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The human pathology Mike West

Steve Onyett. . Leadership and teamworking. Not personality or charisma

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The human pathology Mike West

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    1. Steve Onyett. �The human pathology� Mike West

    2. Steve Onyett. Leadership and teamworking Not personality or charisma �but in the higher order relationships between leaders and followers.. �an emergent social identity in which leaders and followers are creatively united� The success of leadership hinges on an ability to turn �me� and �you� into �us� and to define a social project that gives that sense of �us-ness� meaning and purpose� Haslam and Platow-2001

    3. Steve Onyett. Group identity and teamworking Effective leaders are seen to be �doing it for us�- affirming and advancing the in-groups position relative to salient out-groups

    4. Steve Onyett. Achievement of effective local leadership Evidence suggests that recognition and appreciation of professional distinctiveness can comfortably coexist with collaboration and cooperation in the achievement of a super-ordinate goal, so long as the goal is both salient and meaningful to those involved (Haslam et al., 2003).

    5. Steve Onyett. Teams and social identity Clear goals produce greater team identification But only if the team member�s own role in achieving those goals is unambiguous and differentiated from the role of others

    6. Steve Onyett. Teams and social identity "policies aimed at integrating rival groups should endeavour to preserve or even enhance the social identities of their members by allowing each group some recognisable part in any joint activity" Deschamps and Brown, 1983, p.194

    7. Steve Onyett. We have multiple identities Need a safe reflective space in which what it feels like to be a team, and how one�s other identifications complement or conflict with team membership can be explored.

    8. Steve Onyett. Attending to identity issues Remaining aware that the team forms part of a system and strong team identification may be fed by and reinforce the denigration of out groups such as management or other agencies. Often self defeating as dependent on that management for resources and supportOften self defeating as dependent on that management for resources and support

    9. Steve Onyett. Attending to identity issues The importance of cues for team identity- away days, a �living� operational policy Configuration of management roles that promote team cohesion and avoids role conflict through confused lines of accountability for particular responsibilities.

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