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RealityGrid. Mission: "Using grid technology to closely couple high performance computing, high throughput experiment and visualization, RealityGrid will move the bottleneck out of the hardware and back into the human mind.". Stephen Pickles <stephen.pickles@man.ac.uk>
RealityGrid Mission: "Using grid technology to closely couple high performance computing, high throughput experiment and visualization, RealityGrid will move the bottleneck out of the hardware and back into the human mind." Stephen Pickles <stephen.pickles@man.ac.uk> http://www.realitygrid.org GridLab meeting, Eger, Hungary, 1 April 2003
Partners Industrial • Schlumberger • Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research • Silicon Graphics Inc • Computation for Science Consortium • Advanced Visual Systems • Fujitsu Academic • University College London • Queen Mary, University of London • Imperial College • University of Manchester • University of Edinburgh • University of Oxford • University of Loughborough Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
The RealityGrid project Aims: • to predict the realistic behavior of matter using diverse simulation methods (Lattice Boltzmann, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, …) spanning many time and length scales • to discover new materials through integrated experiments. Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Project Structure • Led by materials scientists • Prof Peter Coveney, now of UCL, is Principal Investigator • 10 materials science FTEs • 1 Edinburgh, 1 Oxford, 1 Loughborough, 1 QMUL, rest at UCL • Retain responsibility for their own application codes • 10 "computer science" FTEs (includes software engineers) • 4+2 in Manchester, 1 EPCC, 2 Imperial College, 1 Loughborough (HCI) • Twin track approach • "Fast track" – feeding useful tools to users (materials scientists) early • Mostly computational steering and visualization to date • "Deep track": breaking new ground in • Component frameworks (ICENI) • Feedback-based performance control (CNC) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
RealityGrid Characteristics • Grid-enabled (Globus, UNICORE) • Component-based, service-oriented • Close correspondence between coarse-grained components and OGSA services • Steering is central • Computational steering • On-line visualisation of large, complex datasets • Feedback-based performance control • Remote control of novel, grid-enabled, instruments (LUSI) • Advanced Human-Computer Interfaces (Loughborough) • Everything is (or should be) distributed and collaborative • High performance computing, visualization and networks • All in a materials science domain • multiple length scales, many "legacy" codes (Fortran90, C, C++, mostly parallel) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Access Grid • Access Grid used for regular project meetings • UK Grid Engineering Task Force and other distributed projects rely on it heavily • Can't live without it, even in the UK which is geographically compact • Want to extend it for collaborative steering/visualization 1st AG node in UK: Early Users Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Computational Steering Current Technology
Steering: the aim of the game • Large-scale simulations (and experiments) can generate in days data that takes months to understand • Problem: to efficiently explore and understand the parameter spaces of materials science problems • Computational steering aims to short circuit post facto analysis • Brute force parameter sweeps create a data-mining problem • Instead, computational steering enables scientist to navigate through interesting regions of parameter space • Simultaneous on-line visualization develops and engages scientist's intuition • Avoids wasted cycles/experiment time exploring barren regions or even doing the wrong calculation Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
“Fast Track” Demonstration Jens Harting at UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, September 2002 Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Insight from steering The "Aha!" moment Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering library Steering library Steering library Steering architecture today Simulation Client data transfer Communication modes: • Shared file system • Files moved by UNICORE daemon • GLOBUS-IO Visualization Visualization Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Computational steering – how? • We instrument (add "knobs" and "dials" to) simulation codes through a steering library, written in C • Can be called from F90, C and C++ • Library distribution includes F90 and C examples • Library provides: • Pause/resume • Checkpoint and restart • Set values of steerable parameters • Report values of monitored (read-only) parameters • Emit "samples" to remote systems for e.g. on-line visualization • Consume "samples" from remote systems for e.g. resetting boundary conditions • Automatic emit/consume with steerable frequency • No restrictions on parallelisation paradigm • Images can be displayed at sites remote from visualization system, using e.g. SGI OpenGL VizServer • Interactivity (rotate, pan, zoom) and