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…. Heaven. Heaven is NOT your home, or future dwelling place!!. Rev 21:1 And I saw a renewed ( G2537
…..... Heaven
Heaven is NOT your home, or future dwelling place!!
Rev 21:1 And I saw a renewed (G2537 καινος) heaven and a renewed earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, Yoḥanan, saw the set-apart city, renewed Yerushalayim, coming down out of the heaven from Elohim, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the heaven saying, “See, the Booth of Elohim is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and Elohim Himself shall be with them and be their Elohim.
Rev 21:4 “And Elohim shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying. And there shall be no more pain, for the former matters have passed away.” (The Scriptures 1998+)
I'm kind of homesick for a country To which I've never, never been before No sad goodbyes up there (???) will be spoken Time won't matter anymore Beulah Land, I'm longing for you And some day on thee I'll stand And there my home shall be eternal Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land I'm looking out across the river To where my faith is gonna end in sight There's just a few, few more days We're all gonna have to labor Then I'm gonna take my heavenly flight (???)
Isa 62:4 (Speaking of Jerusalem) Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.
According to Scripture, Beulah Land IS Israel!
Scripture also says: Psa 115:16 The heavens are the heavens of יהוה; But He has given the earth to the children of men.
Plan from the beginning was a place where To could interact and dwell with His people. • Eden, all very good. • Man sinned • Progress of Redemption (Redeeming) • All Creation groans... Rom. 8:18-23 • Goal: New Heaven and New Earth with...
And I heard a loud voice from the heaven saying, “See, the Booth of Elohim is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and Elohim Himself shall be with them and be their Elohim.
Joh 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. “But the hireling, and not being a shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them. “Now the hireling flees because he is a hireling and is not concerned about the sheep.“I am the good shepherd.1 And I know Mine, and Mine know Me, Footnote: 1Ezek. 34:11-12, Heb. 13:20, 1 Peter 2:25, 1 Peter 5:4.even as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep. “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold – I have to bring them as well, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one shepherd.1Footnote: 1Ezek. 34:23, Ezek. 37:2
Act 1:6 So when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Master, would You at this time restore the reign (Kingdom) to Yisra’ĕl?”1Footnote: 1Lk. 1:33. And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. “But you shall receive power when the Set-apart Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Yerushalayim, and in all Yehuḏah and Shomeron, and to the end of the earth.”
Luk 1:32 “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. And יהוה Elohim shall give Him the throne of His father Dawid. “And He shall reign over the house of Yaʽaqoḇ forever, and there shall be no end to His reign.”1Footnote: 1Verses 32 and 33 confirm the prophecies Ps. 2, Ps. 89:14-34, Isa. 9:7, Isa. 16:5, Jer. 23:3-6, Jer. 30:9, Ezek. 37:24, Dan. 2:44, Dan. 7:18-27, Mic. 5:2-4, Acts 1:6-7, Rev. 11:15. Luk 1:34 And Miryam said to the messenger, “How shall this be, since I do not know a man?”
Amo 9:11 “In that day I shall raise up the booth of Dawiḏ which has fallen down. And I shall repair its breaches and raise up its ruins. And I shall build it as in the days of old, Amo 9:12 so that they possess the remnant of Eḏom1, and all the gentiles on whom My Name is called2,” declares יהוה who does this. Footnotes: 1The vowels which the Massoretes added later on makes this read Edom, but it was probably a mistake. It should be Adam, meaning mankind. 2Acts 15:16-17.
Eze 37:24 while Dawiḏ My servant is sovereign over them. And they shall all have one shepherd and walk in My right-rulings and guard My laws (mishpatim), and shall do them. “And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Yaʽaqoḇ My servant, where your fathers dwelt. And they shall dwell in it, they and their children and their children’s children, forever, and My servant Dawid ̱ be their prince forever.
Eze 37:26 “And I shall make a covenant of peace with them – an everlasting covenant it is with them. And I shall place them and increase them, and shall place My set-apart place in their midst, forever. “And My Dwelling Place shall be over them. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. “And the gentiles shall know that I, יהוה, am setting Yisra’ĕl apart, when My set-apart place is in their midst – forever.”’”
IF The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Holy One of Israel, The Good Shepherd, The Son of David Is your Messiah and King, THEN,
Heaven is NOT your home...
Kingdom Israel, IN Israel is your home.