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Outcats spirit

Explore the concept of outcast spirit in dealing with fear, turning it into action instead of freezing, challenging social norms. Analyze fear in social movements, consequences of emotions, and societal transformations.

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Outcats spirit

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  1. Outcats spirit António Pedro Dores http://iscte.pt/~apad ESA - Lisboa, Septembre 2009

  2. Fear emotion • Fear is known as a freezing emotion • Jack Barbalet stress: a) fear can be a startle emotion b) fear is not only felt by low classes

  3. Greek uprising Dec 2008 • When police kill someone it meant to freeze “criminals” and/or “poor people” • Institutions claim often they cannot punish police killing because “it is their work to use force” – to produce social fear • Social prestige of greek police is bad • Political support to police is not published

  4. Outcast • “No fear”/”ignition effect” turn frigth into startle. Some times the fear produced by police must be reinforced by judicial or political decisons condemning popular reations (as much as vice-versa) • Those who learn (as social practice) to oppose police (and political and judicial) decisons concerning violence feel and live as outcast

  5. Outcast spirit • Outcast spirit means to deal with fear in a special manner – developing the emotion into action, instead of freezing: • Durkheim “criminal” social creativity • Reversing submission consequences of fear described by Barbalet – changing institutions (social movements)

  6. The end

  7. Emotions consequences • Fear of the consequences of social secret revelation (inmigration and justice study). Is it fear or is it (criminal) rational calculus? • Sarkozy Paris riots, November 2005. Was it social fear (of internal terrorism) or was it political calculus?

  8. Emotions sequences • Fear: frighten or startle? Outcast or upperclass? • Greek uprising December 2008 case 1. frighten the police and the governament 2. startle youth and outcast politicians and population

  9. Social movement • Looking for social transformations or looking for revival of labor movements? • Should it need a rational, explicit and sucessful orientation or it is enough to join people feeling solidarity, regardless the long term consequences?

  10. Social individuals • Individual social movements (mood changes and social reception) and social emotions (difusion and tuning) • Irreversability of human lives and reversability of social changes

  11. Social instability • Natural individual and social instability • The outcast function – the resistence • The outcast culture – the history • The outcast path – the path for change • The subversion of fear: when it startle who is supposed to be frighten and frighten who is supposed to be startle

  12. The globalization of the subversion of fear • Financial crisis and social consequences (the fear of the powerful) • Frighten of powerful classes and the startle of outcast • The experience of the emergence of the “society” (the positive feeling of fear, the oportunity to develop social individualism) depends on the situation of social structure

  13. The end

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