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引力波与高频引力波探测. 李芳昱 重庆大学物理系 China-VO 2009. ICGA9. OUTLINE. Background and Motivation Coupling Electromagnetic Detection Scheme to High-Frequency Gravitational Waves Challenge and Opportunity. Background. Classification of gravitational wave frequency bands.
引力波与高频引力波探测 李芳昱 重庆大学物理系 China-VO 2009 ICGA9
OUTLINE • Background and Motivation • Coupling Electromagnetic Detection Scheme to High-Frequency Gravitational Waves • Challenge and Opportunity
Background Classification of gravitational wave frequency bands. (1) ν~1Hz-104Hz, the detecting region by ground laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory, such as VIRGO, LIGO, etc. (2) ν~100Hz-103Hz, the detecting region by the resonant mass detectors, such as Weber Bar. (3) ν~10-4Hz-1Hz, the detecting region by Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, such as LISA. (4) ν~10-6Hz-10-3Hz, the detecting region by ASTROD. (5) ν~107Hz-109Hz, the detecting region by electromagnetic microwave cavity or circular waveguide. (6) ν~108Hz-1011Hz, the detecting region by coupling systems of the microwave beams and static EM fields.
What are High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGWs) ? High Frequency Gravity Waves (HFGWs) are gravitational waves (which differ from hydrodynamic gravity waves) that have frequencies of 100 kHz to 100 MHz (Hawking and Israel 1979). As their frequency increases, very high-frequency gravitational waves (VHFGWs) and ultra high-frequency gravitational waves (UHFGWs) are generated. These have frequencies of 100 MHz to 100 GHz and 100+ GHz, respectively. The generic term HFGWs describes all three of these bands. These waves move through the “fabric” of space similar to the way an ocean wave moves through the water. This “fabric,” as Einstein describes it, is called the “space-time continuum” and is four-dimensional. It contains the usual three dimensions of space: for example, (1) east-west (2) north-south) (3) up down, but also includes the dimension of (4) time.
History of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves Poincaré, first mention of GWs, 1905 Robert L. Forward, lecture presented at the Lockheed Astrodynamics Research Center in Bel-Air, California, USA, first mention of HFGWs, 1961 M. E. Gertsenshtein, 1962 L. Halpern and B. Laurent, relic HFGWs from Big Bang & GASER, 1964 Richard A. Isaacson, 1968 Leonid Grishchuk and M. V. Sazhin HFGW emission, 1974 G. F. Chapline, J. Nuckolls and L. L. Woods, nuclear generation, 1974 V. B. Braginsky and Valentin N. Rudenko, detection and laboratory HFGW generation,1978 1979 Steven W. Hawking and W. Israel definition for HFGWs as having frequencies in excess of 100 kHz. G. Veneziano, M. Gasperini and M. Giovannini relic HFGWs from Big Bang, 1990 Fangyu Li and R. Baker, Proposed HFGW detector, 1999 to date First HFGW patent, R. Baker, 1999 M. Cruise and R. Ingley built HFGW detector, Birmingham U.,2000 to date Woods, Stephenson, Davis, Fontana, Gemme, Chincarini, Grishchuk, Rudenko, Baker, Murad, et al. first HFGW workshop, 2003 STAIF 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 many more HFGW contributions
HFGW Literature STAIF: Space Technology Applications International Forum – peer-reviewed American Institute of Physics Proceedings – archived Over 100 authors and 200 HFGW papers published in: Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes, Soviet Physics JETP, Journ. of Appl. Phys., Physical Review D, Annals of Physics, Zeischrift fuer Physik, Class. Quantum Grav, Phys. Rev. Letters A, Journal of Applied Physics,Review of Scientific Instruments, etc. Amaldi Gravitational Wave Conferences: M. Cruise, R. Ingley, Philippe Bernard, Gianluca Gemme, R. Parodi, and E. Picasso PhD Theses including: F. Romero Borja, 1981, University of Konstanz, Germany; Richard Ingley, 2005, University of Birmingham, England
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Why would we like to study this project? • According to the theory of general relativity, Gravitational waves (GWs) and Electromagnetic (EM) waves have a same propagating velocity in vacuum: Optimum coherence effect of the two fields may be generated • The GHz (~108Hz-1010Hz) are just typical microwave frequency band, one can use well-considered microwave technology in the frequency region. • 109Hz-1010Hz are also typical frequencies of the HFGWs predicted by some laboratory schemes (e.g., Piezoelectric-Crystal-Resonator HFGW Generation)
Characteristic dimensions of the EM detecting systems would be L~1-10m, constructing cost will be greatly reduced. • It is possible to use a series of new technology, such as superconductors, nanotechnology, high-quality factor microwave cavities, ultra-fast science, strong field physics, cryogenic technology, ultra-high sensitivity microwave single photon detectors, and so on.
