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This training provides an overview of existing policies surrounding POS, inventory, and claims. It also offers user interface training and a detailed agenda on the end-to-end process.
Asia Pac Distributor Training FY2011End-to-End Partner System Processes, Reporting Policy & Guidelines Asia Pac Partner Finance & Operations Updated on 30 June10
OBJECTIVE • Assist our Partners to develop a familiarity of existing Policies surrounding POS, Inventory and Claims • Provide an eagle's eye view of the end to end process in Channels systems as required of Distributors’ partnership with Cisco • Getting a first hand User Interface Training - functionality and details behind every system screen as well as upstream and downstream dependencies
OVERVIEW • Point of Contact • How to request for access to tools? • Rebates process support path • Useful web portals • High level end-to-end process flow • Detailed Training Agenda
Point of Contact - Finance APAC Distribution Finance Manager Leanne Ang, layang@cisco.comDID: +65-6317 7455 APAC Centralized Rebates Process Admin & DCA Theatre Process Owner (TPO): Angela Chin, angchin@cisco.com DID: +65-6317 7879 APAC POS & CBN: Hong Chun Kit, chuhong@cisco.comDID: +65-6317 7395 APAC Inventory & Stock Rotation: Joey Ng, joeyng@cisco.com DID: +65-6317 7441 Greater China (China, Hong Kong & Taiwan)–Liu Shan shanliu@cisco.comDID: +86-10-8515 5629
Request for Access to DCA_CCO SLA: 5 working day DISTRIBUTOR 1i) Email request to DCATPO for POS/INV submission feedback file with Name, Email address & contact to replace (if any). 1ii) Email request to DCATPO for DCA_CCO website access (include CCO ID, Full Name, Email Address, Function) & advise inactivation of current staff (if any). 5. Disti gives confirmation of access END DCATPO 2i) Analyst opens a support case under WIPS/DCA 2ii) Requests approval from Biz Approver 4ii. Analyst sends email to Disti to advice status of request 4i. Analyst creates contact list. Once access is granted by IT, Analyst sends email to Disti BIZAPPROVER APPROVED NOT APPROVED 3. Biz Approver approves/ disapproves
Rebates Process Support Level DISTRIBUTOR 4. Feedback 1. Log a Case via email DCATPO YES 2. Receive the case 3. Can I resolve ? NO 5. Request enhancement or document a policy 3(i) Business or Technical BUSINESS 6. Log a case via TRC TECHNICAL TRCSUPPORT 7. Receive the issue & solves
Distributor Portal http://www.cisco.com/asiapac/partners/disti/index.shtml - main website Select the country accordingly. Example of Singapore address: http://www.cisco.com/web/SG/partners/disti/tools.html - to download this training slide
Auto-Net POS High Level E2E Process Flow 1b 3 Issue CM / DM to Distis Disti requests DART to Cisco DART team and they raise it internally For few promos (e.g. OIP, MSCP) – Partner registers the deal via PDR tool Distributor reports POS with Rebate Identifiers & upload into DCA_CCO Cisco APAC FA posts POS POS Data 4 Promotions Repository Rebates get auto-validated by DCA system against the Promo Repository Claims Data 2 Approved deviations & promotions are systematically consolidated into a Repository which gets interfaced to DCA tables Cisco APAC rebates FA validates manually all rejected or correction required claims DART is created automatically (with approval from AM+PDR Approver) 1a Cisco Price Dev Team approves/rejects the DART requests Cisco AM emails Deal ID (DSA Fulfillment) or Promotion ID (e-Promo) to Distis & Partners The rest of this training guide will cover processes relating to points 1 to 4
