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Muon g-2 experimental results & theoretical developments. Huaizhang Deng. Yale University. University of Pennsylvania. Collaboration. Outline. Overview of (g-2) . Measure (g-2) μ in experiment. Principle of and experimental setup. Analyses and results.
Muon g-2experimental results & theoretical developments Huaizhang Deng Yale University University of Pennsylvania
Outline • Overview of (g-2) • Measure (g-2)μin experiment • Principle of and experimental setup. • Analyses and results • Compare (g-2)+ and (g-2)− • Calculate (g-2)in theory • QED contribution • Weak contribution • Hadronic contribution • Conclusion
The magnetic moment of a particle is related to its spin g For Dirac pointlike particle : g=2 Anomalous magnetic moment Magnetic dipole moment For the proton : ap1.8 because the proton is composite particle.
Largest contribution : QED hadronic weak New physics ? g - 2 0 for the muon Some of other contributions :
The effects from heavy particles are generally • proportional to m2. Why muon? • The muon is a point particle, so far. • (Hadrons, like p and n, are composite particles.) • The muon lives long enough for us to measure.
a B Principle of the measurement When=29.3 (p=3.09 Gev/c), a is independent of E.
Time scales : 149.2 ns cyclotron (or fast rotation) period c , 4.4 s g-2 period a , what we want to measure 64.4 s dilated muon lifetime Some numbers about the experiment Magnetic field : 1.45 T p : 61.79MHz Experimental sequence : t =0 beam injection 35 — 500 ns beam kicked onto orbit 0 — 15 s beam scraping 15 — 40 s calorimeters gated on 15 — 1000 s g-2 measurement 33 ms beam injection repeats (12 times) 3 s circle repeats 3 day field measurement by trolley 1 year data-taking repeats 20 year whole experiment repeats
How to measure B B is determined by measuring the proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) frequency p in the magnetic field. +/p=3.183 345 39(10) W. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 711 (1999).
378 fixed probes around the ring 17 trolley probes NMR trolley The NMR system is calibrated against a standard probe† of a spherical water sample. † X. Fei, V.W. Hughes, R. Prigl, NIM A394 349 (1997)
Uniformity of the B field The B field variation at the center of the storage region. <B>1.45 T The B field averaged over azimuth.
Stability of the B field Calibration of the fixed probe system with respect to the trolley measurements The magnetic field measured by the fixed probe system during μ− run in 2001.
Systematic errors for p † higher multipoles, trolley temperature and voltage response, eddy currents from the kickers, and time-varying stray fields.
In the parity violated decay , e+ are emitted preferentially along the muon spin direction in muon rest frame. And e+ emitted along the muon momentum direction get large Lorentz boost and have high energy in laboratory frame. Hence, a is determined by counting the high energy e+ . How to measure a
a data N(t)=Ne-t/[1-Acos(ωat+φ)] Divide N(t) into four independent sets N1, N2, N3 and N4 r(t)=Acos(ωat+φ)+(a/16)2 Slow effects are largely cancelled in the ratio method.
n=0.142 • Observation : • Beam centroid and • beam width oscillate • CBO phase varies from • 0 to 2π around the ring n=0.122 Coherent Betatron Oscillation Cause : Phase space not filled • Solution : • Sum all detectors to • reduce the CBO effect
Error for a 0.11 † AGS background, timing shifts, E field and vertical oscillations, beam debunching/randomization.
Blind analysis and result After two analyses of p had been completed, p /2π= 61 791 400(11) Hz (0.2ppm), and four analyses of a had been completed, a /2π= 229 073.59(15)(5) Hz (0.7ppm), separately and independently, the anomalous magnetic moment was evaluated, am-=11 659 214(8)(3) 10-10
Rμ+ = 0.003 707 204 8(2 5) Rμ− = 0.003 707 208 3(2 6) CPT test : Compare μ+ and μ− to test CPT Combined result : am=11 659 208(6) 10-10
Standard model calculation of a a(SM)= a(QED) + a(weak) + a(had)* a(QED)=11 658 472.07(0.04)(0.1)10-10 a(weak)=15.1(0.1)(0.2)10-10 a(had,lo)=692.4(6.2)(3.6)10-10 * a(had,nlo)=−98(0.1)10-10 * a(had,lbl)=12(3.5)10-10 * *The exact value and error of hadronic contribution are still under studies by many groups.
