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Self Assessment Framework (Big Health Check) 2012 Year 4 – Action Plan

Self Assessment Framework (Big Health Check) 2012 Year 4 – Action Plan Amanda Kenney and Daniel Hewitt 20 th December 2012. The Self Assessment Framework is also called the SAF.

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Self Assessment Framework (Big Health Check) 2012 Year 4 – Action Plan

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  1. Self Assessment Framework (Big Health Check) 2012 Year 4 – Action Plan Amanda Kenney and Daniel Hewitt 20th December 2012

  2. The Self Assessment Framework is also called the SAF The SAF is the extra check that is done by NHS Kent and Medway to see what health services are like for people with learning disabilities in their area. For the 2012 SAF all Kent scores were ‘Amber’

  3. NHS Kent and Medway had to fill in a lot of paperwork – none of it was in easy read An action plan which shows what NHS Kent and Medway are going to do to keep improving the health services for people with a learning disability has been filled in Here is the information about the SAF action plan and why these actions are being taken

  4. 1. The SAF said that Kent needed to have a better way to get information from GP systems ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway to improve this: Work will be taken forward with GP IT experts and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to improve data collection

  5. 2. The SAF said Kent needed to have a way for GPs to let other health people know that a person has learning disabilities ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway to improve this: A way is being worked out with GPs so that they can let other health people (providers) know that a person has learning disabilities

  6. 3. The 2012 SAF said that Kent needed to make sure that people with learning disabilities went to screening services (such as breast cancer screening) the same as people without learning disabilities ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway: A way is being worked out so that people with learning disabilities can go to screening services the same as people without learning disabilities

  7. 4. The SAF said that Kent needed to increase annual health checks with GPs and make sure that people have Health Action Plans ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway to improve this: The Good Health Group is working to increase the number of health checks and Health Action Plans

  8. 5. The SAF said that Kent needed to carry on making improvements to the transition process as children move into adults services ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway: Kent is part of the SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) pathfinder and this will continue to improve transition plans and arrangements

  9. 6. The SAF said that Kent needed to make sure that people with learning disabilities who are in the criminal justice system have access to health services the same as people without learning disabilities ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway: Work will be done with the criminal justice service commissioners who will be part of the National Commissioning Board Local Area Team

  10. 7. The SAF said that Kent needed to carry on supporting health services to include the needs of people with learning disabilities (reasonable adjustments) An example where this has been done is that the dementia pathway is inclusive of people with learning disabilities ACTION being planned by NHS Kent and Medway: Keep attending the Kent Learning Disabilities Partnership Board and work with people in health to improve the inclusion of people with learning disabilities

  11. Contact details - Amanda.kenney@nhs.net

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