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Cloud Storage Are businesses too vulnerable to hackers?

Cloud Storage Are businesses too vulnerable to hackers? . Shelby Queal. Social & Ethical Concerns : Security.

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Cloud Storage Are businesses too vulnerable to hackers?

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  1. Cloud StorageAre businesses too vulnerable to hackers? Shelby Queal

  2. Social & Ethical Concerns: Security “Hackers are spending substantial time and effort looking for ways to penetrate the cloud. Hackers can theoretically gain control of huge stores of information through a single attack--- a process called “hyper-jacking.”- Eugene Schultz, chief technology officer at Emagined Security

  3. Stakeholders: Businesses “As hackers continue their rampage against the world’s largest banks, contractors and technology companies, executives and government officials are confronting a sobering truth: The bad guys are winning.”-David Sarno &Salvador Rodriguez, Los Angeles Times

  4. What is Cloud Storage?: http://www.commoncraft.com/video/cloud-computing

  5. The Impact of the Social/Ethical Issues on Stakeholders : Businesses Availability- A reliable and secure internet connection is critical to use could storage servers. Privacy- Service providers have access to all of the information and content being stored. Legal issues- Questions raised over who owns the files uploaded to the service.

  6. The Impact of the Social/Ethical Issues on Stakeholders : Service Providers Security- being relied on to protect information and are responsible for any issues that come up regarding hackers or loss of informationAvailability- must be able to provide regular and predictable access to the client’s data and applications

  7. Advantages of Cloud Storage: Cost Savings- no need to pay for server equipment, or for unused resourcesMobility- access to data anywhere with internet connectionDisaster Recovery- all information is backed up on multiple servers, ensuring data will not be lost. Scalability- never ending storageLoad balancing- Multiple servers, multiple locations. Reduces traffic and can ensure speedy access. Ease of Use- no need to manually back up data or syncing it to multiple devices. Also, very organized. Security- Most providers employ complex encryption codes that makes hacking codes nearly impossible.

  8. Solution to Social/ Ethical Issue: Security Binding Contract between Service Provider and Business-Know your requirements-Read through Agreement-Long term over short term gains-Analyze provider history-Security processes-Hold them to their responsibilities & make them accountable

  9. Sources *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing_security*http://www.cloudstorage.org.uk/*http://www.yescloudcomputing.com/cloud-storage/*http://www.commoncraft.com/video/cloud-computing*Los Angeles Times Article*CBS News Article

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