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This study explores the potential significance of H3+ in stars with extremely low metallicities. It examines the conditions under which H3+ may affect stellar evolution and provides insights into the chemical elements present in the early universe. The analysis includes population III equation of state, monochromatic opacity, and model atmospheres.
The role of H3+ in extremely metal deficient stars. Gregory J. Harris University College London, UK.
Introduction. • As we have seen, H3+ observed in many astrophysical environments. • Planets and the interstellar medium. • Not yet observed in stars. • Heavy elements (metals) ionise at low T. • H3+ destroyed by electrons. • H3+ does not form in solar metallicity stars. • Extensive surveys leading to the discovery of many extremely metal poor stars [Fe/H] < -3. • Current record Frebel et al (2005) [Fe/H] ~ -5.4 • [C/H] ~ -2.0 • Ages of these stars approach the age of the Universe. • Kinematics of Halo objects. • May be first generation (population III) stars. • Or second generation (population II.5). • Could H3+ be important in stars with extremely low metallicities? HE 0107-5240 Second most iron poor star [Fe/H] ~ -5.2 Christlieb et al. (2002) The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
The chemical elements in the early Universe. • According to big bang theory • Universe consisted of H & He with trace quantities of Li and Be. • Heavy elements produced by stars. • Li/H = (4.15 +/- 0.5)x10-10 (Coc et al. 2004). • WMAP and theory • Li/H = (1.2 +/- 0.5)x10-10 (Ryan et al. 2000). • observation of halo stars. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Population III equation of state. • Accounts for: • e-, H2, H, H+, H-, H2+, H2-, H3+, He, He+, HeH+, Li, Li+, LiH, LiH+. • Based upon the Saha equation. • Thermodynamic equilibrium • Convenient to use ratios relative to neutral atomic species. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Dominant positive ions for Population III gas. N (cm-3) 10-7 g cm-3 H3+: Lenzuni et al. (1991) Li: Mayer & Duschl (2005) 10-5 g cm-3 The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
15 element EoS. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Abundance of metals and H3+ The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Monochromatic Opacity. • Low metallicity opacity subroutine. • Uses number densities of each species calculated by EoS. • Continuous absorption: • Bound-free: H, H-, He, He+, H2+ • Free-free H, H-, He, He-, He+, H2-, H2+ • Collision induced: H2-He, H2-H2, H-He • Scattering: • Rayleigh scattering: H2, H, He. • Thomson scattering: e- • Line opacity: • H, H3+, H2O, HCN, CO, CN, CO, TiO, OH, NH, FeH. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Population III continuous opacities The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
H3+ line opacity. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Model atmospheres. • Up to 3 fold increase in opacity, due to H3+. • Will affect model atmospheres. • Saumon et al. (1994) • Updated MARCS (Gustafsson et al. 1975) • A 1D plane parallel, cool stellar atmosphere code. • Uses mixing length theory of convection. • Updated opacity and equation of state subroutines. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Atmospheric structure, as a function of metallicity. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Synthetic stellar spectra. H3+ lines might be detectable. • 2.0-2.3 microns. • Requires the right target star! • Dwarf stars: H3+ lines obscured by CIA. Tef =3750 K Log g = 1.0 [Z/H]=-3 The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Stellar evolution. • As hydrogen (and other elements) fuses and depletes the structure and observable properties of stars change. • Virtually all energy generated by the star escapes through its atmosphere (photosphere). • Does H3+ affect stellar low metallicity stellar evolution? • CESAM, (P. Morel 1997). • A 1 D, low and intermediate mass stellar evolution code.. • Grey model atmosphere. • Opacity independent of frequency. • Rosseland mean opacity. • Quick to solve. • Updated to include new EoS and Opacity. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Low mass population III evolution. H3+ important in the evolution of extremely low mass stars (0.4 Msol) The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Non-grey stellar evolution. • Opacity is non-grey, a function of frequency! • Saumon et al. (1994), Baraffe et al. (1995;1997;1998) & Chabrier et al. (1997) • Conclude grey approximation invalid for Tef < 5000 K. • About 0.8 – 0.6 Msol depending upon metallicity. • Non-grey models have lower Tef and luminosity. • Lower temperature, more H3+! • NG-ELMS. • Combination of MARCS non-grey model atmosphere and CESAM stellar evolution codes. • Unique: computes model atmosphere at run-time. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Grey and non-grey evolutionary tracks (Z=10-5). 0.9 Msol 0.7 Msol The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Future work. • Computing a grid of low to zero metallicity evolution models. • These models will all us to re-assess the impact of H3+ on stellar evolution. • Grid of models will be used to fit and determine more accurate age of low metallicity stars (globular clusters). • New evolutionary timescales for the Galaxy? • New lower stellar age limit to the Universe? The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Conclusion. • H3+ is a vital electron donor in cool gasses of Z < 10-5. • Li important at lowest temperatures. • H3+ lines might be observable in giant stars with Z < 3x10-5, Tef < 3750 K. • Candidate star? • H3+ has a strong affect on the evolution of extremely low mass stars (<0.4 Msol). • Reducing Tef for and luminosity. • Grey approximation insufficient to model low mass, low metallicity stars of M< 0.9 Msol. The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.
Acknowledgements. • Jonathan Tennyson (UCL). • Tony Lynas-Gray (Oxford). • Steve Miller (UCL). • B. Gustafsson. & P. Morel. • UK Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council (PPARC). • You! The physics, chemistry and astronomy of H3+, London, UK.