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Your Project Brief!

Explore various media types for promotions, analyze successful campaigns, and evaluate media choices. Enhance creativity and reasoning skills in designing effective promotional strategies. Assess moral and legal implications of media selection in business. Learn to identify, explain, and evaluate creative media in promotions.

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Your Project Brief!

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  1. Your Project Brief!

  2. UNIT TITLE:Unit 9: Creative Product Promotion LESSON TITLE:Different Types of Media CRITERIA: P4 COMPETENCY FOCUS: Creativity:learners will develop skills in creativity and design by firstly looking at how promotion is used in business to help them to reach their goals and secondly, to design their own promotional campaign responding to a creative brief from the client. Reasoning:Learners will develop skills in reasoning as after providing advantages and disadvantages for the use of the promotional mix, you will be required to make a reasoned judgment. Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, you should be able to… LO1) To identify the different creative media that can be used in a promotional campaign (Gui) LO2) To explain how different creative media can be used to promote an organisation’s products/services (Reg) LO3) To evaluate the use of different medias used in a promotional campaign using a balanced argument and reasoned judgments (Reg-Str) CRITICAL THINKING KEY: Knowledge ApplicationAnalysis Evaluation SMSC: You will assess the different types of media available to a business and the moral and legal implications of this.

  3. Different Types of Media Types of media that can be used in a promotional campaign

  4. Now explain why you think each one might be used by the business… Justify why you think it could be successful?

  5. For your organisation, choose a successful promotional campaign that is currently in the media. In a short report, describe the campaign and explain the possible reasons behind the choice of media. Why do you think it is successful?

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