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Explore the impact of the Great Depression and New Deal on society, politics, and economics in America. Learn about key events, figures, and policies that shaped this significant era in history.
When you invest in the stock market, what can happen with your money? • Earn, lose, stay the same
Why did people invest in the stock market in the twenties? • Stock prices were rising, made more money than banks
Were banks safe during the depression? • No- people withdrew money- banks closed
Who was the Bonus Army? • WWI vets- down on their luck
Why did some people view Pretty Boy Floyd as a hero? • Helped poor, destroyed mortgages- banks were viewed as bad
What is speculation? • Short term investing
Who was the President when the stock market crashed? What Party was he from? • Hoover, Republican
What was the role of optimism in the stock market crash? • People were too optimistic- invested needed money in stock market
What is buying on margin? Is it legal now? • Putting a little down- repay with earnings- no
What happened to the price of farmland during the depression? • Went way down
What was the leading relief agency in 1930? • Red Cross
What did Hoover not include in his relief efforts? • Direct Aid- food for people
What was the Harley Smoot Tariff? • Highest tariff in US history- decreased world trade
What is a foreclosure? • Bank takes back property because payments are late
Who won the election of 1932? What Party was he from? • F. Roosevelt, Democrat
What were the Bank Holidays? • Banks closed to withdrawals, examined and opened when they were ok
What was the Tennessee Valley area like before the TVA project? • 100 yrs behind rest of country, poor, flooding and erosion, little electricity
What were the three aims of the TVA? • Navigation, Electricity, flood control
Why were the people of the Tennessee Valley eventually pleased with the TVA? • Jobs
What were FDR’s three Rs? • Relief • Recovery • Reform
What were “Fireside Chats”? • Attempts by FDR to calm people
How did the AAA affect tenant farmers? • Only gave money to property owners
What positions did FDR hold before the Presidency? • Governor of NY
Why did Alf Landon lose to FDR? • No real difference from FDR- country was starting to improve
What replaced the NIRA? • Wagner Act
How did the Social Security Act help people? • Money for disabled, orphaned and retired
Why did FDR want to change the Supreme Court? • Get votes on his side
What happened when FDR cut back on the New Deal in 1937? • Unemployment increased
Why was Gone With the Wind popular during the depression? • Romantic escape- people prevailing against odds
Who was • Townsend- promoted a pension plan for elderly- pay not to work, must spend • Long- proposed a nationwide social program “share our wealth” assassinated
Who was • Coughlin- Roman Catholic priest, thought FDR did not go far enough wanted nationalized banks and guaranteed annual income • Landon- lost ’36 election to FDR • Eleanor Roosevelt- 1st lady, spoke out for women, minorities, down trodden
What was the • AAA- Plan to help farmers by limiting production • WPA- work program- construction, writing, murals, city guides
What was the • PWA and NIRA- money to states for construction of schools and other municipal buildings • NRA- established fair practices for business • ALL- felt that the New Deal violated individual rights and property
What was the • CCC- Put 18-25 yr. olds to work- building roads, developing parks, planting trees • FDIC- part of Glass Steagall Act-insured deposits in banks
How did the Rural Electrification Act affect different areas? • Electricity- housework easier, demand for appliances
What was the role of optimism in causing the depression and helping America recover? • People were too optimistic and speculated with money they couldn’t afford to lose. • Later people regained confidence in banks and America.
How would rich people not buying goods affect other areas of society? • Less products needed, less people (jobs) needed to manufacture
Why were Conservatives critical of the New Deal? • Took away freedom, government too involved with business
Why were liberals critical of the New Deal? • Didn’t go far enough
What are demagogues? • leaders who manipulate people with half truths, deceptive promises, and scare tactics
How was the New Deal limited in helping African-Americans? Women? • Maintained discrimination- no equal pay, limited professional jobs
What brought an end to the Great Depression? • World War II