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Understand the analysis and design phases, components, layers, classes, data, and control in software design. Learn about design principles, patterns, and metrics for effective software development.
Design Dan Fleck CS 421 George Mason University
What is the design phase? • Analysis phase describes what the system should do • Analysis has provided a collection of classes and descriptions of the scenarios that the objects will be involved in. These functions are clustered in groups with related behavior. • The design phase is to work out how the system should do these things. This is the goal of the design phase.
Oversimplification Analysis Classes Attributes Operations Relationships Behavior Design Objects Data Structures Algorithms Messaging Control
The Design Spec Architecture Design - • Layers of the software (e.g.model, view, controller (MVC)) • Categories of classes (e.g. UI, Business logic, interfaces) Component design - • Description of classes/methods/algorithms • State machines for classes UI design • sample screens • UI guidelines/standards we’re using • detailed description of how UI components work Data design - • database design • data structures we’re using.
The Design Spec But really, how do I do it? Find examples and use what you think is helpful from them! http://www.mhhe.com/engcs/compsci/pressman/graphics/Pressman5sepa/common/cs2/design.pdf http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/docs/sdd.html
The goal of design is to think with your brain, not your hands! - Dan Fleck
Applied Design We know what to do now, but that is just a set of documents.. How do we create a GOOD design?
Good Design • Design Principles • What should you try to do? • Design Patterns • How have people done it before you? • Design Metrics • How do you know you have done it well?
Single Responsibility Principle • Each class should have a single overriding responsibility (high cohesion) • Each class has only one reason for why it should change
Principle of Least Knowledge (aka Law of Demeter) • “Only talk to your immediate friends” • Object O has a method M. • M may call other methods in O • M may call methods of any parameter passed into the M method • M may call methods of any object it creates • Any object contained in O Purpose: Reduce Coupling
Principle of Least Knowledge (aka Law of Demeter) Simplified: • I can play by myself • I can play with toys given to me • I can play toys I made myself • I can play with my own toys (but not take them apart) Purpose: Reduce Coupling
Dependency Inversion Principle • Depend on abstractions, not concretions • Program to interfaces not implementations • Program to most abstract class possible • Why? Concrete classes may change a lot. Abstract classes/Interfaces generally change very little. • How can we ensure interfaces change very little? See next slide!
Interface Segregation Principle • Don’t make large multipurpose interfaces – instead use several small focused ones. • Don’t make clients depend on interfaces they don’t use. • Class should depend on each other through the smallest possible interface. • Why? When I change something I want to minimize changes for everyone else.
Remove Cyclic Dependencies • Do not have cyclic dependencies in your packages • Decomposition into independent modules • Why? GUI Logic BusinessLogic UserLogic ErrorHandling
Design Patterns • Proven solutions to common problems • Capture design expertise • Aid in meeting quality metrics • Core patterns are from the “Gang of Four (GoF)”OOPSLA - 1994
Singleton Pattern • Problem: I want to limit the application to only one instance of a particular class, but need global access to that class. • Normally used to control access to key resources. • Solution? override new, make static accessor method.
Singleton Pattern (in Java) public class MySingleton { private static MySingleton instance; private MySingleton() { // do anything you need to do } public static MySingleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new MySingleton(); return instance; } }
Factory (GoF95) • Define an interface for a group of objects • Create a Factory to decide which specific object needs to be instantiated • Think of a multi-document application framework. An application object may know when an object needs to be created, but not which object. How do we create the correct object when needed? • Can also be used when a complex initialization of objects is necessary, for instance when aggregation is heavily used. • Can also be used to take advantage of memory-optimization like object pools, cached objects, etc.
<<interface>> IEncryptFactory CreateEncryption(Key): Encryption Socket Factory (GoF95) EncryptedSocket Encryption instance:IEncryptFactorycipher: Encryption Encrypts/Decrypts with encryptOut decryptIn EncryptionFactory RSAEncryption Requests Creation DESEncryption CreateEncryption(Key): Encryption Creates
Abstract Command MacroCommand Command (GoF95) • Encapsulate commands in objects, so we can queue them, undo them or make macros. + manager:CmdMgr * Concrete Command +doIt():bool +undoIt():bool - data +doIt():bool +undoIt():bool +doIt():bool +undoIt():bool
Flyweight (GoF95) • I have a bunch of classes, but I need to minimize the number of objects I am using. • Instances of the objects contain the same information and can be used interchangeably • Avoid the expense of multiple instances. • Example: DocChar class used to hold characters in a line of text
Visitor (GoF95) • If you need to perform an operation in multiple objects in a complex structure you could create the logic in each class. • OR…the visitor pattern creates a single class that implements the logic and knows how to “visit” each object in your complex structure
Visitor (GoF95) • I need to apply different operations to a collection of objects. • I want to centralize these operations • I want to reduce coupling • For example in a word processor, grammar check, spell check, table of contents builder, outliner all need to traverse the document.
Visitor Diagram Object with Structure concrete visitor concrete visitor navigates Individual Elements Visitor
Design Patterns Summary • Many design patterns exist • Implementations are usually available in every language • Use them as guides where appropriate and make sure you understand the tradeoffs for each one. They aren’t always good for YOUR situation
Design Metrics • Class Size • Methods per class • Lack of Cohesion (count of methods with dissimilar purpose) • Coupling Between Classes (count of other classes that this class refers to) • Depth of Inheritance Tree • Method Complexity - tools can do this
Design Summary • The design phase is when you plan HOW you implement your analysis • Use • Design Principles • Design Patterns • Design Metrics
What should you know • Analysis = what the system should do • Design = how it should do it • Meaning of the parts of the design spec • Design Principles: • Single Responsibility Principle - write it • Law of Demeter. Describe it and state why it is good. • 3 rules of Dependency Inversion Principle • Why you need to remove cyclic dependencies • Metrics • Definition of cohesion and coupling - not how to calculate it, but what it means! • Be able to describe patterns - singleton, factory, command
References • Luc Berthouze, University of Sussex, http://www.informatics.sussex.ac.uk/users/lb203/se/SE08.pdf • Robert Martin, Principles and Patterns, http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/Principles_and_Patterns.pdf • Bob Waters, Georgia Tech, CS2340 Slides, http://www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2007/cs2340_summer/