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Halal food is a patent of Muslims around the world and its demand is showing steady growth in various nations including Canada. Most of the people are content with the Halal sign that they find in food products. However, many distributors engaged in Halal businesses that cheat the retailers and consumers in the name of the specific meat.
Avail the Most Flavourful HalalFrozen Kebabs in Canada forSale Summary: Halal food is a patent of Muslims around the world and its demand is showing steady growth in variousnationsincludingCanada.MostofthepeoplearecontentwiththeHalal signthattheyfindin food products. However, many distributers engaged in Halal businesses that cheat the retailers and consumers in the name of the specific meat. In such a situation, it is rare to find a trustworthy partner, who provides the most premium quality Halal products. Super Asia Foods and Spices are the ones, who are engaged in ethnic Halal food distribution of highest standard. The company credits itself to be the choice of many leading European and Pakistani brands. They provide a range of grocery items like rice, spices, pulses, snacks, biscuits, dessert mixes apart from Halal meat products. They aim to deliver greatest delicacies from various nations to the consumers and give them the joy ofconsumption. Introduction: Islam is the second largest community dwelling in Canada and they account for more than 3.2% of the entire population. Canada, one of the largest countries, is also a huge market for food and food products among other business offerings. It was not long ago, that Muslims had to face utmost problem in getting Halal slaughtered meat. In most cases, they had to perform self-slaughter to consume their favorite meat. However, the scenario has changed to large extent today. The Influx of tourists from Muslim-majority countries has largely influenced the increase in the number of Halal meat globally. There is an easy availability of the meat from Halal food distributors in Canada. These distributors sell them to supermarkets and street food vendors, which in cater to the taste of themillions. What is HalalMeat? “Halal” is a term used for slaughter that is granted for consumption by Islam and it literally means “permissible”. It implies to slaughter through a cut extending across jugular vein, windpipe and carotid artery of animals. All the blood should drain from the carcass before slaughtering process takes place in between the recitals known as Shahada or Tasmiya. Moreover, an animal should be in good health and well-treated before slaughtering is processed. To adhere to the Halal principles,a
slaughterer should avoid stunning to kill an animal. It is noteworthy that pre-stunning prevents unnecessary suffering to animals before being killed. Another prohibition associated with Halal meat is theconsumptionofcertainpartslikebladder andtesticles. The Taste and theProducts: The Halal foods are presumably tastier than the conventional meat products. The technique of slaughtering used during Halal makes the meat tendered in texture. There are options for a host of processed items like Halal frozen Kebabs and Halal Gummies inCanada. The NutritionalValue: There is a debate among the various sections about the nutritional value of Halal meat. The advocates of the Islamic food say that the criteria involved in slaughtering make Halal food healthier option. On the other hand, some researchers refuse to buy the theory because there are no significant studies to prove thefact. TheChallenges: There are greater challenges in place with the expansion of the Halal food market, especially in North America. Halal chicken and beef are most highly consumed items in the Canadian homes. According to studies, in a day a Muslim in Canada consumes 5.6 meats on an average, which is quite high. The purchasing behavior based on confidence that buyers have in signs or informationthat
indicates whether meat is Halal. An alarming number of service providers do not stick to Halal principles while meat slaughtering. The fact is a part of the surveys done on various suppliers. The lack of transparency is not a positive sign for market growth. It will be highly difficult to monitor and tamethedisloyalpracticesamong thehugenumberofHalalfooddistributorsinCanada. Conclusion: Many brands such as KFC and Pizza Express had explicitly marketed their meat products as Halal meat. There has been lot of controversies in the past surrounding the fact. The connection of the technique with religious beliefs was somehow the reason for the same. Moreover, it is considered immoral unkind by humanitarians to kill animals without stunning. However, the acceptance has grown manifold with time and that is probably due to the rapid commercialization. Nevertheless, there is a need for distributors and retailers to practice more honesty and integrity in proving services related to Halal meats. Illegitimate practices lead to deterioration of business and communities. Moreover, the present consumer-centric market does not recommend breaching the trust ofconsumers.