expert en communication Responsable institutionnel regional Directeur Financier Local Auditeur