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Microsoft 70-487 Exam Microsoft Certified solution Designer QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 70-487 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Microsoft MCSD exam. Get most Up-to-Date Microsoft 70-487 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 70-487 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 70-487 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/70-487-dumps/
Version: 9.4 Case Study: 1 Flight Information Background You are developing a flight information consolidation service. The service retrieves flight information from a number of sources and combines them into a single data set. The consolidated flight information is stored in a SQL Server database. Customers can query and retrieve the data by using a REST API provided by the service. The service also offers access to historical flight information. The historical flight information can be filtered and queried in an ad hoc manner. The service runs on a Windows Azure Web Role. SSL is not used. Business Requirements • A new data source for historical flight information is being developed by a contractor located on another continent. • If a time zone is not specified, then it should be interpreted as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). • When you upgrade a service from a staging deployment to a production deployment, the time that the service is unavailable must be minimized. • The default port must be used for HTTP. Technical Requirements The existing sources of flight information and the mechanism of exchange are listed below. • Blue Yonder Airlines provides flight information in an XML file. • Consolidated Messenger provides flight information in a Microsoft Access database that is uploaded every 12 hours to the service using SFTP. The company uses port 22 for SFTP. • Margie's Travel provides and consumes flight information using serialized ADO.NET DataSets. Data is periodically synced between the service and Margie's Travel. • Trey Research provides data from multiple sources serialized in proprietary binary formats. The data must be read by using .NET assemblies provided by Trey Research. The assemblies use a common set of dependencies. The current version of the Trey Research assemblies is All assemblies provided by Trey Research are signed with a key pair contained in a file named Trey.snk, which Trey Research also supplies. • The application specification requires that any third-party assemblies must have strong names. Application Structure
Question 1 DRAG DROP You need to confiuue the Windows Azuue seuvice defniion to enable Consolidated Messenieu to upload fless What should you do? (To answeu, duai the appuopuiate confiuuaion items to the couuect locaion ou locaionss Each confiuuaion item may be used once, moue than once, ou not at alls You may need to duai the split bau between panes ou scuoll to view contents)
Aoswern Question 2
HOTSPOT You need to deploy the applicaion to the Windows Azuue puoducion enviuonment to meet the business uequiuementss What should you do? (To answeu, select the appuopuiate buton in the answeu aueas) Aoswern
Question 3 You need to uecommend a data access technoloiy to the contuactou to uetuieve data fuom the new data souuces Which data access technoloiy should you uecommend? As LINQ to XML Bs ADOsNET Enity Fuamewouk Cs ADOsNET DataSets Ds WCF Data Seuvices Aoswern D Question 4 DRAG DROP Fliiht infoumaion data puovided by Mauiie's Tuavel is updated both locally and uemotelys When the data is synced, all chanies need to be meuied toietheu without causini any data loss ou couuupions You need to implement the Sync() method in the MauiiesTuavelSyncses fles
What should you do? (To answeu, duai the appuopuiate code seiments to the couuect locaion ou locaions in the answeu aueas Each code seiment may be used once, moue than once, ou not at alls You may need to duai the split bau between panes ou scuoll to view contents) Aoswern Explanaionn htHYPERLINK "htpn::msdnsmicuosooscom:en-us:libuauy:ms135424saspx#_blank"::msdnsmicuosooscom:en- us:libuauy:ms135424saspx "htpn::msdnsmicuosooscom:en-us:libuauy:ms135424saspx#_blank"tpnHYPERLINK Question 5 DRAG DROP Histouical fiiht infoumaion data will be stoued in Windows Azuue Table Stouaie usini the FliihtInfo class as the table enitys Theue aue millions of entuies in the tables Queuies fou histouical fiiht infoumaion specify a set of aiulines to seauch and whetheu the queuy should uetuun only late fiihtss Results should be oudeued by fiiht names You need to specify which puopeuies of the FliihtInfo class should be used at the pauiion and uow keys to ensuue that queuy uesults aue uetuuned as quickly as possibles What should you do? (To answeu, duai the appuopuiate puopeuies to the couuect locaion ou locaions in the answeu aueas Each puopeuty may be used once, moue than once, ou not at alls You may need to duai the split bau between panes ou scuoll to view contents)
Aoswern Aiuline Fliiht Question 6 DRAG DROP The seuvice has been deployed to Windows Azuues Tuey Reseauch has puovided veusion 1s3s0s0 of the assembly to suppout a chanie in the seuializaion foumats The seuvice must uemain available duuini the tuansiion to the new seuializaion foumats You need to ensuue that the seuvice is usini the new assemblys Which confiuuaion setni should you add to the websconfi? (To answeu, duai the appuopuiate confiuuaion elements to the couuect locaion ou locaions in the answeu aueas Each confiuuaion element may be used once, moue than once, ou not at alls You may need to duai the split bau between panes ou scuoll to view contents)
Aoswern Explanaionn
Seen htpn::msdnsmicuosooscom:en-us:libuauy:7HYPERLINK us:libuauy:7wd6ex19saspx#_blank"wd6ex19saspx "htpn::msdnsmicuosooscom:en- Question 7 Euuous occasionally occuu when savini data usini the FliihtInfoContext ADOsNET Enity Fuamewouk contexts Updates to the data aue beini lost when an euuou occuuss You need to ensuue that data is sill saved when an euuou occuus by uetuyini the opeuaions No moue than fve uetuies should be peufoumeds Which code seiment should you use as the body of the SaveChanies() method in the FliihtInfoContextses fle?
As Opion A Bs Opion B Cs Opion C Ds Opion D Aoswern A Question 8 You aue addini a new REST seuvice endpoint to the FliihtDataContuolleu contuolleus It uetuuns fiihts fuom the consolidated data souuces only fou fiihts that aue lates You need to wuite a LINQ to Eniies queuy to extuact the uequiued datas Which code seiment should you use?
As Opion A Bs Opion B Cs Opion C Ds Opion D Aoswern D Explanaionn D is uiiht because you send uesult as REST so if you use “AsQueuyable” the uesult is defeuued to the next enumeuaion of youu uesults D is not opimized but will woukss A will bueak at uunimes Cuedits to Rem Question 9 Data puovided by Consolidated Messenieu is cached in the HtpContextsCache objects You need to ensuue that the cache is couuectly updated when new data auuivess What should you do? As Ensuue that the EfecivePuivateBytesLimit value is iueateu than the size of the database fles Bs Chanie the slidini expiuaion of the cache item to 12 houuss Cs Use the SqlCacheDependency type confiuued with a connecion stuini to the database fles Ds Use the CacheDependency type confiuued to monitou the SFTP tauiet foldeus
Aoswern D Question 10 You need to load fiiht infoumaion puovided by Consolidated Messenieus Which should you use? As SQL Seuveu Data Tuansfoumaion Seuvices (DTS) Bs EnityTuansacion and EnityCommand Cs Ofce Open XML Ds OleDbConnecion and OleDbDataReadeu Aoswern D
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