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Determination of G ood E nvironmental Status : Slovenian Experiences.
Determination of Good Environmental Status: Slovenian Experiences Martina ORLANDO-BONACA, Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Alenka Malej, Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Andreja Ramšak, Milijan Šiško, Tjaša Kogovšek, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Oliver Bajt, Nives Kovač & Vlado Malačič National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station, Fornace 41, SI-6330 Piran e-mail:orlando@mbss.org
D1 Biodiversity Turk & & Vukovič (1998) Lipej etal. (2000) Falace etal., in preparation Criteria 1.1 -1.2: Species distribution & Populationsize Posidoniaoceanica Seagrasses, Bottlenose dolphin, Loggerhead turtle, Marine birds, Noble pen shell, Mediterranean stony coral Genov (2011) Škornik (1983, 1985, 2009, 2011) Lazar etal. (2003) Cymodoceanodosa
D1 Biodiversity Littoral rock -> Biocoenoses of the upper and of the lower mediolittoral rocks Decreasing habitat extention, as a consequence of human-induced modifications of the coast Criteria 1.4 – 1.6: Habitat distribution, extent & condition Biocoenosis of the photophilic algae (AP) Stable extent Biocoenosis of muddy detritic bottom – predominating biocoenosis in the Northern Adriatic. Stable extent Lipej etal. (2006) Orlando-Bonaca etal. (2011)
D4 Foodwebs Criterion 4.3: Abundance/distribution of key trophic groups/species Kogovšek etal. (2010) Zooplankton biomass (dw mg/m3) in the Gulf of Trieste during 1991 – 2011. Red line = 90-percentile of values measured during the reference period (1971 – 1981). Wavelet anaysis of the occurrence of jellyfish. The increasing presence of jellyfish in the last 10 years could not be correlated with eutrophication, since there is an evident opposite trend in the North Adriatic (Mozetič et al., 2012)
Benthicmacroalgae D6 Seafloorintegrity Criterion 6.2: Condition of benthic community Cymodoceanodosa Benthicinvertebrates Orlando-Bonaca etal. (2011) Orlando-Bonaca etal. (2008) Mavrič etal. (2010)
D2 Non-indigenousspecies Criterion 2.1: Abundance and state characterisation • min. 17 species • no monitoring • poordata Terapontheraps Mnemiopsisleidyi Crassostreagigas Codiumfragilefragile Bursatellaleachii
D5 Eutrophication Criteria 5.1: Nutrients levels 5.2: Direct effects of nutrient enrichment 5.3: Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment Spatial relevance of indicators: TWO GROUPS near-shore belt: macroalgae and seagrasses, nutrients open waters: bottom oxygen, nutrients, phytoplankton indices (and water transparency)
D7 Hydrographical conditions Criteria 7.1 – 7.2: Spatial characterisation of permanent alterations& Impacts Only one area with permanent changes of larger dimensions-> the inner part of the Bay of Koper (~4 km2 water surface). Construction of major hydrographic barriers in the Slovenian coastal area would likely cause only local changes. Impacts on benthic habitats is not known
D8 Concentrations of contaminants Criteria 8.1 – 8.2: Concentration of contaminants & Effects PAHs in farmed mussels Sea water – occasionally exceeded maximum allowed and annual average concentrations of TBT -> recent decreasing trend. Sediments and tissues of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) – decreasing trend of some hydrocarbons (PAH). D9 Contaminants in fish and other seafood Criterion 9.1:Levels, number and frequency of contaminants Concentrations of hydrocarbons (aliphatic and aromatic) and heavy metals (Cd, Hg) in some species of mussels, fish and shrimps are below the set thresholds.
Shortcomings • Data exist mainly for near-shore areas; • Incomplete assessment for some relevant elements, due to lack of long-term series; • Non-existing evaluation of cross-border pressures and impacts; • Lack of international cooperation for the GEnS determination and for the establishment of Environmental Targets. Actions • Urgent need for experts meetings within the Sub-Region; • Common assessment of the status of many relevant elements within the Sub-Region (or at least within the North Adriatic); • Development, application and testing of methodologies establishment of monitoring programmes in 2014. Possible projects • Evaluation of the EnS of biological elements that have a wide area of distribution; • Common assessment of status and impacts of non-indigenous species; • Creation of observatory systems within the Sub-Region.
Thank you for your attention Special thanks to: Institute for Water of the RS; Ministry of agriculture and environment of the RS; Agency for Environment of the RS; Morigenos; Sečovlje Salina Natural Park; EU FP7 project Perseus; Dr. Annalisa Falace; Dr. Sotiris Orfanidis; Nicola Bettoso; Dr. Bojan Lazar; Iztok Škornik; Valter Žiža