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Rules for Holiday parks for sale UK , The rules have not been compiled to place unnecessary restrictions on owners, but to ensure that they enjoy their time in the Leisure Home in peace and comfort. We are sure that, provided the rules are accepted in the right spirit, the Park will be a happy community.
FRENSHAM C O U N T R Y P A R K SITERULES The following rules of occupation are for the good management of the Park and the benefit of all who occupy the Park and whouseit.Theserulesformpartoftheagreementbywhichyouoccupyyourpitchinaccordancewiththe LicenceAgreement. The rules have not been compiled to place unnecessary restrictions on owners, but to ensure that they enjoy their time in the Leisure Home in peace and comfort. We are sure that, provided the rules are accepted in the right spirit, the Park will be a happycommunity. LODGES Only Leisure Homes of proprietary manufacture which, conform to British Standard No. BS3632 are accepted on the Park. Lodges must be kept in a sound and clean condition. Decoration and external colour must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Company. Wheels, if installed must not be removed from the unit. Buildings works or extensions to the Lodge are not permitted. Permission must be sought from the Company or the Company’s nominated representative in respect of any other matter, consent not to be unreasonably withheld. THEPITCH Occupiers should maintain the pitch allocated in a neat and tidy condition. TheunderneathoftheLeisureHomeistobekeptclearandnotusedasstoragespace. TheminimumseparationdistancebetweenLeisureHomesassetoutbytheSiteLicencemustbemaintainedatalltimes. Private gardens with the pitch must be kept neat and tidy and no fences or other means of enclosure shall be allowed withouttheapprovaloftheCompany,nottobeunreasonablywithheld.Thegrowingofvegetablesisnotpermitted. Trees on the Park may not be lopped, felled or removed. NoflagsorbannersaretobedisplayedonthePark(includingonyourpitchorLeisureHomeatanytime). SHEDS, GARAGES ANDPORCHES Storage sheds and other similar structures are only permitted with the approval of the Company. Where permitted, they mustbeoffa design,sizeandstandardapprovedbytheCompanyandmustbemaintainedina goodstateofrepair. Only one storage shed will be allowed on each pitch. REFUSE The occupier is responsible for the disposal of their own household and garden refuse in the approved containers supplied by the Company. These containers will be emptied by the Local Authority or a Private Refuse Service. Containers must not be over-filled and must be placed in the approved position for collection. The deposit of any refuse or unroadworthy vehicles on any part of the Park is strictly prohibited. The lighting of bonfires or burning of rubbish on the Park (including pitches) is not permitted. WW W.FRENSHAMCOUNT RYPARK.CO.UK
FRENSHAM C O U N T R Y P A R K SITERULES COMMERCIALACTIVITIES 1.No commercial enterprise or business activities may take place on the Park. No commercial vehicles or sign written vehicles will be permitted upondriveways. NUISANCE No occupier shall do or permit to be done anywhere on the Park any act, which may become a nuisance, damage, cause annoyance or inconvenience to the Company or to their neighbours or occupiers of any other Leisure Home on the Park or to any adjoiningproperty. No occupier shall use or permit their Leisure Home to be used for illegal or immoral purposes. Musical instruments, record players, radios or other appliances must not be used so as to cause a disturbance between the hours of 11.00pm and7.00am. PETS A maximum of two dogs per Leisure Home owner is permitted. No other pets or animals are permitted on the Park. Dogsmustbekeptona leadatalltimesandnotlefttoroamaroundthePark. The owner must clear up any fouling. Noise from pets must not cause a nuisance to other homeowners. NobreedofdogthesubjectoftheDangerousDogsAct1991willbeallowedonthePark. Nothing in the rules about dogs prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued a Leisure Home owner with an Identification Book or other appropriateevidence. WATER/ELECTRICITY/GAS Leisure Home owners must not permit wastewater to be discharged onto the Park. Fire points are for Emergency usesonly. It is recommended that the Leisure Home owner lags all external water pipes against