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Building Things. Grade 3 Science. Word Smart. Design a brochure outlining the different building structures. Be sure to include: 1. The shape and why it is used. 2. The properties of that shape that make it a good building choice.
Building Things Grade 3 Science
Word Smart Design a brochure outlining the different building structures. Be sure to include: 1. The shape and why it is used. 2. The properties of that shape that make it a good building choice. 3. An example of this shape used in a building structure in our environment. 3 double periods
Word Smart Conduct an interview with an engineer or architect about building structures. Be sure your interview includes: • 6 questions that will identify what materials are best used for building; • what helps to make structures stronger; • what environmental factors need to be considered to build strong structures; • what kind of skills they need to be able to build structures. 2 double periods
Number Smart Research and find the height of the following buildings - Taj Mahal, White House, Great Pyramid of Giza, CN Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris), Roman Colesseum, Sydney Opera House, Eiffel Tower, Calgary Tower. Make a graph showing the building and height. Put them in order from tallest to shortest. 3 double periods
Number Smart Research the top 10 longest spanning bridges in the world. Make a graph showing the name of the bridge and the span. 3 double periods
Number Smart Look for symmetry in buildings. Show the line of symmetry in the six buildings you are showing and then create a structure and show the lines of symmetry. Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide or turn it. The "Line of Symmetry" (shown here in white) is the imaginary line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly. 2 double periods
Music Smart Build a musical instrument and be able to explain what structural features were important to know and think about in your design. Write or use Educreations to answer the following questions: Why did you choose the materials you did to build your instrument? Why did you choose the structure you did? How is the instrument played? If you are able to purchase an instrument like the one you built, what materials do these designers use to make the instrument and why do they choose these materials? Some websites you can look at include: http://www.pinterest.com/maestroclassics/homemade-musical-instruments/ http://www.learnvest.com/2013/08/6-d-i-y-musical-instruments-kids-can-make/?gallery=689#more_aint-0 http://www.mimf.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4 http://www.howcast.com/guides/841-How-to-Make-Musical-Instruments-for-Kids http://www.kinderart.com/teachers/9instruments.shtml http://mudcat.org/kids/ http://www.redtedart.com/2012/10/15/musical-instrument-crafts-for-kids/ 3 double periods
Music Smart Sing or rap a song about “fair tests”. Make sure your song includes what makes a fair test. 2 double periods
Picture Smart Using Lego Builder (http://www.publishyourdesign.com/design) create a model of a playground that is safe and stable. It must include: - beams - trusses - arches - pillars 3 double periods? Need help? Watch this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oONknx0jxs
Picture Smart Barrhead Elementary has raised money for a new playground. Create a diorama to illustrate plans for a new playground. You must have at least 6 structures in your plans. Your playground must be safe for kids aged K-6. The kids have requested a geodesic dome monkey bar set. 3 double periods
Picture Smart Paint, draw or create a silhouette of a city or town that has: - beams - trusses - arches - pillars 2 double periods
People & Word Smart Compose a tweet about one or more of the following: (write it on a speech bubble and submit it to your teacher) -What makes structures strong -What you know about fair tests -What you know about different materials for building -What you know about different design features -What you have done in your science centers -Questions you have about this topic one double period
People Smart Think about the role of an engineer. What characteristics are needed for him/her to do her job? Why are these skills necessary? Look at the following video clip and any resources that are in the classroom to present your information to class. You could use powerpoint, Prezi, etc to share your learning with others. Excite Project (ADLC) https://sns.vroc.ca/vportal/VideoPlayer.jsp?ccsid=C-6508f81d-2306-4153-a4a1-9789ee6c2920:2# 3 double periods
Nature Smart Take a walk outside and take images of different structural components both in nature and man made. Put your images in a presentation to share. Be sure to include a short description about the shape you notice. 3 double periods
Nature Smart Build a planter to grow one plant so that water will be able to drain from it. You choose the material that you feel would be strong enough to support a potted plant. Write or use Educreations to answer the following questions. Why did you choose the materials you did? What design structure did you choose? Why? How did you make it possible for water to drain from your planter? 2 double periods
Body Smart Design and construct a sturdy gift box. The box must open and close (either a flap or separate lid). Write or use Educreations to answer the questions: • Why did you choose the material you did? • How did you make it sturdy? • How did you choose to close your gift box and why did you choose that method? 1 or 2 double periods
Body Smart Build a tower that can stand on its own, is at least 50 cm tall and is strong enough to support 500 g mass on the top of the tower. or Build a table that is at least 10 cm tall and can support a kilogram mass on it’s top. 1 or 2 double periods
Self Smart On your Kidblog account write a blog about everything you know about building structures that are strong and stable. Include an image that goes with your information. Make sure your blog includes information on: -materials -shape -base -thickness When you are done your post, you can comment on other people blog entries. 1 or 2 double periods
Self Smart What does it take to build a strong group? How is a strong structure the same? Be sure to list at least 5 characteristics. You can choose how to present the information. Some ways to present could include: Powerpoint, prezi, poster, etc. 3 double periods