shared controls are important Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering client • Built using C++ and Qt library – currently have execs. for Linux and IRIX • Attaches to any steerable RealityGrid application • Discovers what commands are supported • Discovers steerable & monitored parameters • Constructs appropriate widgets on the fly Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Implementing steering Steps required to instrument a code for steering: • Register supported commands (eg. pause/resume, checkpoint) • steering_initialize() • Register samples • register_io_types() • Register steerable and monitored parameters • register_params() • Inside main loop • steering_control() • Reverse communication model: • User code actions, in sequence, each command in list returned • Support routines provided (eg. emit_sample_slice) • When you write a checkpoint, register it • When finished, • steering_finalize() Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering – a look ahead NAMD & VMD Steering in the OGSA Wishlist
NAMD & VMD • NAMD – Package for classical MD • Scales well on large parallel machines (Charm++ parallelisation scheme) • Suitable for tackling simulation of large molecules (e.g. DNA fragments) • Source code (C++) available • Scriptable using Tcl • VMD – package for visualisation of NAMD output • Enables on-line visualisation of NAMD simulation • Scientist can interact with simulation by using mouse to apply forces • Communicates with NAMD using a socket • We want to be able to use this software within the RealityGrid framework… Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering library Steering library Steering library NAMD & VMD continued… Architecture remains the same • Build steering library into both NAMD & VMD • Library used to communicate VMD-specified forces back to NAMD as a type of “sample” NAMD Client Atomic positions Forces • Retain existing functionality • Gain ReG steering facilities & can build on future developments (e.g. checkpoint/restart functionality) Visualization VMD Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering GS Steering library Steering library Steering library Steering GS Steering in an OGSA framework Simulation bind Steering library publish Client connect data transfer Steering client Registry find publish bind Visualization Visualization Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering in OGSA continued… • Each application has an associated OGSI-compliant “Steering Grid Service” (SGS) • SGS provides public interface to application • Use standard grid service technology to do steering • Easy to publish our protocol • Good for interoperability with other steering clients/portals • Future-proofed next step to move away from file-based steering • Application still need only make calls to the steering library • SGSs used to set-up direct inter-component connections for large data transfers (e.g. using globus_io) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Additional steering functionality • Logging of all steering activity • Not just checkpoints • As record of investigative process • As basis for scripted steering • Scripted steering • Breakpoints (IF (temperature > TOO_HOT) STOP) • Replay of previous steering actions • Integrate performance control into steering library • SGS persists while job migrates to different system, architecture, and number of processors • Use Service Data on SGS to re-configure connected components • Advanced checkpoint management to support exploration of parameter space (and code development) • Imagine a tree where nodes are checkpoints and branches are choices made through steering interface (cf. GRASPARC) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Steering Summary • Current version of steering library provides useful functionality with relatively little coding effort • Amount of steering functionality is related to how much code scientist wishes to write • Low barrier to overcome • Value-added functionality • Automatic emit/consume of samples and checkpoints • Checkpoint logging • Scripted steering (in the future) • Two application codes instrumented so far • NAMD/VMD to come • Will be prototyping OGSA approach during next couple of months Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
1st impressions of GridLab • Impressed by breadth and depth of R&D activities • Surprised by low profile of OGSI • Clearly strong synergy between the goals and philosophies of GridLab (esp. GAT) and RealityGrid • Did not get clear picture of deliverables and release schedules from the presentations Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
