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House Church Planting Across North America. Understanding “Houses That Change The World” What is happening around the world? What is happening in the United States: Where is this all leading?.
House Church Planting Across North America Understanding “Houses That Change The World” What is happening around the world? What is happening in the United States: Where is this all leading?
“Look at the nations and watch,and be utterly amazed.For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe…Write the vision down, make it plainSo that those who see it may run”Habakkuk 1:5 and 2:2-3
Ralph Winter, US Center for World Mission • “The house church phenomenon could be revolutionary. It just may be that the most valuable gift missions can give back to the American church is a renewed sense of the family as God intended it to be." From latest edition Frontier Missions
“Church As We Know It Is Over!”Don Nori, Jan 3, 2005 • The charismatics, the Pentecostals and the revivalists are all crowding at the river Jordan. The Holy Spirit is urging, calling, leading them to cross, but few have the faith to cross because few have the faith to risk what they have built. Maybe that is the problem…we have built it and it is OURS. But those who do not cross the river do not change the world. • “Church as we know it is over! He is about to wrestle control of His own church from the carnal hands of insecure, angry, controlling and legalistic men and women, build His own church, just as He promised he would. • “Church as we know it is passing away…we have asked for wealth, when He wanted to give us nations.”
George Barna-Revolution! • Chapter 4-final paragraph, “The Revolution is about recognizing that we are not called to go to church. We are called to be the Church.
Liquid Church • Contrast is with Solid Church • Liquid will • Flow wherever it can • Seep into all of the cracks • Impact in every area that we touch • The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ! Rev. 11:15
Current Evidence of a New Move of God • Gatherings such as this one! • Luke 10:2b Virus • Recent “Bill Bright Initiative” in Orlando • The people God brings to our door! • Meeting two months ago with major foundation • Offer from Orlando mega-church to help • Luke 10 course on-line and strategy for multiplication • Amazing growth of new house church networks • Greenhouse • Multiple others all over the country
Marketplace • “Today, a spiritual revival is sweeping across Corporate America as people of all stripes are mixing mysticism into their management, importing into office corridors the lessons usually dolled out in churches, temples, and mosques. Gone is the old taboo against talking about God at work. BusinessWeek Magazine, November 1999 • “Ten years ago we could identity only 25 national or international workplace ministries; today we can identify more than 900.” Mike McLoughlin, YWAM Marketplace Mission Source: Os Hillman, International Coalition of Workplace Ministries, www.icwm.net
Building blocks of Life - DNA • Divine Truth • Nurturing Relationships • Apostolic Mission
Goals - STD • Simple • Teaching/Preaching/Bible study • Prayer • Evangelism • Worship and Praise • Transferable • Lower the bar on leadership – raise the bar on being a disciple! • Duplicatable • Make the same choice as Jesus to focus on the small, the few. • ONLY do what you see “the Father doing.” John 5:19
Where Do We Go From Here • New wine has always needed new wineskins! • Leadership is influence – John Maxwell • Where is our influence going • Are we counter cultural • How are we viewed by the religious establishment