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Chapter Topics. Chapter 16 discusses the following main topics: Introduction to Database Management Systems Tables, Rows, and Columns Introduction to the SQL SELECT Statement Inserting Rows Updating and Deleting Existing Rows Creating and Deleting Tables Creating a New Database with JDBC.
Chapter Topics Chapter 16 discusses the following main topics: • Introduction to Database Management Systems • Tables, Rows, and Columns • Introduction to the SQL SELECT Statement • Inserting Rows • Updating and Deleting Existing Rows • Creating and Deleting Tables • Creating a New Database with JDBC
Chapter Topics (2) • Scrollable Result Sets • Result Set Metadata • Displaying Query Results in a JTable • Relational Data • Advanced Topics
Introduction to Database Management Systems • Storing data in traditional text or binary files has its limits • well suited for applications that store only a small amount of data • not practical for applications that must store a large amount of data • simple operations become cumbersome and inefficient as data increases
Introduction to Database Management Systems • A database management system (DBMS) is software that is specifically designed to work with large amounts of data in an efficient and organized manner • Data is stored using the database management system • Applications written in Java or other languages communicate with the DBMS rather than manipulate the data directly • DBMS carries out instructions and sends the results back to the application
A Java Application Interacts with a DBMS, Which Manipulates Data The Application sends a command to the DBMS The Application displays the result to the user The DBMS executes the command on the Data The DBMS sends the result back to the Application
JDBC Provides Connectivity to the DBMS JDBC stands for Java database connectivity It is the technology that makes communication possible between the Java application and DBMS The Java API contains numerous JDBC classes that allow your Java applications to interact with a DBMS
SQL Sends Commands to the DBMS SQL stands for structured query language A standard language for working with database management systems Not used as a general programming language Consists of several key words, used to construct statements known as queries Statements or queries are strings passed from the application to the DBMS using API method calls Serve as instructions for the DBMS to carry out operations on its data
JDBC Needs a DBMS • To use JDBC to work with a database you will need a DBMS • Java DB • Oracle • Microsoft SQL Server • DB2 • MySQL • The examples in this chapter were created with Java DB
JDBC Classes • Java comes with a standard set of JDBC classes • java.sql and javax.sql • Using JDBC in a Java application requires the following steps • Get a connection to the database • Pass a string containing an SQL statement to the DBMS • If the SQL statement has results to send back, they will be sent back as a result set • When finished working with the database , close the connection
Getting a Database Connection DriverManager.getConnection(DatabaseURL); DriverManager.getConnection(DatabaseURL, Username, Password); • The static DriverManager.getConnection method is used to get a connection to the database • General format of the simplest version: • General format if a user name and a password are required: • Username is a string containing a valid username • Password is a string containing a password • DatabaseURL lists the protocol used to access the database
Getting a Database Connection protocol:subprotocol:databaseName jdbc:derby:CoffeeDB • DatabaseURLis a string known as a database URL • URL stands for uniform resource locator • A simple database URL has the following general format: • protocol is the database protocol • value is jdbc when using JDBC • subprotocol varies depending on the type of DBMS • value is derby when using Java DB • databaseName is the name of the database • Using Java DB, the URL for the CoffeeDB database is:
Getting a Database Connection Final String DB_URL = "jdbc:derby:CoffeeDB"; Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL); • The DriverManager.getConnection method • Searches for and loads a compatible JDBC driver for the database specified by the URL • Returns a reference to a Connection object • Should be saved in a variable, so it can be used later • Throws an SQLException if it fails to load a compatible JDBC driver • Example: TestConnection.java
Tables, Rows, and Columns • A database management system stores data in a database • A database is organized into one or more tables • Each table holds a collection of related data, organized into rows and columns • A row is a complete set of information about a single item, divided into columns • Each column is an individual piece of information about the item