Terminologies Used AM Account Manager ANP Auto Net Point-of-Sale CCO or CCX Cisco.com D2D Distributor to Distributor DCA Distributor Credit Automation DDA Distributor Data Automation DART Deviation Authorization Request Tool E2E End to End INV Inventory POS Point of Sale PDB Partner Database TPO Theatre Process Owner Virtual Claiming POS submitted with Claims WIPS Worldwide Inventory & Point-of-Sale System
Training Agenda • DART • 1.1 Point of Contact & Support Level • POS & Inventory Template 2.1 POS/INV Template – What to Fill for Each Field? 2.2 Submission Dateline • POS/INV Reporting Process • 3.1 POS/INV – Where & How to Upload? • 3.2 System Feedback – POS/INV Submission Successful, Errors or Rejected? • POS Reporting Guidelines • 4.1 De-POS Transaction Guidelines • 4.2 D2D Stock Transfer Guideline • Claims Process, Validation & Policy • 5.1 Claims Extraction • 5.2 Claims Feedback • 5.3 How to Request Claims Feedback from DCA Website? • 5.4 Validation Types & Rejection Reasons • 5.5 Price Protection • Report Utilization in DCA_CCO • 6.1 Deviation Usage Report
1 DART • Point of Contact and Support Level
Updated as @ JUN 12th 2006 Point of Contact - DART APAC Theatre Process Owner (TPO) and Program Manager: Gabriel Goh,gagoh@cisco.com ;DID: +65- 6317 5310
END Business Technical SLA: 48Hrs DART Support Level & Access Request DISTI 1ii. Email request for DART CCO website access (include CCO ID, Full Name, Email Address, Function) & advice inactivation of current staff (if any). 7. Disti gives confirmation of issue resolution 1i. Email request for DART Support (include DART ID for any case). DART ADMIN 2i. Can I solve the issue? No 2ii. DART Admin opens a support case under DART Support with details sent by Disti 6. Notify Disti the issue resolution GSTS ANALYST 4ii. Business or Technical? 3. Can I solve the issue? Yes No 4i. Update case status, notify user DART GLOBAL IT 5i. Global IT creates access and/ or resolved issue APAC TPO/PM 5ii. Provide Resolution
2 POS & INVENTORY REPORT • POS Template – What to Fill for Each Field? • Submission Dateline 1 hr
2. POS & Inventory Report2.1 What do I fill in each field? • Double-click on the above icon for a walkthrough detail on the templates • For concise definition of each fields, do refer to the DDA Implementation Guide (IG) on the DCA website (http://tools.cisco.com/WWSF/dca/Home) • Color coded text header fields denotes the following: • BLUE: Mandatory to provide this data element • BLACK: Optional to provide this data element • ORANGE: Optimal/Mandatory, field may not be classed as Optional as it maybe Mandatory in specific business transactions
2. POS & Inventory Report2.1.1 Weekly Submission Dateline • Distributors on weekly reporting must submit by end of business day, Tuesday, every week. • Reports pertaining to the previous week’s Point-of-Sales (See example below) • (e.g. for sales out occurring from 9th to 13th Aug ) and end of previous week’s Inventory balance (e.g. as at 13th Aug). In the examples quoted, these must be reported by Tue, 17th Aug. Exception allowable: In-country public holidays. • Please provide an email request for any delayed submission to POS/Inv Analyst at least 24 hours before dateline.
2. POS & Inventory Report2.1.1 Daily Submission Dateline • Distributors on daily reporting must ensure the following timeline submission: - • Based on the extract of Cisco fiscal year 2011 calendar below: • By 16 Aug, 12 noon SGP time, up to 13 Aug POS & ending INV has to be submitted. • By 19 Aug, 12 noon SGP time, up to either 17th or 18th Aug POS and ending INV need to be submitted. • China cut off is 17th Aug. The rest (Australia, Korea & India) will be on 18th Aug. • Exception: In-country public holidays. • Please provide an email request for delayed submission to POS/Inv Analyst the day before the dateline.