frost. The Leisure Home owner is responsible for all pipes from ground level up to their Leisure Home. The Leisure Home owner is responsible for the sewage connection from ground level upwards. The Company will clear blocked drains. If however the blockage is caused by misuse of the sewage system then a charge will be made for this service. Please do not dispose of any fat or wipes or any other products which will not degrade into the sewerage system. The Leisure Home owner is responsible for the electrical connections within the Leisure Home along with the main distribution unit. No modifications or additions to the homes electrical circuits are to be made without written consent from the Company. All work carried out must be completed by a qualified electrician. The Leisure Home owner is responsible for all gas connections form the meter box. It is recommended that all gas installations are safety tested annually by a qualified Gas Safe registered engineer. WW W.FRENSHAMCOUNT RYPARK.CO.UK
FRENSHAM C O U N T R Y P A R K SITERULES VEHICLES AllvehiclesmustbedrivencarefullyontheParkandnotexceedthedisplayedspeedlimits. Parking is not permitted on roads or grassverges. Park users bring their vehicles on the Park at their own risk. Vehicles must keep to authorised parking spaces. One car-parking space is allocated per household. Occupiers with more than one vehicle and visitors may be obliged to Park their vehicles off the Park or in designated car-parking areas where provided. Where there is sufficient room, a second vehicle may be parked within the confines of the pitch in designated positions with the agreement of theCompany. Allvehiclesmustbetaxedandinsuredasrequiredbylawandbeinrunningorder. All drivers on Park must be insured and hold a current driving licence. No major motor repairs may be permitted anywhere on the Park (including pitches). Motor oils and other fuels of that nature must not be discharged into the drains or onto the roads or car parks. VACANTPITCHES Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials and other plant must be left undisturbed. It is forbidden to remove plants or shrubs from vacant pitches. LIABILITY ANDINSURANCE The Company or its employers and agents shall not be liable in any way for loss or theft of, or damage or loss to, or theft from, any Leisure Homes and pitches or vehicle whatsoever unless arising as a result of our own negligence. Further the occupier shall indemnify the Company and keep the Company indemnified from and against all actions, proceedings and claims by a third partyin respect of all and any loss, damage or liability caused by or arising out of neglect or default or wilful act of the Leisure Home Owner or members of his household or guests or visitors. The Leisure Home owner shall furnish the Company with a copy of their insurance certificate with evidence that the Companymayreasonablyrequire,toensurethatthepolicyisvalid,currentandallpremiumshavebeenpaid. OCCUPIERS AND VISITORS TO THE PARK Only Leisure Home owners and bona fide guests may use the Leisure Home Lodgers are notpermitted. Leisure Home owners are responsible for the behaviour and actions of their visitors. All visitors must be made aware of the Park rules and their need to comply with them. Children must not play in a manner to cause disturbance or nuisance to other Leisure Home owners. Guns and firearms shall not be used on the Park or kept within Leisure Homes. WW W.FRENSHAMCOUNT RYPARK.CO.UK
FRENSHAM C O U N T R Y P A R K SITERULES FIRE PRECAUTIONS It is recommended that a suitable fire extinguisher be installed in each Leisure Home. It is recommended that occupiers familiarise themselves with the location of their nearest fire point and emergency procedures. The storage of flammable materials under the Leisure Home is strictly prohibited. No fuels should be stored on the pitch except in quantities reasonable for domestic use. COMPANYREPRESENTATIVES The Park Manager is the representative of the Company and is in full charge of the day to day running of the Frensham Country Park. All enquiries, suggestions or complaints should be in the first instance made to the Park Manager. If no satisfaction is gained then please write to: The General Manager, Frensham Country Park, The Barn, Friars Well Estate, Wartnaby, Leicestershire, LE143HY. Revised October2016 WW W.FRENSHAMCOUNT RYPARK.CO.UK