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Johnnie B. Linn III Concord College Athens, WV. Reconciling Macroeconomic And Microeconomic Approaches To Lump Sum And Proportional Taxes That Collect The Same Revenue: An Interactive Spreadsheet Approach. The Problem. Keynesian equilibrium
Reconciling Macroeconomic And Microeconomic Approaches To Lump Sum And Proportional Taxes That Collect The Same Revenue: An Interactive Spreadsheet Approach
The Problem • Keynesian equilibrium • identical impact, leaving the economy with identical levels of employment and income A T Output
The Problem, Continued • Microeconomic theory of labor supply • a proportional tax reduces the opportunity cost of leisure (substitution effect) • a lump sum tax does not (no substitution effect) B S’ S C Labor Leisure
How do we Reconcile These? • Key: A change in worker productivity and a change in the work week • Why? To match output before and after a tax change • How? Change the capital/labor ratio
From Lump Sum to Proportional Tax • The amount of labor offered per worker decreases. • To maintain the same level of output, employers must increase the ratio of capital to labor. • This will raise the productivity of labor and raise its after-tax wage.
From Proportional to Lump Sum Tax • The households offer to work a greater number of hours per week • Too much output is produced compared to the increased amount of aggregate demand. • Employers therefore withdraw some capital from the production process, reducing the productivity of labor.
How Can the Macro-Micro Reconciliation Best be Taught? • Graphical Analysis • Keynesian Cross • Aggregate Labor Demand Function • Household Labor Supply Function • Spreadsheet Analysis • Aggregate Demand Schedule • Aggregate Labor Demand • Individual Labor Supply
Pros and Cons • Graphical Analysis • Well known • Good for partial equilibrium analysis • Difficult to integrate macro and micro levels • Spreadsheet Analysis • Spreadsheets not yet familiar to all • Less visual appeal • Easier to integrate macro and micro levels
Our Assumptions • Fixed technology (Cobb-Douglas labor-capital production function) • Labor’s and capital’s shares of total iIncome are invariant (75% Labor, 25% Capital) • For a given level of productivity, labor and capital are hired and laid off in the same proportion. • Workweek is the same for all employed households.
Assumptions, Continued • All households, whether employed or not, own equal shares of capital. • Capital is expressed in labor-equivalent units. • Each household owns 40 shares of capital. • Arguments of household’s utility function are leisure and income. • Marginal propensity to consume is imputed at macro level. • Marginal propensity to consume is constant.
Assumptions, Continued • No income effect in labor supply. • Proportional tax is levied on all income, earned and unearned.
A B C G OUTPUT D E LABOR F 1. Full Employment: The Keynesian Cross and the “Sailboat”
The Labor Utilization Curve (EB) • Slope of EB is the productivity of labor. • Productivity changes only if there is a change in the capital-labor ratio. • Point B is 100% employment of labor. B C G D E LABOR F
The Household Income Function (DCB) • CE and BF are always in fixed proportions, so DCB is always a straight line • Slope of DCB is the wage. • Utility Function is Tangent to CB at B. B C G D E LABOR F
A B P H C J M K OUTPUT D L E LABOR N HH. INCOME 2. Equilibrium at Less than Full Employment, No Taxes
The Aggregate Labor Demand Function (LKJ) • Reduction in aggregate demand from A to H results in reduction of labor demand from B to J. • Demand for capital (EL) is reduced in same proportion as demand for labor (EJ). A B H C J K OUTPUT D L E LABOR
The Household Labor Supply Function • Earnings of capital (EK) is divided equally among all households (NM). • Unemployed Households are at point M, employed households are at point P. B P C J M K E LABOR N HH. INCOME
3. Proportional and Lump Sum Taxes, Full Employment Case A B’ B T S’ S D R OUTPUT LABOR
Lump-Sum Tax:Spreadsheet Approach (Continued) • Full employment output is $1200 • Lump-sum tax of $100 is 8.33% of GDP • Workweek is 40 hours • There are 3 households each earning $400 before taxes. • Unearned income for each household: $100. • Earned income is 40 hours @ $7.50 or $300.
Lump-Sum to Proportional Tax:Spreadsheet Approach (Continued) • Equilibrium output is $1200. • Proportional Tax is 8.33% or $100 • The household labor market is not in equilibrium • The after-tax wage is $6.88. • Households offer to work 36.67 hours, or 8.33% less than before. • Employers still want a 40-hour workweek.
Lump-Sum to Proportional Tax: Employer Reaction • A 10% boost in output is needed to meet demand. • Part of this can be met by raising worker productivity. • Increased productivity means higher after-tax wage. • Higher after-tax wage will boost hours offered per week and meet remainder of output target.
Lump-Sum to Proportional Tax:Employer Reaction (Continued) • Try a 5% increase in productivity. • Productivity will be raised from 10.0 to 10.5 (part of this can be attained immediately because some surplus capital is initially available). • An eventual increase in the capital base from 120 to 139 will be needed. • Workers will be constrained to working more hours than they would like until the capital base is built up. • Split the Difference on the Workweek. • Midpoint of spread is 38.33 hours.
Result of First Iteration • The 5% productivity boost has overshot its target slightly. • The before-tax wage is $7.88. • The after-tax wage is $7.22. • The workweek desired by employers is 38.33 hours. • The workweek offered by labor is 38.50 hours, a .17 hour surplus. • The next iteration should be a small negative change in productivity and a small increase in the workweek.
Final Figures • Productivity is 10.44 • Before-tax wage is $7.83. • After-tax wage is $7.18. • Workweek is 38.3 hours. • Capital base is 137.
Proportional Tax to Lump-Sum Tax • Labor desires a workweek that is too long. • Employers will reduce the amount of capital applied to labor. • Lower productivity will reduce drag of too much output. • Lower wage will shorten workweek and eliminate remainder of drag on output. • Change can be rapid because there is surplus capital.
Reprise • Graphical Approach: • Compact. • Individual components can be studied in isolation. • Process is less transparent. • Spreadsheet Approach: • Less compact. • Process is more transparent.