Birmingham (Polarization) HFGW Detector(Differential Polarization Angle of 10-40 Radians may Cause Measurable Femtosecond Time Difference)
R. Ballantini et.al.,Institute of National Nuclear Physics, Genova, Italy
Fractal Membrane Gaussian Beam Vacuum / Cryogenic Containment Vessel Signal PPF Z Signal PPF N magnetic pole Microwave Receiver - Detector #2 Microwave Receiver - Detector #1 X S magnetic pole Y HFGW Signal Geometry is key: X & -X axes = Detectors Y axis = Magnetic Field Z axis = HFRGW -Z axis = Gaussian Beam Li, Baker, et al. (2008, EPJC) predicts SNR~1 at h = 10-30dm/m, but what is the SQL for this detector?
Only Photon-Signal Limited, SQL does not constrain Predicted Sensitivity Since the predicted best sensitivity of the detector in its currently proposed configuration is A = 10–30m/m, these results confirm that the Detector is photon-signal limited, not quantum noise limited; that is, the Standard Quantum Limit is so low (SQL ~10-37,G. V. Stephenson STIF-2008) that a correctly-designed detector can have sufficient sensitivity to observe HFRGW of amplitude A 10–30m/m
Resonant frequencies: ~3-8GHz • The power of the GB : p~10-100w • The spot radius : ~ 5-8cm • Background static magnetic field ~3-5T • Cryogenic condition T~0.24k
where ,
The PPF and the BPF propagate along opposite directions in the regions of 1st, 3rd,6th,and 8th octants, while they have the same propagating directions in the regions of 2nd, 4th , 5th and 7th octants.
Y 2 1 PPF PPF BPF BPF X O BPF BPF PPF PPF 3 4 Fig 1, the region of z>0 Y X O
Y Y X O 6 5 PPF PPF BPF BPF X BPF BPF PPF PPF 7 8 Fig 2, the region of z<0
美国高频引力波科学团队申报美国国家自然科学基金重点项目 申报书首页摘要的中译本 美国国家自然科学基金项目申报书(草案)摘要 一种超高灵敏度的高频遗迹引力波探测系统 首席科学家, R.C.Woods教授,美国路易斯安娜州立大学 项目概要:申请方案的科学价值 这一申报项目需要得到美国科学界和产业界的支持,项目的目标是设计一种探测高频引力波的超高灵敏度的Li-Baker探测系统,联合研究的部门包括路易斯安娜州立大学和在加利福尼亚的输运科学公司。Li-Baker高频引力波探测系统拓展了爱因斯坦场方程的解,即发现了一种在一阶量级下引力波和光子的耦合效应,从而使得探测系统的灵敏度远高于目前已有的高频引力波探测方案。这一研究的成果将首先是高频引力波探测系统的前期工程设计,并在基金持续资助下得以发展。这一探测系统的未来建设,将可以拓宽现有的激光干涉低频引力波天文台(注:美国现有两台低频引力波天文台,它们实际上是巨型迈克尔逊激光干涉仪,臂长为四公里。一台在路易斯安娜州,另一台在华盛顿州。他们的英文缩写为LIGO)的探测频道。上述Li-Baker探测系统将可望用于探测和展现高频遗迹引力波的宇宙背景辐射,并为澄清和阐明宇宙的起源作出贡献。这将致力于在一个全新的频带,作为首创并最有希望的去实现高频引力波的探测,这一频带大约在10GHz(1010Hz)左右,它已接近于在宇宙学范围产生的遗迹引力波的高频截止范围。同时,这一项目本身的信息、资料以及可交付的主要部分,将是给美国国家自然科学基金委员会的一个最终报告。包括系列经过严格评审的学术刊物和权威的学术会议上发表的论文,以及系列IPR专利。 注:美国路易斯安娜州立大学是目前世界上唯一拥有低温质量谐振的低频引力波探测系统的科研院所,在这一领域拥有一批著名的物理学家和工程专家。
Challenge, issues and opportunity Challenge and issues: • How to generate a high-quality GB • how to ensure a good cryogenic environment to suppress thermal noise • how to further estimate and analyses the relevant noise sources • how to ensure a good vacuum to avoid the scattering of photons and dielectric dissipation • how to suppress possible leak EM fields from the cavities
how to make a best system combination to reduce and overcome system noise • how to estimate and effectively suppress diffraction effect by new materials, such as the fractal membranes. • what are concrete correction and influence of the shape distortion and higher-order modes of GBs, etc. All these issues and problems need careful theoretical and experimental study.
Opportunity • Because of fast development of relative technology, they provide wide advanced space and potency. These new technology and harvest include ultra-high sensitivity microwave photon detectors, generation of super strong static magnetic fields, superconductors, nanotechnology, high-quality factor microwave cavities, cryogenic technology, strong microwave beam technology, high-energy laboratory astro-physics,etc. • They offered technically possibilities • This subject might become a reality!