Parts of the Coffee Database Table Each row contains data for a single item. Description Column ProdNum Column Price Column
Column Data Types • Columns in a database are assigned an SQL data type • SQL data types are generally compatible with Java data types
The Coffee Table Column Data Types • Description column data type is CHAR(25) • String with a fixed length of 25 characters • Compatible with the String type in Java • ProdNum column data type is CHAR(10) • String with a fixed length of 10 characters • Compatible with the String type in Java • Price column data type is DOUBLE • Double-precision floating-point number • Compatible with the double data type in Java
Primary Keys • A primary key is a column that holds a unique value for each row in a database table • In the Coffee table, ProdNum is the primary key • Each type of coffee has a unique product number • Used to identify any coffee stored in the table • A primary key can be the combination of several columns in a table
Introduction to the SQL SELECT Statement SELECT Columns FROM Table SELECT Description FROM Coffee SELECT Description, Price FROM Coffee SELECT * FROM Coffee • The SELECT statement is used to retrieve the rows in a table • Columns is one or more column names • Table is a table name • Example 1: • Example 2: • Multiple column names are separated with a comma • Example 3: • The * character can be used to retrieve all columns in the table
More About SQL Statements The following statements all work the same: SELECT * FROM Coffee SELECT * FROM Coffee select * from coffee • SQL statements are free form • tabs, new lines, and spaces between key words are ignored • SQL key words and table names are case insensitive • Example:
Passing an SQL Statement to the DBMS Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); String sqlStatement = "SELECT Description FROM Coffee"; ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStatement); • Once you have established a connection, you must get a reference to a Statement object before you can issue SQL statements to the DBMS • A Statement object has an executeQuery method that returns a reference to a ResultSet object • A ResultSet object contains the results of the query • Example:
Getting a Row from the ResultSet Object • A ResultSet object has an internal cursor • Points to a specific row in the ResultSet • The row to which it points is the current row • Initially positioned just before the first row • Can be moved from row to row to examine all rows
Getting a Row from the ResultSet Object result.next(); • A ResultSet object’s next method moves the cursor to the next row in the ResultSet • moves to first row in a newly created ResultSet • moves to the next row each time it is called
Getting a Row from the ResultSet Object while (result.next()) { // Process the current row. } • A ResultSet object’s next method returns a Boolean value • true if successfully moved to the next row • false if there are no more rows • A while loop can be used to move through all the rows of a newly created ResultSet
Getting Columns in a ResultSet Object System.out.println(result.getString(1)); System.out.println(result.getString(1)); System.out.println(result.getString(1)); System.out.println(result.getString("Description")); System.out.println(result.getString("ProdNum")); System.out.println(result.getDouble("Price")); Examples: ShowCoffeeDescriptions.java ShowDescriptionsAndPrices.java You use one of the ResultSet object’s “get” methods to retrieve the contents of a specific column in the current row. Can pass an argument for either the column number or the column name
Specifying Search Criteria with the WHEREclause SELECT Columns FROM Table WHERE Criteria SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Price > 12.00 • The WHERE clause can be used with the SELECT statement to specify a search criteria • Criteria is a conditional expression • Example: • Only the rows that meet the search criteria are returned in the result set • A result set is an object that contains the results of an SQL statement
SQL Relational Operators Example: CoffeeMinPrice.java • Standard SQL supports the following relational operators: • Notice a few SQL relational operators are different than in Java • SQL equal to operator is = • SQL not equal to operator is <>
String Comparisons in SQL SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description = 'French Roast Dark' SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description = 'french roast dark' SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE UPPER(Description) = 'FRENCH ROAST DARK' SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description ='Joe''s Special Blend' • Example 1: • In SQL, strings are enclosed in single quotes • Warning! • String comparisons in SQL are case sensitive • Example 2: • The UPPER()or LOWER()functions convert the string to uppercase or lowercase and can help prevent case sensitive errors when comparing strings • Example 3: • If a single quote (') is part of a string, use two single quotes ('')
