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Territorial Expansion and Sectional Crisis. AP Review: 1840’s through the 1870’s. Manifest Destiny. What is “manifest destiny”? Texas Annexation California and the Oregon Territory President Polk and the War with Mexico Slavery and the Wilmot Proviso Expansion continues.
Territorial Expansion and Sectional Crisis AP Review: 1840’s through the 1870’s
Manifest Destiny • What is “manifest destiny”? • Texas Annexation • California and the Oregon Territory • President Polk and the War with Mexico • Slavery and the Wilmot Proviso • Expansion continues . . .
American Culture in the mid-1800’s • National literature, art and architecture • Utopian experiments • Reform movements • Roles of women • Abolitionism • Temperance • Mental health • Education
The ‘50s: A Decade of Crisis • Compromise of 1850 • Fugitive Slave Act and Uncle Tom’s Cabin • Kansas-Nebraska Act and the realignment of parties • Demise of the Whigs • Emergence of Republican Party • Dred Scott
The ‘50s: A Decade of Crisis • Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858 • John Brown and his raid • Election of 1860 • The secession crisis
Causes of the Civil War • Continuing Sectional Struggles • Henry Clay’s great compromises • 1820 and 1850 • The “Peculiar Institution” • Growing voice of the abolitionists • The Dred Scott decision
War Strategies and Assessments • United States (Union) Military Goals • Blockade southern ports • Control of Mississippi River down to New Orleans • Take Richmond - Confederate capital
War Strategies and Assessments • Union Strengths and Advantages • Population • Industrial Capacity • Wealth • Superior Transportation • Military Forces
War Strategies and Assessments • Confederate States Military Goals • Defend new nation • Enlist European Assistance
War Strategies and Assessments • Confederate Advantages • Emotional edge - fighting for a cause and defense of their homes • Defending is easier than invading • Better officers and soldiers
Significant Successes - East • Bull Run, July 1861 (Manassas) - Union defeated by “Stonewall” Jackson • McClellan appointed commander of Army of the Potomac • McClellan attacks Richmond, March and April 1862 - fails • Second Battle of Bull Run, August 1862 - Union supplies destroyed • Battle of Antietam, September 1862 - Bloodiest day of the Civil War
Significant Battles - East • Merrimack (Confederate) and the Monitor (Union) • March 1862 http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/civilwar/n-at-cst/hr-james/9mar62.htm
Significant Battles - East • Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1863 - Confederates hoped for a victory on Northern soil, but due to supplies and casualties retreat • Sherman’s March to the Sea, 1864 - 1865 - ends in marching to Columbia and burns it to the ground
Significant Battles - West • Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, February 1862 - Union gunboats defeat Confederates • Battle of Shiloh, TN, April 1862 - Union defeat after 2 day battle • Battle of Vicksburg, MS, July 1863 - Grant lays seige to Vicksburg in a surround and starve strategy successfully • a turning point in the war as the Union re-took the Mississippi
The Gettysburg Address • November 1863 • Ceremony to honor fallen Union soldiers • Edward Everett gives a 2 hour speech • President invited to give brief remarks - 2 minutes • Milestone in expanding liberty to all
Slavery comes to an end • Lincoln’s campaign concerns - hesitation • Confiscation Acts (1861 and 1862): gave the Union the power to confiscate enemy “property” and freed those slaves • Emancipation Proclamation (1862): by executive order freed all slaves in the states at war with the Union • Thirteenth Amendment (1865): amending the Constitution was necessary to negate phrases that legitimized slavery and to abolish slavery in all the states
Lee Surrenders at Appomatox • April 1865 • Defeated Confederate troops surrounded by the Union at Appomatox Court House Lee and Grant meet to discuss terms • South takes horses and mules home, would not be punished as traitors if they agreed to follow the laws • North agreed to feed the remaining Confederate troops
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • Morrill Tariff Act, 1861- increased import fees • National Banking Act, 1863 - standardized currency backed by government bonds • investors also obliged to buy a percentage of bonds
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • Draft Law • 1863 • allowed for substitutes • $300 exemption • New York riot in July protesting the new law • Suspension of Civil Liberties • Suspension of writ of habeas corpus
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • Greenback Policy • printing money to finance war • Income tax levied in 1861 • Homestead Act • 1862 • free land in west
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • Women in the War • Clara Barton - nursing, founded Red Cross • Dorothea Dix - Superintendent of Nurses, • Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell - medical school graduate, U.S. Sanitary Comission
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • African Americans in the War • 180,000 served in the Union Army • 54th Massachusetts Regiment - Battle of Fort Wagner, Charleston
Political, Economic and Social Issues During the War • Election of 1864 • Lincoln v. McClellan • Union Party - Republicans and War Democrats • Peace Democrats and Copperheads
Reconstruction • A redefinition of social, economic and political relationships between the North and the South • An effort to repair the damage to the South and to restore the Southern states to the Union
2/3 southern shipping 9000 miles of railroads 1/3 of all livestock 100s of miles of roads Value of southern property declined by 70% buildings, factories, bridges, etc. destroyed. The War Destroyed . . .