RealityGrid and GridLab? 1. GAT Steering 2. CGAT Visualization 3. TGAT Portal 4. Grid Portals 5. Testbed Performance Control 6. Security Component frameworks 7. Adaptivity info Instrumentation 8. Data & Vis. ( need ) 9. GRMS 10. Info. services UK e-Science Grid / ETF 11. Monitoring Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Challenges • RealityGrid will stretch performance envelope at many levels • Computation: must scale to 100s of processors • Networks: projected need for 1 Gbps sustained • Visualization: must keep up with simulation. • Interoperability and integration • Modular Visualization Environments are hard to integrate into distributed, heterogeneous, Grid-enabled applications • Advanced Reservation and Co-allocation are key • Especially when there's a human in the loop • Need better support from scheduling infrastructure • Hence RealityGrid's involvement in GRAAP-WG at GGF Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Cliff Addison John Brooke Prof Mike Cates Jonathan Chin Prof Peter Coveney Jean-Christophe Desplat Simon Clifford Prof John Darlington Rupert Ford Prof John Gurd Jens Harting Matt Harvey Shantenu Jha Prof Roy Kalawsky Steven Kenny Peter Love Soenke Lorenz Mikel Lujan Ken Mayes Anthony Mayer Andrew Murdoch Simon Nee Steven Newhouse Stephen Pickles Robin Pinning Gavin Pringle Andrew Porter Sue Ramsden Graham Riley Christophe Ramshorn Acknowledgments • Dave Snelling • Jim Stanton • Kevin Stratford • Carlos Sanchez-Navarre • Tiffany Walsh • Jennifer Williams • Yong Xie …and others! Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
This talk Overview Computational Steering Current technology Future plans End matter Additional Material Materials Science Instrumentation LUSI XMT Making an application steerable Visualization Co-allocation Index Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Computational Materials Science RealityGrid uses HPC for large-scale simulation work in various areas: • Electronic structure studies of condensed matter & materials • (clays, clay-polymer nanocomposites): plane wave DFT • Atomistic/molecular simulation: molecular dynamics • NAMD, LAMMPS, Moldyn,… • Mesoscale simulation: • lattice gas & lattice-Boltzmann (LB3D, LUDWIG, …) • dissipative particle dynamics • Multiscale/hybrid methods Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Computational/Continuum Fluid Dynamics Macroscopic (irreversible) Boltzmann equation Lattice- Boltzmann Dissipative Particle Dynamics Mesoscopic (irreversible) Lattice Gas Microscopic (reversible) Molecular Dynamics Bridging length and time scales Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Lattice gas methods 3D Lattice Gas method: Binary immiscible phase separation Beta=0.03, just below the spinodal point Beta=0.04 Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Lattice gas methods 3D Lattice Gas method: Binary and ternary immiscible phase separation Invasion of a porous medium with residing fluid. Only oil and water [1] Ternary system: two immiscible fluids plus surfactant. Only oil density shown. Shear Flow, lattice size=64^3, shear rate=0.25, reduced density=0.18 [2] [1] Love P J, Maillet J-B, Coveney PV, Phys Rev E 64 61302 (2001); [2] Love P J and Coveney P V, Phil Trans R Soc London A360, 357(2002) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Lattice Boltzmann methods Lattice Boltzmann simulation movie of phase separation in an initially homogeneous mixture of two immiscible fluids. Experimentally this occurs when a fluid mixture is quenched below the spinodal point in its phase diagram. Different length scales are obtained, as has been seen experimentally Chin J and Coveney PV, Physical Review E 66 016303 (2002) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Instrumentation London University Search Instrument (LUSI) X-Ray Microtomography (XMT)
London University Search Instrument LUSI is located at and developed by Queen Mary College, University of London Aim: Find ceramics (e.g. rare earth metal oxides) with interesting / valuable properties (e.g. high temperature superconductivity) Motivation: theory cannot indicate how to construct a compound with a particular property. Established methodology in pharmaceutical industry uses automated sample generation and testing. Let's apply the same idea in materials science, exploring properties that are difficult to predict: superconductivity, luminescence, dielectric response… Furnace XY Table Instruments Printer Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
c c Newmaterials Robot Database LUSI - schematic c c Predictions Neural network Measured data Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
XMT • X-Ray Microtomography in Dentistry at QM, or using synchrotron X-ray source at ESRF • Produces large amounts of data: • Storage • Provenance • Visualisation • Data sets are large • If done in real time we can get experimental steering Rendered image of a 1.6 mm length of a microtomographic data set of a human vertebral body, about 40 mm in diameter. Sample from Prof. Alan Boyde. J.C. Elliott, G.R. Davis, P. Anderson, F.S.L. Wong, S.E.P. Dowker, C.E. Mercer. Anales de Química Int Ed 93, S77-S82, 1997. Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
XMT • Simulation, visualization and data gathering coupled via RealityGrid • Expensive synchrotron beam time resources optimally used to obtain sufficient resolution for simulation • Local testbed providing grid enablement model for European synchrotron facility Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Implementing steering An example showing the basic steps required to make an application steerable
