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Information day

Ambient Assisted Living for the ageing society Call 6 strategic objective 2.6.2 Frans de Bruïne  Director ICT for Citizens and Business. Information day. 375 registration 1/3 Academia (Universities, polytechnics,..) 1/6 Research institutions

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Information day

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  1. Ambient Assisted Living for the ageing societyCall 6 strategic objective 2.6.2Frans de Bruïne DirectorICT for Citizens and Business

  2. Information day • 375 registration • 1/3 Academia (Universities, polytechnics,..) • 1/6 Research institutions • 1/4 Private sector (Multinationals and SMEs from ICT and other related sectors) • 1/6 Public sector (liaison offices, municipalities, hospitals) • Some user organizations! • 75 presentations • 70% outline project proposals • 30% interested organizations

  3. ICT for an ageing society Active Independent Assisted • Support to Daily activities • Increase independence and autonomy “at home” (Assistive technology, smart homes, warning systems,…) • Participation in society and mobility • Communication, access to education, leisure,… • Healthcare • Social care • Informal care Integrated care Interoperability

  4. Market study ICT and older persons • 40% of the EU 50+ population have ever used a PC, i.e. overall 49 m people with hands-on experience (20% of those who are in their 70ies and 10% of the 80+) • 61 % have used or are interested in Internet applications: overall 74 m potential customers for online services • but independent whether user or non-user • about 50% (59 m) see their interests in adequate design not being considered by IST manufacturers • more than 70% (88 m) perceive these technologies as being nearly always connected with young people in the media

  5. i2010: Three priorities • A single European Information Space • Promoting an open and competitive internal market for information society and media • Innovation and investment in research • Strengthening ICT research to promote growth as well as more and better jobs • Inclusion, better public services and quality of life • Achieve an Inclusive European Information Society that promotes growth and jobs in a manner that is consistent with sustainable development and that prioritises better public services and quality of life

  6. I2010 and eInclusion • Propose a European Initiative on e-Inclusion (2008). • Issue guidance on eAccessibility and broadband coverage (2005). • Adopt an Action Plan on e-Government and strategic orientations on ICT-enabled public services (2006). • Launch demonstrator projects to test, at an operational scale, technological, legal and organisational solutions to bringing public services on-line (2007). • ‘quality of life’ : 3 key social challenges & 3 ICT flagship initiatives as initial steps (2007). • the needs of the ageing society “Caring for people in an ageing society” (technologies for wellbeing, independent living and health) • safe and clean transport Intelligent car • cultural diversity Digital libraries

  7. AAL in Call 6RTD contribution to policy • Policy level • European dimension • Support to Flagship on “ICT for independent living” • Constituency building for RTD (FP7)and Deployment • Possible Contributions to Flagship e.g. • RTD results • Studies • examples of best practices • workshops • mobilisation of actors • awareness raising • …

  8. Units involved: • C2 – Strategy for ICT Research and Development • Peter Wintlev-Jensen • D1 – Communication technologies • Pertti Jauhiainen • D2 – Networked Audiovisual Systems • Thierry Brefort • G2 – Micro- and Nanosystems • Thomas Sommer • G3 –Embedded Systems • Rolf Riemenschneideider • H1 – ICT for Health • Silas Olsson & Rainer Guenzler • H3 – eInclusion • Ima Placencia & Katja Balucka

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