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Rasch model (MML estimation) for 12 GHQ items

Rasch model (MML estimation) for 12 GHQ items. Rasch model (MML estimation) for 12 GHQ items. Loevinger H, ppp pmm for 12 GHQ items. Loevinger H, ppp pmm for 12 GHQ items. msp for 12 GHQ items. msp for 12 GHQ items. kr20 GHQ-12 0011 (n=250). Delta and Alpha GHQ-12 0011 (n=250).

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Rasch model (MML estimation) for 12 GHQ items

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  1. Rasch model (MML estimation)for 12 GHQ items

  2. Rasch model (MML estimation)for 12 GHQ items

  3. Loevinger H, ppp pmmfor 12 GHQ items

  4. Loevinger H, ppp pmmfor 12 GHQ items

  5. msp for 12 GHQ items

  6. msp for 12 GHQ items

  7. kr20 GHQ-12 0011 (n=250)

  8. Delta and AlphaGHQ-12 0011 (n=250)

  9. Lord Birnbaum model: GHQ-12 runparscale

  10. Utilities : N2mplus

  11. Utilities : stata2mplus net describe stata2mplus, from http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/ado/analysis net install stata2mplus.pcg

  12. Help file for the command stata2mplus ------------------------------------- Syntax ------ stata2mplus [varlist] using <name for mplus file> , [ replace missing(#) use(varlist) ] Options ------- varlist - Variables to be converted to Mplus. Default all. using <name for mplus file> - This is the name for the .inp and .dat files to be created based on the Stata file currently in memory. replace - Use to replace the existing file missing - Specify number for missing values, default -999999999 use - Specify variables for "usevarables", default all variables from varlist. Description ----------- This program reads the current data file in memory and creates a raw data file and an mplus program (an inp file) that can read the raw data file into Mplus. String variables are converted to numeric values. The Title section contains a list of the variables, variable labels, and value labels. Examples -------- sysuse auto, clear stata2mplus using auto This reads the data file "auto.dta" and creates the raw data file "auto.dat" and input file "auto.inp" which is an mplus input file that can be used to read "auto.dat". Author(s) --------- Michael N. Mitchell Statistical Computing Group UCLA, Academic Technology Services mnm@ucla.edu Utilities : stata2mplus

  13. Stata does SEM (!)[well unidimensional CFA] • cfa1 command • Simple to use than gllamm • Limited but that’s the point

  14. Confirmatory FA GHQ-12 1234 (new sample 300 from EGO) cfa1

  15. ML CFA in Stata

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