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Chapter 52: Animal Behavior, Ethology, & Behavioral Ecology

Chapter 52: Animal Behavior, Ethology, & Behavioral Ecology. Figure 51.1 A courting pair of East Asian red-crowned cranes ( Grus japonicus ). Dorsal fin. Anal fin. Figure 51.2 A male African cichlid ( Neolamprologus tetracephalus ) with erect fins.

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Chapter 52: Animal Behavior, Ethology, & Behavioral Ecology

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  1. Chapter 52: Animal Behavior, Ethology, & Behavioral Ecology

  2. Figure 51.1 A courting pair of East Asian red-crowned cranes (Grus japonicus)

  3. Dorsal fin Anal fin Figure 51.2 A male African cichlid (Neolamprologus tetracephalus) with erect fins

  4. (a) A male three-spined stickleback fish shows its red underside. (b) The realistic model at the top, without a red underside, produces no aggressive response in a male three-spined stickleback fish. Theother models, with red undersides, produce strong responses. Figure 51.3 Sign stimuli in a classic fixed action pattern

  5. BEHAVIOR: A male stickleback fish attacks other male sticklebacks that invade its nesting territory. PROXIMATE CAUSE: The red belly of the intruding male acts as a sign stimulus that releases aggression in a male stickleback. ULTIMATE CAUSE: By chasing away other male sticklebacks, a male decreasesthe chance that eggs laid in his nesting territory will be fertilized by another male. Figure 51.4 Proximate and ultimate perspectives on aggressive behavior by male sticklebacks

  6. BEHAVIOR: Young geese follow and imprint on their mother. PROXIMATE CAUSE: During an early, critical developmental stage, the young geese observe their mother moving away from them and calling. ULTIMATE CAUSE: On average, geese that follow and imprint on their mother receive more care and learn necessary skills, and thus have a greater chance of surviving than those that do not follow their mother. Figure 51.5 Proximate and ultimate perspectives on imprinting in graylag geese

  7. Figure 51.6 Imprinting for conservation

  8. Moist site under leaf Dry open area (a) Kinesis increases the chance that a sow bug will encounter and stay in a moist environment. Direction of river current (b) Positive rheotaxis keeps trout facing into the current, the direction from which most food comes. Figure 51.7 A kinesis and a taxis

  9. Figure 51.8 Bird migration, a behavior that is largely under genetic control

  10. (a) Minnows are widely dispersed in an aquarium before an alarm substance is introduced. (b) Within seconds of the alarm substance being introduced, minnows aggregate near thebottom of the aquarium and reduce their movement. Figure 51.9 Minnows responding to the presence of an alarm substance

  11. EXPERIMENT William Etges raised a D.mojavensis population from Baja California and a D. mojavensis population from Sonora on three different culture media: artificial medium, agria cactus (the Baja host plant), and organ pipe cactus (the Sonoran host plant). From each culture medium, Etges collected 15 male and female Baja D. mojavensis pairs and 15 Sonoran pairs and observed the numbers of matings between males and females from the two populations. RESULTS When D. mojavensis had been raised on artificial medium, females from the Sonoran population showed a strong preference for Sonoran males (a). When D. mojavensis had been raised on cactus medium, the Sonoran females mated with Baja and Sonoran males in approximately equal frequency (b). With Baja males (a) 100 With Sonoran males 75 (b) Proportion of matings by Sonoran females 50 25 0 Agria cactus Artificial Organ pipe cactus Culture medium CONCLUSION The difference in mate selection shown by females that developed on different diets indicates that mate choice by females of Sonoran populations of D. mojavensis is strongly influenced by the dietary environment in which larvae develop. Figure 51.12 How does dietary environment affect mate choice by female Drosophila mojavensis?

  12. Table 51.1 Influence of Cross-Fostering on Male Mice

  13. A female digger wasp excavates and cares for four or five separate underground nests, flying to each nest daily with food for the single larva in the nest. To test his hypothesis that the wasp uses visual landmarks to locate the nests, Niko Tinbergen marked one nest with a ring of pinecones. EXPERIMENT Nest When the wasp returned, she flew to the center of the pinecone circle instead of to the nearby nest. Repeating the experiment with many wasps, Tinbergen obtained the same results. RESULTS The experiment supported the hypothesis that digger wasps use landmarks to keep track of their nests. CONCLUSION No Nest Nest Figure 51.14 Does a digger wasp use landmarks to find her nest? After the mother visited the nest and flew away, Tinbergen moved the pinecones a few feet to one side of the nest.

  14. Figure 51.16 Operant conditioning

  15. Figure 51.17 Young chimpanzees learning to crack oil palm nuts by observing older chimpanzees

  16. 14 Low population density 12 High population density 10 8 Average path length (cm) 6 4 2 0 H5 L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 H3 H4 D. Melanogaster lineages Figure 51.20 Evolution of foraging behavior by laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster

  17. (a) Blackcaps placed in a funnel cage left marks indicating the direction in which they were trying to migrate. N Adults from Britain and F1 offspring of British adults BRITAIN E W S GERMANY N Youngfrom SW Germany E W S Mediterranean Sea (b) Wintering blackcaps captured in Britain and their laboratory-raised offspring had a migratory orientation toward the west, while young birds from Germany were oriented toward the southwest. Figure 51.21 Evidence of a genetic basis for migratory orientation

  18. Small prey at middle distance Small prey at close distance Large prey at far distance Low prey density High prey density Small prey Small prey Small prey 33% 33% 14% 35% 33% 33% Medium prey Medium prey Medium prey 50% 33% 33% Large prey Large prey Large prey Percentage available 100% Predicted percentage in diet 32.5% 2% 40% 32.5% 57% 35% Observed percentage in diet Figure 51.23 Feeding by bluegill sunfish

  19. Figure 51.30 Agonistic behavior

  20. Figure 51.33 Naked mole rats, a species of colonial mammal that exhibits altruistic behavior

  21. Parent A Parent B  OR 1/2 (0.5) probability 1/2 (0.5) probability Sibling 1 Sibling 2 Figure 51.34 The coefficient of relatedness between siblings

  22. 300 Male 200 Mean distance moved from natal burrow (m) 100 Female 0 0 2 3 4 12 13 14 15 25 26 Age (months) Figure 51.35 Kin selection and altruism in Belding’s ground squirrel

  23. Control Sample Male guppies with varying degrees of coloration Female guppies prefer males with more orange coloration. Experimental Sample Female model engaged in courtship with less orange male Female guppies prefer less orange males that are associated with another female. Figure 51.36 Mate choice copying by female guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

  24. Figure 51.37 Vervet monkeys learning correct use of alarm calls

  25. Figure 51.38 Both genes and culture build human nature

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