QED contribution a(QED)=11 658 470.6(0.3)10-10 a(QED)=11 658 472.07(0.04)(0.1)10-10
Cannot be calculated from pQCD alone because it involves low energy scales near the muon mass. However, by dispersion theory, this a(had,1) can be related to measured in e+e- collision or indirectly in decay. Hadronic contribution (LO)
Evaluation of R M. Davier et al., hep-ph/0208177
% 2π 508.20±5.18±2.74 72.99 ω 37.96±1.02±0.31 5.45 φ 35.71±0.84±0.20 5.13 0.6 − 2.0 63.18±2.19±0.86 9.07 2.0 − 5.0 33.92±1.72±0.03 4.87 J/ψ,ψ’ 7.44±0.38±0.00 1.07 > 5.0 9.88±0.11±0.00 1.42 Total 696.3±6.2±3.6 100.0 aμ(had, lo)based on e+e− data (DEHZ) • aμ(had,lo) = 696.15(5.7)(2.4) × 10-10 (HMNT) • aμ(had,lo) = 694.8 (8.6) × 10-10 (GJ) S. Eidelman at DAФNE 2004
Discrepancy between e+e− and data aμ(had,lo) = 711.0(5.0)(0.8)(2.8)×10-10 (DEHZ) M. Davier et al., hep-ph/0208177 S. Eidelman at DAФNE 2004
Possible reasons for discrepancy • Problem with experimental data • Problem with SU(2) breaking corrections • Non-(V−A) contribution to weak interaction • Difference in mass of ρ mesons (mρ±>mρ0). • Current data indicate equality within a few MeV
Comparsion between CMD-2 and KLOE Radiative return is another way to measure hadronic contributions Kloe CMD-2 KLOE (375.6 0.8stat 4.9syst+theo) 10-10 (1.3%) only statistical errors are shown CMD-2 (378.6 2.7stat 2.3syst+theo) 10-10(0.9%) • Two measurements are in agreement F. Nguyen at DAФNE 2004
a(had,nlo)=10.0(0.6)10-10 Higher order hadronic contributions a(had,lbl)=8.6(3.5)10-10 a(had,lbl)=13.6(2.5)10-10 a(had,lbl)=12.0(3.5)10-10
Comparison of SM and experiment • e+e− : • aμ = 11 659 184.1 (7.2had,lo)(3.5lbl)(0.3QED+EW) × 10-10 • : aμ = 11 659 200.4 (5.8had,lo)(3.5lbl)(0.3QED+EW) × 10-10 experimental result : am=11 659 208(6) 10-10 …including KLOE result • e+e− : • Δaμ = 23.9 (7.2had,lo)(3.5lbl)(6exp) × 10-10 (2.4 σ) • : Δaμ = 7.6 (5.8had,lo)(3.5lbl)(6exp) × 10-10 (0.9 σ) F. Nguyen at DAФNE 2004
particularly supersymmetric particles Beyond standard model • compositeness for leptons or gauge bosons. • extra dimensions, or extra particles,
Conclusions • Measurement of a−=11 659 214 (8)(3)×10-10(0.7 ppm) • a− anda+ agree with each other as expected by CPT • The combined result a=11 659 208(6) ×10-10(0.5 ppm) • a(exp)−a(SM) is 2.4σ (e+e−) or 0.9σ () • The discrepancy between e+e− and data is confirmed by • KLOE • Upgraded muon g-2 experiment is expected to reduce the • experimental error to 0.2 ppm. • Efforts on solving discrepancy between e+e−and , and • attempts to calculate a(had) from lattice QCD