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EXAM #1 on FRIDAY, FEB. 21. AROUND 50 QUESTIONS. STUDY GUIDE IS ON LINE. Chapter 4: Carbohydrates. Plants Synthesize Glucose. Structure Glucose Fructose Galactose. Monosaccharides. Fructose (fruit sugar). Metabolized to glucose in the liver

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  2. Chapter 4: Carbohydrates

  3. Plants Synthesize Glucose

  4. Structure Glucose Fructose Galactose Monosaccharides

  5. Fructose (fruit sugar) • Metabolized to glucose in the liver • Found in fruit, honey, and high fructose corn syrup • Is in sucrose

  6. Galactose • Usually bound with glucose (lactose) • Converted to glucose in the liver • Available fuel source

  7. Disaccharides • “Simple sugars” • Maltose (Gluc + Gluc) • Fermentation • Alcohol production • Sucrose (Gluc + Fruc) • Sugar • Lactose (Galactose + Gluc) • Milk products

  8. Complex Carbohydrates • Polysaccharides: Starch & Glycogen • Amylose • Amylopectin • Dietary fiber

  9. Oligosaccharides • 3-10 monosaccharides • Found in beans and legumes • Not digested • Metabolized by bacteria in the large intestine • Beno®

  10. Polysaccharides: Starch • 3,000 or more monosaccharides bound together • Starch • Amylose--straight chain polymer • Amylopectin--highly branched polymer

  11. Glycogen • Storage form of CHO for animals and human • Structure similar to amylopectin • More sites for enzyme action • Found in the liver and muscles

  12. Dietary Fiber • Undigested plant food • Body cannot break the bonds • Insoluble fiber • Cellulos, hemicellulose, lignin • Not fermented by the bacteria in the colon • Soluble fiber • Gum, Pectin, Mucilage • Fruit, vegetable, rice bran, psyllium seed

  13. Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

  14. Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber • Absorbs and holds water • Soften stool • Larger stool promotes peristalsis • Promotes regularity • Lower risk for cardiovascular disease • Decrease hemorrhoids and diverticula

  15. Diverticula

  16. CHO in Food

  17. Sweeteners • Sucrose--benchmark of all sweeteners • Same caloric content (4 kcals/gm) • No health benefit over another • Consumption ranges: 14-48 lbs/yr per person

  18. Types of Sweeteners • High-fructose corn syrup • cornstarch treated with acid and enzymes • conversion of glucose into fructose • same degree of sweetness as sucrose • cheaper and used in many food products • Brown sugar • Maple syrup • Honey • Sugar alcohols • 1.5-3 kcal/g • Absorbed and metabolized slower • Large amount causes diarrhea

  19. Sugar Substitutes • Saccharin • First produced in 1879 • 180-200x sweeter than sucrose • Excessive intake is linked to bladder cancer in lab animals • Not a potential risk in humans

  20. Aspartame (NutraSweet) • Composed of phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol • 180-200x sweeter than sucrose • 4 kcal/gm, but only a trace amount is needed to sweeten foods • Not heat stable • Complaints of sensitivity to aspartame • headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, etc. • Not recommended for people with phenylketonuria (PKU)

  21. Acesulfame-K (Sunette) • Newest sugar substitute • 200x sweeter than sucrose • Not digested by the body • Heat stable • Diabetisweet used in baking

  22. Sucralose (Splenda) • 600x sweeter than sucrose • Substitute chlorines for hydroxyl groups on sucrose • Heat stable • Tiny amount digested

  23. Digestion

  24. Effects of Cooking • Softens fibrous tissues • Easier to chew and swallow

  25. Digestion of Carbohydrate in the Mouth • Saliva contains amylase • Starch is broken down to shorter saccharides • Taste the sweetness with prolong chewing • Proceeds down the esophagus

  26. Digestion of Carbohydrate in the Stomach • The acidic environment stops the action of salivary amylase • No further starch digestion occurs

  27. In the Small Intestine • Pancreatic amylase is released • Intestinal cells release enzymes • Maltose + maltase glucose + glucose • Sucrose + sucrase glucose + fructose • Lactose + lactase glucose + galactose • Monosaccharides are absorbed

  28. CHO Digestion • Salivary amylase • Inactivation of amylase s. • Pancreatic amylase • Disacs are broken down • on villi • Adsorption of mono-sacs • Fiber digestion?? • Feces contain some fiber

  29. CHO Absorption • Glucose and Galactose • Active absorption • Energy is expended • Going from low to high concentration gradient • Fructose • Facilitated diffusion using a carrier • No energy expended

  30. Active absorption of glucose/galactose

  31. Portal Vein • Transport absorbed monosaccarhides • Delivers them to the liver • Liver can: • transform them into glucose • release them back into the blood stream • store as glycogen (or fat)

  32. Functions of Carbohydrate • Supplies energy • Protein sparing • Prevent ketosis • Sweetener

  33. Regulation of Blood Glucose • Hyperglycemia • Hypoglycemia

  34. Blood Glucose Control • Role of the liver • Regulates glucose that enters bloodstream • Role of the pancreas • Release of insulin • Release of glucagon

  35. Functions of Insulin • Promotes glycogen synthesis • Increases glucose uptake by the cells • Reduces gluconeogenesis • Net effect: lowers the blood glucose

  36. Functions of Glucagon • Breakdown glycogen • Enhances gluconeogenesis • Net effect: raises blood glucose

  37. Epinephrine/ Norepinephrine • “fight or flight” response • breakdown glycogen • raises blood glucose

  38. Diabetes Mellitus-Type 1 • Genetic link • Decreased release of insulin • Insulin dependent • Hyperglycemia • Immunological disorder • Early introduction of cow’s milk

  39. Treatment for Type 1 • CHO counting • Insulin therapy • Risk for heart disease

  40. Diabetes Mellitus-Type 2 • Genetic link • Associated with obesity • Non-insulin dependent to start • Accounts for majority of cases of DM • Defective insulin receptors on the cells • Over secretion of insulin to compensate • Leads to beta cells failure • Treatment: medication and diet therapy (weight loss)

  41. Consequences of Uncontrolled Blood Glucose • Ketosis leading to ion imbalances, dehydration, coma, death • Degenerative diseases • Nerve damage, Heart disease, Kidney disease, Blindness • Atherosclerosis • Increase risk for wound infections

  42. Who is at risk for Diabetes I or II • Type I • Family ties • Type II • +45 years old – recent trends with kids • family history • overweight • low HDL (good cholesterol) or high TGs • certain ethnic groups • gestational diabetes

  43. Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1990 Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).

  44. Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1995 Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).

  45. DNPA Graphics: DNPA Graphics: Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1999 Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).

  46. DNPA Graphics: DNPA Graphics: Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 2000 Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).

  47. DNPA Graphics: DNPA Graphics: Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 2001 Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).

  48. Glycemic Index • A ratio used to measure the amount of glucose appearing in the blood after eating a specific food compared to eating white bread • Considers: • dietary fiber content of the food • digestion rate of the body • total fat content of the food

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