3 POS & INVENTORY REPORTING PROCESS & GUIDELINES • POS/INV – Where & How to Upload? • System Feedback – POS Submission Successful, Errors or Rejected 1 hr
2 3 1 3. POS & Inventory Reporting Process3.1 POS / INV – Where & How to Upload? http://tools.cisco.com/WWSF/dca/Home • Click on ‘Submission Template’ button to retrieve the standard template & complete the report. • Submit as POS or INV : upload only as a text file and click to submit. • Disti will finally receive a batch “Submission Number” automatically allocated by the DCA system for future reference with Cisco
3. POS & Inventory Reporting Process3.2 System Feedback – Success POS Submission a. In less than an hour (if distributor have requested for access to receive POS/INV report feedback) distributor will receive an email feedback in the following format should there be no errors. * Please keep the Batch ID for future reference. ** DO NOT REPLY to this email alias! **
3. POS & Inventory Reporting Process3.2 System Feedback – Error in POS Submission b. If there are errors on the file, the email feedback will contain 2 attachments, detailing the file submission confirmation and excel file to do the correction. c. Amend info in the highlighted column and submit back via “POS submission” in text file
3. POS & Inventory Reporting Process3.2 System Feedback – Rejected POS Submission For rejections upon uploading on DCA_CCO, refer to the error messages below. Review the uploaded POS file and make the amendment. Then save as a text delimited file and upload back to DCA_CCO REMINDER: All re-submission of errors are to be uploaded via POS or Inventory Submission in DCA_CCO (please refer to slide 17)
4 Reporting Policy & Guidelines • De-POS Transaction Guidelines • D2D Stock Transfer Guideline • Reporting Fee Metrics 30 min
4.1 De-POS Transaction Guidelines Business Definition: • POS with a “negative quantity” signifies POS line is a return from reseller back to the distributor or a re-bill. • De-POS is required to reverse the 1st invoice (positive qty) submitted as POS to Cisco. • Typically results in a 3rd POS transaction to occur or also known as a re-POS. When should distributors NOT de-POS? • Typo error in promotion authorization number: Because this should be resubmitted as claims correction after extracting POS from DCA_CCO (please refer to section 5.1) De-POS Reminders! Ensure correct usage of quantity & value reversal: • Positive (+) value in all dollar value fields per unit basis: ‘Reported Net POS price’, ‘Reported Product Unit Price – USD’ (& ‘Claim Per Unit’ and ‘Extended Claim amount’ - if any) • Negative (-) unit in all the quantity fields: ’Product Quantity’ (& ‘Claim Eligible Quantity’ - if any)
4.1 De-POS Transaction Guidelines • Items that are commonly overlooked when De-POS a transaction: • 1. To fill in ‘(Original) Re-Bill Invoice Number’ Column • 2. To fill in ‘Reported Deal ID’ Column – For POS with claim portion • 3. To Insert (NEGATIVE) sign on ‘Claim Per Unit’ and (POSITIVE) sign on ‘Claim Eligible Quantity’ & ‘Extended Claim Amount’
4.1 De-POS Transaction Guidelines • Reminders: • Please check whether Credit Memo has been issued for original CLAIM transaction before submitting Claims in De-POS transaction • When NO Credit Memo issued before (due to claims being “rejected”), please leave the claim portion “BLANK” in the De-POS transaction as per below example: • For ALL depos & repos transactions, please submit in a separate batch and provide details on the reason for each depos/repos batch. Finance will validate and review the respective batches prior to processing. • In POS template, • Depos Line - : • 1. Compulsory to fill in Column G – Original Distributor to Reseller Invoice Number • 2. Info must be same as original POS including the wrong Product SKU, wrong dollar etc • 3. Leave claims Column BO to BS blank if there is no Credit memo required • Repos Line - : • 1. Submit the correct SKU • 2. Submit claims column BO to BS to reclaim when necessary; have to fill in depos Column BO to BS if there is declaims
4.2 D2D Stock Transfer Guideline Notations: Disti A – Transferring Distributor Disti B – Receiving Distributor Business Definition: Disti to Disti Transaction – A transaction representing sale from one distributor to another distributor as a result of “Stock Transfer” (can be Cisco initiated to help save stock rotation from over stocked distributor). D2D Reminders ! • Stock transfers should be in-country only, no cross-border transfers • Disti B has insufficient balance of required stock for product availability • Both distributors must report POS out and adjust Inventory accordingly • Disti A must report: • Reseller = Disti B, End User as “Unavailable”, Net POS = WPL, Trans Type = REG, Serial Number, but no Claims as they’re not eligible for rebate • Disti B must report: • Actual Reseller & Final End User, Serial Number, discounted Net POS value & report DART ID for claims in order to receive credit for their rebates How to report Internal purchase? – Report Reseller & End User as Disti
5 Claims Process & Validation • Claim Policy • Claims Extraction • Claims Feedback • How to Request Claims Feedback from DCA Website? • Validation Types & Rejection Reasons • Price Protection 2 hrs
CLAIM POLICY OBJECTIVE To set out the policy, process & procedures pertaining to Distributor’s backend rebate claims. CLAIM VALIDITY • COMPOSITE rebate (on POS) must be claimed via DCA • within 30 days from the ‘Distributor to Reseller Invoice Date’ or if not provided, the ‘Distributor to Reseller Sales Order Date’ or the Distributor shipped date; • only for the Quantity Sold per POS or less, AND within the approved deviation or promotion quantity and/or amount issued by Cisco. • PRICE PROTECTION must be claimed via DCA • within 30 days from the Global Price notification email advice issued to distributors; • the price credit for affected products in inventory or in transit shall not exceed the dollar value of shipments of affected products to distributor over the preceding forty-five (45) days CLAIM ENTITLEMENT • Any claims not requested within the stipulated contractual terms above are not entitled for payment. • Any claim fields not completely or incorrectly filled will be rejected by the system automatically and will not be entitled for payment unless corrected by Distributors. • POS & Claims Submission Template uploaded via DCA tools <POS SUBMISSION> Tab. Targeted processing will be within 10 working days from point of POS being posted by Cisco to claims being auto-validated to Memo Number being generated.
