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IPA PROJECT BUILDING RESILIENCE TO DISASTERS IN WESTERN BALKANS AND TURKEY Review and evaluation of the IPA Project activities for the second year of implementation ICSEED 13 28 - 29 April 2014 Sari Lappi WMO. P roject highlights

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  1. IPA PROJECT BUILDING RESILIENCE TO DISASTERS IN WESTERN BALKANS AND TURKEY Review and evaluation of the IPA Project activities for the second year of implementation ICSEED 13 28 - 29 April 2014 Sari Lappi WMO

  2. Project highlights • Overall Objective: To reduce vulnerability of IPA Beneficiaries to natural disasters, in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and increase their resilience to climate change. • Project purpose: To enhance the capacity of IPA Beneficiaries to address disaster risk reduction in both today's and the future predicted climate. • Beneficiaries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey. • Implementing agencies: UNISDR (4 tasks) WMO (4 tasks). • Funding: EC DG Enlargement, Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) multi-beneficiary project. • Implementation period: 29 months, May 2012 – October 2014 (subject to approval of project extension by EC. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

  3. TASK 3: Enhance the regional risk assessment and mapping capacities through improved capacity of beneficiaries in hazard analysis and mapping WMO Focus areas TASK 4: Enhance IPA beneficiaries’ capacity to forecast hazardous meteorological and hydrological phenomena and deliver timely warnings to support DRR TASK 5: Develop capacity needed to support climate risk management and climate change adaptation into a national and regional DRR agenda TASK 6: Design a regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System composed of harmonized national Early Warning Systems within a regional cooperation framework

  4. Activities carried out during the project implementation • 14 training workshops and meetings with 217 participants from the beneficiaries • Riskassessment and mappingtraining, specific to floods and draughts • Improvement of data management • Forecastingtrainingrelated to severeweather • Capacitybuildingrelated to providinglong-rangeforecasts and relatedclimateservices • Design of regionalMulti-HazardEarlyWarning System

  5. TASK 3 • Procurement/upgrading the climate data management systems – CLIDATA and MCH (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo*) • Training on application of remote sensing data for drought monitoring • Sava River pilot project on flood hazards • Training on application of remote sensing data for drought monitoring

  6. TASK 4 • On-the job training in severe weather forecasting in the Operational Nowcasting Center of the National Meteorological Administration of Romania • Participation to the European severe weather forecasting testbed in collaboration with European Severe Storm Laboratory • Integration to Meteoalarm - Bosnia and Herzegovina

  7. TASK 4 • Training on DAWBEE Satellite Nowcasting Applications with EUMETSAT • Regional training in Quality Management Systems (QMS) and their application in activities related to DRR • Improving hydro-meteorological data quality – procurement of calibration kits

  8. TASK 5 • Organisation of the South-East Europe Climate Outlook Forums (SEECOF) • Training on long-range forecasts, climate watch related aspects and climate scenarios

  9. TASK 6 • Design of regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) • Consultants involved, establishment of the Design Team and the first Design Team meeting • Gap analysis is under development with respect to the four components of effective early warning systems to support preparation of a concept document identifying the technological and institutional needs for building the business case for a regional MHEWS

  10. Activitiesstill to come • Training on flood loss assessment • Upgrade of EUMETCast stations • Training on insurance • Secondment of experts to DMCSEE • Support to SEEVCCC • Finalization of the design of regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System

  11. Evaluation of the projectactivities • Feedback mostly positive, practical activities meeting the needs of the beneficiaries • Better customized training would be beneficial • Limited resources to attend all project events • Sustainability of the results related to the beneficiaries resources • Impact to strengthened regional cooperation • Further support/projects necessary

  12. Project contacts: WMO/FMI Project Office, Skopje Sari Lappi sari.lappi@fmi.fi WMO Regional Office for Europe Dimitar Ivanov divanov@wmo.int Natalia Berghi nberghi@wmo.int

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