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1968: Taking a Turn for the Worst!

1968: Taking a Turn for the Worst!. Ch. 29, Section 3 &4. In the 1969 Draft, the first 195 dates (1940-1955) drawn were called to service! Were You drafted?. http://www.landscaper.net/draft.htm.

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1968: Taking a Turn for the Worst!

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  1. 1968: Taking a Turn for the Worst! Ch. 29, Section 3 &4

  2. In the 1969 Draft, the first 195 dates (1940-1955) drawn were called to service!Were You drafted? • http://www.landscaper.net/draft.htm

  3. 1940: FDR signs the selective training and service act-men were drafted for various reasons from 1948-1973-1969: First lottery drawing held!!

  4. - 1969-1972: Draft Lottery, based on Birthdates -in response to 1968 events -850K affected in 1969 -Approx. 70K men flee to Canada “Draft Dodgers” The draft

  5. -late January the start of Tet, the Vietnamese New Year -7 day party!! -cease-fire?? Tet

  6. -increased traffic on Ho Chi Minh trail; America expecting an attack -Siege of KheSanh -to throw Americans off guard! KheSanh

  7. -Tet Offensive begins Jan. 30th, 1968 -12 U.S. military bases & more than 100 S. Vietnam cities attacked by Vietminh & Vietcong No party in south vietnam!

  8. -45K Vietcong/N. Vietnamese troops die -1,500+ Americans die; 2,700+ ARVN troops die -major blow, no “safe” place in S. Vietnam -public support weakened -political bickering Effects of tet offensive

  9. -Johnson is done! -Nixon (Republican) -Democrats -Robert Kennedy -Hubert Humphrey -Independent: George Wallace Election of 1968

  10. -1969: 540K U.S. troops in S. Vietnam -1972: only 24K in S. Vietnam -still not good enough for some war not over! Vietnamization

  11. -College students -Kent State Massacre protestors

  12. -middle-class & vets join the protests My Lai Massacre Pentagon Papers Why did they protest?

  13. -incumbent Nixon vs. George McGovern (Dem) -26th Amendment -Jan., 1973: U.S. agrees to pull out, but what will happen to S. Vietnam?? Election of 1972

  14. -1975: North Vietnam invades South Vietnam -April, 1975: Saigon evacuated; South Vietnam surrenders -Vietnam is reunified, but under communist rule! Nearing the end

  15. -Domino Theory: Cambodia falls to communism in 1973; Vietnam invades Cambodia in 1975 -Lives lost -Environmental Effects/ Human Defects -Veterans -War Powers Act (1973) Effects of the war

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