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Tree. tree = connected graph with no cycle tree = connected graph with |V|-1 edges tree = graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles. Tree. tree = connected graph with no cycle tree = connected graph with |V|-1 edges tree = graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles.
Tree tree = connected graph with no cycle tree = connected graph with |V|-1 edges tree = graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles
Tree tree = connected graph with no cycle tree = connected graph with |V|-1 edges tree = graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles no cycle vertex of degree 1 |V|-1 edges vertex of degree 1 connected no vertex of degree 0 (unless |V|=1)
no cycle vertex of degree 1 Supose not, i.e., all vertices of degree 2, yet no cycle. Let v1,...,vt be the longest path vt has 2-neighbors, one different from vt-1. Why cannot take v1,...,vt,u ? Cycle. Contradiction.
|V|-1 edges vertex of degree 1 Suppose all degrees 2. Then |E|=(1/2) deg(v) |V| Contradiction. Done. vV
connected no vertex of degree 0 (unless |V|=1)
Tree connected graph with no cycle connected graph with |V|-1 edges graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles no cycle vertex of degree 1 |V|-1 edges vertex of degree 1 connected no vertex of degree 0 (unless |V|=1)
connected graph with no cycle connected graph with |V|-1 edges Induction on |V|. Base case |V|=1. Let G be connected with no cycles. Then G has vertex v of degree 1. Let G’ = G – v. Then G’ is connected and has no cycle. By IH G’ has |V|-2 edges and hence G has |V|-1 edges.
connected graph with no cycle connected graph with |V|-1 edges Induction on |V|. Base case |V|=1. Let G be connected |V|-1 edges. Then G has vertex v of degree 1. Let G’ = G – v. Then G’ is connected and has |V’|-1 edges. By IH G’ has no cycle. Hence G has no cycle.
connected graph with no cycle connected graph with |V|-1 edges graph with |V|-1 edges and no cycles Assume |V|-1 edges and no cycles. Let |G1|,...,|Gk| be the connected components. Then |E_i| = |V_i| - 1, hence |E| = |V| - k. Thus k = 1.
Spanning trees How many spanning trees ?
Spanning trees How many spanning trees ? 4
Spanning trees How many spanning trees ?
Spanning trees How many spanning trees ? 8
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Kruskal’s algorithm 1) sort the edges by weight 2) add edges in order if they do not create cycle K = MST output by Kruskal T = optimal MST Is K = T ?
Kruskal’s algorithm 1) sort the edges by weight 2) add edges in order if they do not create cycle K = MST output by Kruskal T = optimal MST Is K = T ? no – e.g. if all edge-weights are the same many optima
Kruskal’s algorithm 1) sort the edges by weight 2) add edges in order if they do not create cycle K = MST output by Kruskal T = optimal MST Assume all edge weights are different. Then K=T. (In particular, unique optimum)
Kruskal’s algorithm 1) sort the edges by weight 2) add edges in order if they do not create cycle K = MST output by Kruskal T = optimal MST G connected, e in a cycle G-e connected
Kruskal’s algorithm K = MST output by Kruskal T = optimal MST G connected, e in a cycle G-e connected e the edge of the smallest weight in K-T. Consider T+e.
Kruskal’s algorithm e the edge of the smallest weight in K-T. Consider T+e. Case 1: all edgeweights in C smaller that we Case 2: one edgeweight in C larger that we
Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle Need to maintain components. Find-Set(u) Union(u,v)
Union-Find S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i Find-Set(u) return S[u] Union(u,v) a S[u] for i 1 to n do if S[i]=a then S[i] S[v]
Union-Find S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i Find-Set(u) return S[u] Union(u,v) a S[u] for i 1 to n do if S[i]=a then S[i] S[v] O(1) O(n)
Kruskal’s algorithm O(1) Find-Set(u) Union(u,v) O(n) • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Kruskal’s algorithm O(1) Find-Set(u) Union(u,v) O(n) O(E log E + V^2) • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Union-Find 2 S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i n=|V| Find-Set(u) while (S[u] u) do u S[u] S[u] Union(u,v) S[Find-Set(u)] Find-Set(v) v u
Union-Find 2 S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i n=|V| Find-Set(u) while (S[u] u) do u S[u] S[u] Union(u,v) S[Find-Set(u)] Find-Set(v) v u
Union-Find 2 S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i n=|V| Find-Set(u) while (S[u] u) do u S[u] S[u] Union(u,v) S[Find-Set(u)] Find-Set(v) O(n) O(n)
Union-Find 2 S[1..n] for i 1 to n do S[i] i n=|V| Find-Set(u) while (S[u] u) do u S[u] S[u] Union(u,v)u Find-Set(u); v Find-Set(v); if D[u]<D[v] then S[u] v if D[u]>D[v] then S[v] u if D[u]=D[v] then S[u] v; D[v]++ O(log n) O(log n)
Kruskal’s algorithm O(log n) Find-Set(u) Union(u,v) O(log n) • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Kruskal’s algorithm O(log n) Find-Set(u) Union(u,v) O(log n) O(E log E + (E+V)log V) • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Kruskal’s algorithm log E log V2 = 2 log V = O(log V) O((E+V) log V) O(E log E + (E+V)log V) • Kruskal’s algorithm • sort the edges by weight • add edges in order • if they do not create cycle
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees 4 3 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 6 2
Minimum weight spanning trees Prim’s algorithm 1) S {1} 2) add the cheapest edge {u,v} such that uS and vSC S S{v} (until S=V)
Minimum weight spanning trees 1) S {1} 2) add the cheapest edge {u,v} such that uS and vSC S S{v} (until S=V) P = MST output by Prim T = optimal MST Is P = T ? assume all the edgeweights different
Minimum weight spanning trees P = MST output by Prim T = optimal MST P = T assuming all the edgeweights different v1,v2,...,vn order added to S by Prim smallest i such that an edge e E connecting S={v1,...,vi} to SC different in T than in Prim (f)