Using the LIKE Operator SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description LIKE '%Decaf%' SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE ProdNum LIKE '2_-00_' SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description NOT LIKE '%Decaf%' • In SQL, the LIKE operator can be used to search for a substring • Example 1: • The % symbol is used as a wildcard for multiple characters • Example 2: • The underscore (_) is a used as a wildcard for a single character • Example 3: • The NOT operator is used to disqualify the search criteria
Using AND and OR SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Price > 10.00 AND Price < 14.00 SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Description LIKE '%Dark%' OR ProdNum LIKE '16%' • The AND and OR operators can be used to specify multiple search criteria in a WHERE clause • Example 1: • The AND operator requires that both search criteria be true • Example 2: • The OR operator requires that either search criteria be true
Sorting the Results of a SELECT Query SELECT * FROM Coffee ORDER BY Price SELECT * FROM Coffee WHERE Price > 9.95 ORDER BY Price DESC • Use the ORDER BYclause to sort results according to a column value • Example 1: • Sorted in ascending order (ASC) by default • Example 2: • Use the DESC operator to sort results in descending order
Mathematical Functions Example: CoffeeMath.java SELECT AVG(Price) FROM Coffee SELECT SUM(Price) FROM Coffee SELECT MIN(Price) FROM Coffee SELECT MAX(Price) FROM Coffee SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Coffee • The AVG function • calculates the average value in a particular column • The SUM function • calculates the sum of a column’s values • The MIN and MAX functions • calculate the minimum and maximum values found in a column • The COUNT function • can be used to determine the number of rows in a table
Inserting Rows INSERT INTO TableName VALUES (Value1, Value2, ...) INSERT INTO Coffee VALUES ('Honduran Dark', '22-001', 8.65) Description: Honduran Dark ProdNum: 22-001 Price: 8.65 • In SQL, the INSERT statement inserts a row into a table • TableName is the name of the database table • Value1, Value2, ... is a list of column values • Example: • Strings are enclosed in single quotes • Values appear in the same order as the columns in the table • Inserts a new row with the following column values:
Inserting Rows INSERT INTO TableName (ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ...) VALUES (Value1, Value2, ...) INSERT INTO Coffee (ProdNum, Price, Description) VALUES ('22-001', 8.65, 'Honduran Dark') • If column order is uncertain, the following general format can be used • ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... is a list of column names • Value1, Value2, ... is a list of corresponding column values • Example: • Keep in mind that primary key values must be unique • For example, a duplicate ProdNum is not allowed in the Coffee table
Inserting Rows with JDBC String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Coffee " + "(ProdNum, Price, Description)" + " VALUES " + "('22-001', 8.65, 'Honduran Dark')"; int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement); Example: CoffeeInserter.java • To issue an INSERT statement, you must get a reference to a Statement object • The Statement object has an executeUpdate method • Accepts a string containing the SQL INSERT statement as an argument • Returns an intvalue for the number of rows inserted • Example: • rows should contain the value 1, indicating that one row was inserted
Updating an Existing Row UPDATE Table SET Column = Value WHERE Criteria UPDATE Coffee SET Price = 9.95 WHERE Description = 'Galapagos Organic Medium' • In SQL, the UPDATE statement changes the contents of an existing row in a table • Tableis a table name • Columnis a column name • Valueis the value to store in the column • Criteriais a conditional expression • Example:
Updating More Than One Row UPDATE Coffee SET Price = 12.95 WHERE ProdNum LIKE '21%' UPDATE Coffee SET Price = 4.95 • It is possible to update more than one row • Example: • Updates the price of all rows where the product number begins with 21 • Warning! • Because this statement does not have a WHERE clause, it will change the price for every row
Updating Rows with JDBC String sqlStatement = "UPDATE Coffee " + "SET Price = 9.95" + " WHERE " + "Description = 'Brazilian Decaf'"; int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement); Example: CoffeePriceUpdater.java • To issue an UPDATE statement, you must get a reference to a Statement object • The Statement object has an executeUpdate method • Accepts a string containing the SQL UPDATE statement as an argument • Returns an intvalue for the number of rows affected • Example: • rows indicates the number of rows that were changed