5. Claim Process5.1 Claims Extraction • Distributors will only need to do Claims Extraction should they have ‘forgotten’ to submit the claims on POS/INV, or if distributor have partially submitted a claim for a particular POS line, or have to do “claim correction”. • This extracts only POS/INV batches that have been fully validated by Cisco and are 100% error-free. A batch may take up to 24 hours (for Daily report submission) or by end of Wednesday (for Weekly report submission) to be validated and processed after submission. • Select the DATE RANGE on which the date of sale, for claim the promotion type will be COMPOSITE. • Allow to filter by CISCO PART NUMBER to reduce the size of File Extraction, click SUBMIT at the bottom page.
5. Claim Process5.1 Claims Extraction • Screen pop up when SUBMIT button is click. • Click on CONFIRM button, message box pop up • Requests for this report will be emailed to you from dca-robo@cisco.com . DO NOT REPLY to this email alias! You will not get any response.
5. Claim Process5.1 Claims Extraction • Do not alter the layout or data on the GREY cells, populate only the field required in the red box columns Z to AD of the WHITE background. • Then save as a text delimited file and submit into DCA_CCO on “Claim Submission” TAB
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) • After Cisco posts POS/INV reports or Distributor submits claims through POS extraction, distributors will receive the Claims Feedback report - For Distributors submitting weekly reports, you will receive it by next Monday / Tuesday - For Distributors submitting daily reports, you will receive it few days after submission • This claim status feedback file is attached as a zipped file with multiple tabs in an excel format containing the following tab-sheets and relates only to Composite claims (i.e. excludes Price Protection claims): For Korea and ANZ - ‘All Claims’ – for transactions that has been validated as correct by the system or has been issued with a Credit Memo Number and claims rejected by system due to non-entitlement against an approved deviation or promotion - ‘Correction Required’ – for claims typically with an invalid deviation or promotion ID For other areas except Korea and ANZ - ‘Valid Claims’ – for transactions that has been validated as correct by the system or has been issued with a Credit Memo Number - ‘Entitlement Errors’ - claims rejected by system due to non-entitlement against an approved deviation or promotion; - ‘Correction Required’ – for claims typically with an invalid deviation or promotion ID * ‘Correction required’ tab will only be found in this file where relevant; therefore it is not in every report that is sent to you
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) Example of Claim Feedback Status
Do not alter the layout or data on the GREY cells, populate only the field required in the WHITE background, columns AE,AG,AI, AK,AM and AO. • Save only the ‘Correction Required tab’ as a text delimited file and upload via DCA_CCO‘Claim Submission’ tab within the same week of receiving this report • Disti will then receive a Claim Submission Number to be kept for future queries to Cisco 5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) 1. ‘Correction Required’ Tab on Excel Worksheet
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) 2. “Valid Claims” (for Short Payment Claims) • No action required from distributors at the point of receiving the first feedback. • One weekafter disti claim submission, Disti is encouraged to conduct an audit for short payment of claims (where the system pays for a lesser amount than what disti have requested or are entitled to due to an error in claim submission or otherwise). • This check based on disti reported claim versus the claims paid by the system based on the entitlement given in DART. If there is short payment, please contact the Rebate Analyst • If the calculation is agreed, disti needs to log • into DCA_CCO website and • click on ‘POS/INV Extraction’ menu and extract • POS based on the following values – • ‘Date of Sale’ and/or Cisco Part Number criteria • as outlined in the analysis
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) 2. “Valid Claims” (for Short Payment Claims) • Within an hour, you will receive the POS extract in your email. Unzip the attachment. • Fill in the white cells with the short paid information and do not alter any information on the gray cells • * Please note that the “Claim Quantity” should be only 1 unit and the “Claim Per Unit” and “Extended Claim Amount” are the short paid amount$ • Resubmit into DCA_CCO website under the ‘Claim Submission’ button. • Rebate Analyst will then process those claim.