Implementing steering Steps required to instrument code for steering: • Register supported commands (eg. pause/resume, checkpoint) • steering_initialize() • Register samples • register_io_types() • Register steerable and monitored parameters • register_params() • Inside main loop • steering_control() • Reverse communication model: • User code actions, in sequence, each command in list returned • Support routines provided (eg. emit_sample_slice) • When you write a checkpoint, register it • When finished, • steering_finalize() Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Register supported commands INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: status INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: num_cmds INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND), &DIMENSION(REG_INITIAL_NUM_CMDS) :: commands . . . num_cmds = 2 commands(1) = REG_STR_STOP commands(2) = REG_STR_PAUSE CALL steering_initialize_f(num_cmds, commands, status) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Register IO types INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: num_types CHARACTER(LEN=REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH), &DIMENSION(REG_INITIAL_NUM_IOTYPES) :: io_labels INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND), &DIMENSION(REG_INITIAL_NUM_IOTYPES) :: iotype_handles INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND), &DIMENSION(REG_INITIAL_NUM_IOTYPES) :: io_dirn INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: out_freq = 5 . . num_types = 1 io_labels(1) = "VTK_STRUCTURED_POINTS_OUTPUT"//CHAR(0) io_dirn(1) = REG_IO_OUT CALL register_iotypes_f(num_types, io_labels, io_dirn, & out_freq, iotype_handles(1), status) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Register parameters INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: num_params CHARACTER(LEN=REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) :: param_label INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: param_type INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: param_strbl INTEGER (KIND=REG_SP_KIND) :: dum_int . . . dum_int = 5 num_params = 1 param_label = "test_integer“//CHAR(0) param_type = REG_INT param_strbl = reg_true CALL register_params_f(num_params, param_label, param_strbl, &dum_int, param_type, status) Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Example continued… ! Enter main 'simulation' loop DO WHILE(iloop<num_sim_loops .AND. (finished .ne. 1)) IF(my_rank .eq. 0)THEN CALL steering_control_f(iloop, num_params_changed, & changed_param_labels, num_recvd_cmds, & recvd_cmds, recvd_cmd_params, status) IF(num_params_changed > 0)THEN ! Tell other processes about changed parameters END IF IF(num_recvd_cmds > 0)THEN ! Respond to steering commands here END IF ELSE … END IF ! Do some physics here… END DO Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
On-line visualisation • On-line visualisation currently vtk-based • Open source • Simple GUI built with Tk/Tcl • Tk/Tcl mechanism used to control polling for new data so image updated automatically • vtk extended to use the steering library • AVS-format data supported • Allows use of XDR-format data for sample transfer between platforms • Allows use of globus_io for actual sample transfer • Volume-data focus at the minute but this will change as more applications made steerable • Volume render (parallel) • Isosurface • Hedgehog • Cut-plane Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Visualization experiences • Mostly VTK in production use • Encountered performance barriers in certain Modular Visualization Environment (MVEs) • Positive experiences of SGI VizServer • Delivers pixels to remote displays, transparently • Reasonable interactivity, even over long distances • We plan to • put GSI authentication into VizServer PAM, • try using reservation API to achieve co-allocation, and • trial extended collaborative capabilities in latest beta release. • Also experimenting with Chromium Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Beyond the visualization pipeline Traditional Modular Visualization Environments tend to be monolithic • Incorporating the simulation in an extended visualization pipeline makes steering possible, but usually implies lock-in to a single framework • If remote execution is supported, rarely "Grid compatible" • But the UK e-Science project gViz is changing this for Iris Explorer • Can't compose components from different MVEs • No single visualization package meets all requirements for features and performance • Users want to use same simulation executable for batch and steered use Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science
Highlights of UK e-Science workshop "Visualization and the Grid" • Emerging vision of future visualization systems being created as a set of composable OGSA services • with support for co-allocation of resources • Collaborative visualization raises security issues • the concept of a ‘group’ is fundamental • A Semantic Visualization World • semantic searches, resource discovery/brokerage for visualization • start now with visualization ontology? • Visualization Everywhere • Need standards for advanced interfaces supporting highly interactive, heterogeneous, collaborative visualizations on current and emerging technology. • Integration of Visualization with Access Grid is important Supercomputing, Visualization & e-Science