Deleting Rows with the DELETE Statement DELETE FROM Table WHERE Criteria DELETE FROM Coffee WHERE ProdNum = '20-001' DELETE FROM Coffee WHERE Description LIKE 'Sumatra%' DELETE FROM Coffee • In SQL, the DELETE statement deletes one or more rows in a table • Table is the table name • Criteriais a conditional expression • Example 1: • Deletes a single row in the Coffee table where the product number is 20-001 • Example 2: • Deletes all rows in the Coffee table where the description begins with Sumatra • Warning! • Because this statement does not have a WHERE clause, it will delete every row in the Coffee table
Deleting Rows with JDBC String sqlStatement = "DELETE FROM Coffee " + "WHERE ProdNum = '20-001'"; int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement); Example: CoffeeDeleter.java • To issue a DELETE statement, you must get a reference to a Statement object • The Statement object has an executeUpdate method • Accepts a string containing the SQL DELETE statement as an argument • Returns an intvalue for the number of rows that were deleted • Example: • rows indicates the number of rows that were deleted
Creating Tables with the CREATE TABLE Statement CREATE TABLE TableName (ColumnName1 DataType1, ColumnName2 DataType2, ...) CREATE TABLE Customer ( Name CHAR(25), Address CHAR(25), City CHAR(12), State CHAR(2), Zip CHAR(5) ) • In SQL, the CREATE TABLE statement adds a new table to the database • TableName is the name of the table • ColumnName1is the name of the first column • DataType1 is the SQL data type for the first column • ColumnName2is the name of the second column • DataType2 is the SQL data type for the second column • Example: • Creates a new table named Customerwith the columns Name, Address, City, State, and Zip
Creating Tables with the CREATE TABLE Statement CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerNumber CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY Name CHAR(25), Address CHAR(25), City CHAR(12), State CHAR(2), Zip CHAR(5) ) • The PRIMARY KEY qualifier is used to specify a column as the primary key • The NOT NULL qualifier is used to specify that the column must contain a value for every row • Qualifiers should be listed after the column’s data type • Example: CreateCustomerTable.java • Creates a new table named Customerwith the columns CustomerNumber, which is the primary key, Name, Address, City, State, and Zip
Removing a Table with the DROP TABLE Statement DROP TABLE TableName DROP TABLE Customer • In SQL, the DROP TABLE statement deletes an existing table from the database • TableNameis the name of the table you wish to delete • Example: • Deletes the Customer table from the CoffeeDB database • Useful if you make a mistake creating a table • Simply delete the table and recreate
Creating a New Database with Java DB "jdbc:derby:EntertainmentDB;create=true" • The ;create=true attribute creates a new database when appended to the database URL • Creates an empty database named EntertainmentDB • The CREATETABLE statement can be used to create tables • Java DB creates a folder with the name of the database on your system • Delete the database folder to delete the database • Example: BuildEntertainmentDB.java
Scrollable Result Sets conn.createStatement(type, concur); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); • By default, a ResultSet object is created with a read-only concurrency level and the cursor is limited to forward movement • A scrollable result set can be created with the overloaded version the Connection object’s createStatement method • type is a constant for the scrolling type • concur is a constant for the concurrency level • Example: • Creates a scrollable result set that is read-only and insensitive to database changes
The ResultSet Scrolling Types • ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY • Default scrolling type • Cursor moves forward only • ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE • Cursor moves both forward and backward • Changes made to the database do not appear • ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE • Cursor moves both forward and backward • Changes made to the database appear as soon as they are made
The ResultSet Concurrency Levels • ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY • Default concurrency level • Read-only version of data from the database • Cannot change database by altering result set • ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATEABLE • Result set is updateable • Changes can be made to the result set and saved to the database • Uses methods that allow changes to be made to the database without issuing SQL statements
ResultSetNavigation Methods • first() • Moves the cursor to the first row • last() • Moves the cursor to the last row • next() • Moves the cursor to the next row • previous() • Moves the cursor to the previous row