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) 3. ‘Entitlement Errors’ Tab / ‘Rejected Claims’ • Every fortnight, log in to DCA_CCO website. Click on the ‘Claim Status’ menu, select Claim Submission Date Range for claims submitted 2 weeks ago. • This is to refresh the rejected claim status because Rebate Analyst would have manually validated some of the rejected claims.
5. Claim Process5.2 Claims Feedback (For Correction Required) 3. ‘Entitlement Errors’ Tab / ‘Rejected Claims’ • Disti may then either export the claims from the website or choose to have the claims sent to you via email. If you request to be sent via email, you will receive your entitlement error transactions in the following format. • Please review the ‘Validation reason code’ column for reasons of rejection and insert a comment field at end of the spreadsheet as to why disti should be paid on these system rejected transactions. • Send back to the analyst and he / she will review and revalidate as applicable
5. Claim Process5.3 Claims Feedback (Request in DCA) When CISCO system does not send the Claim Feedback Report for particular week, Disti may request it from DCA CCO website as follows: 1. Go to DCA - click ‘claim status’ and select the Date Range and Promotion type “Composite” 2. Click all claim IDs shown and click ‘Queue for Feedback’ icon at the bottom of the page 3. Select ‘Request Feedback’ on top right side
5. Claim Process5.3 Claims Feedback (Request in DCA) When CISCO system does not send the Claim Feedback Report for particular week, Disti may request it from DCA CCO website as follows: 4. Select ‘Request Feedback’ icon at the bottom of the page 5. Disti will receive a notification mentioning “Your feedback request has been accepted” 6. Disti will receive ‘Claim feedback report’ one hour after the submission. Please unzip the excel file
5. Claim Process5.4 Price Modification Notification • Upon price modification of any particular part numbers on the Cisco price list, Distributors will receive an automated price notification email from the CTT@external.cisco.com alias. • The email contains an excel file with a naming convention of ADVXXX.xls, which gives Distributors the details of the modified price (price drop / increase) or additional part to the price list that they’re contractually attached to. • A drop in the price of a part number on the price list will entitle a Distributor for a price protection claim to Cisco for products which are currently in their stock.
PRICE DROP Distributor Channel Finance Rebate Analyst 1. Disti receive Price Drop Notification STOCK ON HAND 2 (i) Disti claim PP via Inventory Report Analyst checks POS & INV Report STOCK IN TRANSIT & BACKLOG • 2 (ii) • Disti provide SO# in the Claim Reference# NOT MATCHED Disti to give clarification/ feedback MATCHED 4. Analyst requests Controller’s approval on claims 5. Analyst issues CM NOT APPROVED APPROVED 5. Claim Process5.5 Price Protection Claim
6 Report Utilization in DCA CCO • Deviation Usage Report 30 min
Deviation Usage Report Objective 6.i. DCA CCO: Deviation Usage Report Business Challenge • Lack of information for the distributors on the deviation usage. Distributor has to reconcile the deviation details and the credit memo’s to understand how much has been claimed so far. No single report or user interface for distributors to identify the deviation usage Business Objectives • To allow Distributors to have full visibility of all their Authorizations and assist their day to day claiming activities • Avoiding re-conciliation issues between Cisco and distributors due to improved reporting capabilities