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Infrastructure and Technology that makes mHealth happen “Why isn’t there an app for that?”

Infrastructure and Technology that makes mHealth happen “Why isn’t there an app for that?”. Darren McKenna Director of Informatics Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. The mobile revolution The 3 C’s of mHealth Connected patients. Overview. Everyone is going mobile.

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Infrastructure and Technology that makes mHealth happen “Why isn’t there an app for that?”

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  1. Infrastructure and Technology that makes mHealth happen“Why isn’t there an app for that?” Darren McKenna Director of Informatics Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

  2. The mobile revolution The 3 C’s of mHealth Connected patients Overview

  3. Everyone is going mobile... 2013 64% of UK mobile owners have a smartphone By the end of 2014 it is estimated that this will rise to 74%.

  4. Everyone is going mobile...

  5. Everyone is going mobile...

  6. Everyone is going mobile... The PC is in decline. In2013 PC sales fell for thefifth quarter in a row, making it the "longest duration of decline" in history.

  7. ….except for the NHS… 50% Predominant Use is Email and Calendar Limited “Behind the Firewall” Access

  8. So what do we need to do to make mHealth happen? Connectivity Content Coverage

  9. mobile coverage 2013 http://maps.ofcom.org.uk/mobile-services/

  10. Health population >95% Indoor Coverage <60% http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/interactive/census-map-2-2---healthss/index.html

  11. Ageing population >95% Indoor Coverage <60% http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/interactive/census-map-2-2---healthss/index.html

  12. 4G “The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed” – William Gibson 4G benefits focus on speed – but coverage should also improve Ofcom has placed a coverage obligation on a licence acquired by O2, which requires the company to extend indoor 4G coverage to 98% of the UK population by 2017at the latest. This will mean coverage of more than 99% of the UK population when outdoors.

  13. 4G – Progress 2G 3G 4G http://www.o2.co.uk/4g/coverage-and-cities 14th March 2014 http://www.vodafone.co.uk/4g/ 14th March 2014 https://explore.ee.co.uk/coverage-checker 14th March 2014

  14. Connecting mobile health workers Majority of NHS line of business systems reside on N3 or locally hosted systems in Trusts. Mobile 3G/4G solutions connect directly to the Internet making “behind the firewall access” difficult to implement. Current VPN solutions are cumbersomeon mobile devices.

  15. Connecting mobile health workers N3 and the NHS need to embrace newer technologies to easily connect modern devices securely. “Enterprise Pack due Spring 2014” “Always on and BB10 Balance” MDM “Per app VPN” “Secure Containers”

  16. Content - Apps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AppleAppStoreStatistics.png

  17. Content - Apps http://www.marketingtechblog.com/infographic-mobile-apps/

  18. Content - apps Despite the explosion of apps there are a limited number of apps for UK healthcare systems.

  19. Connected patients mHealthis not just about health workers, its about patients too. Enter a health related search on Google Play and it will a number of apps… Can you tell which ones are accredited, or are high quality?

  20. Connected patients There is a NHS app website, but its not well populated http://apps.nhs.uk/#

  21. In summary • Mobile is here to stay and costs are falling – the NHS and Suppliers need mobile technology strategies. • Mobile coverage will only ever get better. • Probably the most challenging part is providing secure access to NHS systems - but solutions do exist. • Once the eco system exists – apps will be developed. • Don’t forget our patients use mobile technology too. Highlight and promote accredited apps.

  22. Hopefully at HC2015 more of our staff and patients will be able to say…“There’s now an app for that!”

  23. Thank you and Questions

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