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A reading exercise focusing on identifying and correcting environmental issues in English text, promoting grammar usage and language skills.
ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0434 NÁZEV PROJEKTU: Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald ČÍSLO ŠABLONY: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT AUTOR: Zora Pavlištová TEMATICKÁ OBLAST: Anglický jazyk NÁZEV DUMu: Opravování chyb 2 POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: 17 KÓD DUMu: ZP_AJ4.R_17 DATUM TVORBY: 28.8.2013 ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): DUM procvičuje používání správných gramatických tvarů a správných slov při čtení krátkých textů. Tím DUM pomáhá uvědomovat si, pamatovat si a uplatňovat gramatická pravidla i pravidla používání správných slov nejen při čtení, ale následně i v mluveném projevu. METODICKÝ POKYN: Na prvním snímku cvičení je celý text obsahující 20 chyb. Studenti čtou text po jednotlivých větách a snaží se každou větu přečíst správě. Snímky jsou časovány v intervalu 10 vteřin. Po této době se na dalším snímku objeví věta opravená s tučně vytištěným správným tvarem/slovem. Na předposledním snímku je chybný text se zvýrazněnými nesprávnými výrazy (možné použít jako písemné cvičení) a na posledním jsou tyto výrazy už opravené opět zvýrazněné.
Readthe text one sentence afteranother. There are 15 mistakes in it, mostlyonemistake in each sentence, but there are a coupleofsentenceswith 2 mistakes. Youhave 10 seconds to findthemistake(s) and readthe sentence correctly.
TheEarthissufferingfrom much environmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingan air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losttheir natural habitats. Somethingneed to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingan air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losttheir natural habitats. Somethingneed to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losttheir natural habitats. Somethingneed to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneed to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbe use to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbeused to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbeused to make newproducts. Ifthiswere done, thentherewouldalsobelesswaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbeused to make newproducts. Ifthiswere done, thentherewouldalsobelesswaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecando to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbeused to make newproducts. Ifthiswere done, thentherewouldalsobelesswaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecando to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a betterplace foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommuchenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingan air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losttheir natural habitats. Somethingneed to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cutdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose they natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbeen to use alternativeformsofenergy, such likewindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducedpollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and anothercontainers. These materialscouldbeuse to make newproducts. Ifthisis done, thentherewouldalsobefewerwaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecandoing to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a more better place foreveryone.
TheEarthissufferingfrommanyenvironmentalproblems. Pollutionisdamagingthe air webreathe and ourseas and rivers. TheEarth´sresources are runningout and many animals and birds are losingtheir natural habitats. Somethingneeds to be done about these problemsbeforeitistoolate. Firstly, weshould stop cuttingdowntrees. Thiswouldmeanthatbirds and animalswould not lose their natural habitats. Anothergood idea wouldbe to use alternativeformsofenergy, such aswindpower and hydroelectricity. By doingthis, wewouldreducepollution and help to preservetheEarth´s natural resources. Finally, effortsshouldbe made to recyclepaper, aluminium cans and othercontainers. These materialscouldbeused to make newproducts. Ifthiswere done, thentherewouldalsobelesswaste and litterwouldbereduced. There are many thingsthatwecando to helpsolvetheworld´senvironmentalproblems. Ifwealldidour bit, wecould make theworld a better place foreveryone.
Zdroje: vlastní práce autora