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lateral sulcus

Postcentral sulcus. Precentral sulcus. Central sulcus. superior parietal gyrus. intraparietal sulcus. inferior parietal gyrus. parieto -occipital sulcus. postcentral gyrus. precentral gyrus. lateral sulcus. Superior temporal gyrus. Middle temporal gyrus.

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lateral sulcus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Postcentralsulcus Precentralsulcus Central sulcus superior parietal gyrus intraparietalsulcus inferior parietal gyrus parieto-occipital sulcus postcentralgyrus precentralgyrus lateral sulcus Superior temporal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus superior temporal sulcus Inferior temporal gyrus middle temporal sulcus

  2. callosalsulcus corpus callosum parieto-occipital sulcus Pre -Cuneus Cingulategyrus cingulatesulcus Cuneus calcarinesulcus

  3. fornix Occipital lobe Primary visual area Secondary visual area Septum pellucidum Cingulategyrus corpus callosum Cerebral aqueduct Third ventricle Fourth ventricle

  4. Primary motor cortex Primary somesthetic cortex Premotor area Prefrontal area Broca’s motor speech Primary auditory cortex Auditory association area

  5. Frontal lobe Partial lobe temporal lobe Occipital lobe

  6. Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract optic occulomotor trochlear trigemenal abducent Facial vestebuloccocular hypoglossal glossopharyengeal vagus accessory

  7. glossopharyengeal vagus accessory

  8. Cerebellum

  9. Vermis cerebellar tonsils

  10. median plane has a branched appearance, called the arbor vitae.

  11. superior surfaces inferior surfaces.

  12. Fourth ventricle Vermis

  13. diaphragmasellae Dura layer tentoriumcerebelli

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