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Get the best review and buying guide about Drones at Best Drone For The Job. It helps you to compare a different kind of drones & select the best one that suits to your job. For further details visit us now: http://bestdroneforthejob.com/
WHATISACAMERADRONE? “Alldronestodayarebasicallyflyingcellphones,with cameras…” – Chris Anderson, InterDrone2015 Acameradroneisanunmannedaerialvehicle(UAV)designedtocarryahigh-definitionvideo orphotocameraforthepurposeoftakingaerialphotographsorvideo. COMMONFEATURES Quadcopter or Fixed Wing Price: $500 to $50,000+ Ready-to-Fly & Shoot Records HD video& photos 3-axisgimbal(tostabilizeimage) Streams live video to operator 15-30 minute flighttime 1-2 milerange Built-in GPS Autopilot Advanced flight modes Advanced camerashots
JOBSPERFORMEDBYCAMERADRONES CameradronesareusedformanydiVerenttasks… Agriculture LawEnforcement Real EstateMarketing LandManagement Film/MovieIndustry Construction News & LiveEvents Mining UtilityInspection (wirelines) Forfun!
FACTORSTOCONSIDERWHENBUYING NO. OFOPERATORS HOWWILLYOUUSEIT?(THEFAACARES!) CommercialUse getaSec.333exemption($500+) AmateurUse register your drone online($5) Dual Pilot vs. Cameraoperator Single Samepersonflies+shoots CAMERA &GIMBLE QUALITY OFIMAGE Integrated morecontrol,butsystemagesfaster 720p good / notgreat 1080p HD quality, finefor most 4K today’s emergingstandard Four Thirds Micro for professionalsonly Add Your Own some assemblyrequired FLIGHTAUTOMATION Return To Home important forsafety GPSAutopilot fly a predeterminedpath Pause AndHover incaseoflostsignal… GPSRestrictions avoid airports & other controlledairspace Automated Take OV &Landing hands-freeoperation Custom design yourown
CAMERAAUTOMATION Selfie Shot hoverandstareatme Multi-Point build custom shotsw/ GPS OrbitMe fly around myhead Follow Me watch myback CableCam get dramatic actionshots RANGE PRICE Flight Controller howfarcanyoufly? LiveVideo howfarcanyousee? Under$500 agoodstarterHDdrone $500-1500 sweet spot w/ manychoices Over $1500 professionals starthere FlightTime howlongisyourshot?
Inspire1 THEBESTCAMERADRONESSOLDTODAY Solo 3DRobotics Phantom 3 Q500Typhoon DJI DJIYuneec Factor toConsider HowWillYouUseIt? CommercialUse AmateurUse X X X X X X X X No. ofOperators Single Dual X X X X X Quality ofImage 720p 1080p 4K Four-ThirdsMicro X X X(Std) X(Pro) X X X Camera &Gimble Integrated Add YourOwn X X X X
FlightAutomation Return To Home Pause And Hover Auto Take OV &Land GPSAutopilot GPSRestrictions Custom X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CameraAutomation Selfie Shot OrbitMe/POI Follow Me Cable Cam Multi-Point X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Range FlightController Live Video FlightTime 1-2km 1-2km 20min 2km 1km 20min 1km 1km 25min 2km 2km 20min Price X(Std) X(Pro) Under$500 $500-1500 Over$1500 X X X
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