The Human Toll • North • 364,000 (38,000 African Americans • South • 260,000 • 1/5 adult white men; 1 of 3 southern men were killed or wounded
Southern Hardships • Black Southerners • 4 million freed slaves, homeless, jobless and hungry • Plantation Owners • loss of $3mil. worth of slave labor • worthless Confederate currency • $100 mil. Worth of southern plantations and cotton seized through the Captured and Abandoned Property Act • Poor White Settlers • could not find work due to new competition • began migrating to the western frontiers
Reconstruction • Lincoln’s Death • April 14, 1865
Lincoln 10% Plan - quick reunion Radical Republicans demanded more strict measures in the Wade-Davis Bill Lincoln and Congress blocked each other’s plans until Lincoln’s death Johnson small farmer’s advocate with a hatred for plantation owners restrictive policy excluding rich southerners from political participation undermined his own policy by liberally pardoning southerners, even Confederate politicians Lincoln v. Johnson
Congressional Reconstruction • While one of the goals of the war was to free slaves, once southern states met the Reconstruction plan requirements, they reverted back to their old ways • Black Codes - limited freedmen’s rights • curfews, vagrancy laws, labor contracts, land restrictions
Congressional Reconstruction • 14th Amendment 1866 • first cornerstone of Congressional Reconstruction • gave citizenship and due process of law to all persons born in the U.S. • 3/5 clause abolished. States may exclude blacks from voting, but their representation may be decreased if they do so • Confederate officeholders barred from political office
14th Amendment • Reactions • President Johnson and the Democrats denounced the amendment and lobbied against • Republicans realized that their leadership could achieve meaningful change • Some northerners supported harsh sanctions against the former Confederacy
Reconstruction Act, 1867 • High point of Congressional Reconstruction • dissolved Southern state governments and placed them under military rule • Enfranchised the freedmen and required new state constitutions drafted by elections by both blacks and whites • Required state legislatures to ratify the 14th Amendment to fully re-enter the Union
15th Amendment • Last major piece of the Congressional Reconstruction • Prohibited the exclusion of male adults from voting based on race or having been slaves • passed by Congress in 1869 and ratification became a precondition for reentering the Union
Impeaching Andrew Johnson • Reconstruction Act brought increased tension between Congress and the President • Congress passed several laws to bring the President under control • 1867 Tenure of Office Act to keep Johnson from firing Sec. Of War Edwin Stanton • Johnson fired Stanton anyway • Republican leaders started impeachment proceedings against Johnson • Johnson’s conviction narrowly defeated
The Freedmen • Finding family became the first priority of many • black churches, institutions established and flourished • Freedman’s Bureau • first federally financed social service program • set up over 4000 elementary schools • provided assistance to more than just African-Americans
Political Involvement • Participated in Reconstruction legislatures as Republicans • Some black members of Congress elected and sent to Washington • often pursued reconciliation policies with white Southerners to no avail • also tried to achieve key black demands, such as land reform and social equality
“Carpetbaggers” and “Scalawags” • Most white southerners blamed Republicans and their alleged corruption • white Northerners who immigrated South were called “carpetbaggers” • white Southern Republicans were called “scalawags” • Although mostly ungrounded, these charges and stereotypes proved extremely persistent
Violent Resistance • Many white southerners resisted with violence • vigilante groups intimidated, attacked and killed freedmen and destroyed their institutions • Ku Klux Klan - outlawed, but little else done to protect their victims
Sharecropping • New labor system emerged in cotton economy • sharecroppers rented land and paid the owner with a share of the crop - 50% • both blacks and whites participated • system led many sharecroppers into perpetual debt
Supreme Court Barriers • US v. Reese, 1876 - allowed the disenfranchisement of blacks, such as making up voting requirements that freedmen could not achieve • Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 - allowed for segregation in almost all aspects of society • The decisions allowed Southerners to construct a “Jim Crow” system of de facto laws
Waning Republican Support • 1870s - Radical Republicans lost influence and lost interest • Liberal Republicans broke away to protest the scandals of the Grant administration • 1873 economic depression refocused Northern goals
Compromise of 1877 • 1876 Election showed a narrow victory for the Democratic candidate, Tilden • Republicans contested in three states • Compromise reached whereas the Democrats would accept Hayes as the president if the Republicans ceased resistance to home rule in the South • Reconstruction ends