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How to Uninstall Sophos on My Computer

If you are a user who wants to delete or remove Sophos from your computer, then you are in the right place. Here we explain the essential steps to uninstall Sophos on a computer. Let us explore this in detail.<br>

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How to Uninstall Sophos on My Computer

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  1. The Sophos antivirus in your computer may be causing conflicts with other hardware or software, impacting system performance. Uninstalling Sophos can help resolve these problems and improve performance. Additionally, some users may feel that Sophos does not provide the right level of privacy or security. So, they may prefer to uninstall the antivirus program.

  2. Steps to Uninstall Sophos on Your Computer Step 1: First, you need to disable Tamper Protection; to do this, select Endpoint Protection from Sophos Central Dashboard.

  3. Step 2: Select Computers, then select your system.

  4. Step 3: Scroll down to the Tamper Protection section, then click Disable Tamper Protection.

  5. Step 4: Click the Windows search button, search Control Panel, and open it.

  6. Step 5: Select Programs and Features.

  7. Step 6: Select Sophos Home and click Uninstall.

  8. Step 7: Click Yes in the User Account Control window to proceed.

  9. Step 8: Click Uninstall in the Sophos Home prompt, and it’ll start uninstalling.

  10. Step 9: When you get the Uninstallation Completed Successfully screen, check the Restart box and click Close.

  11. Step 10: Wait for the system to restart.

  12. Conclusion If Sophos is consuming significant system resources or slowing your system, it may be time to uninstall it. Follow these steps to uninstall Sophos and tackle the issues that may come along. Error codes, an unsupported operating system, or remnants left on the system are a few challenges.

  13. Thanks For Visiting Us https://antivirustales.com/knowledgebase/uninstall-sophos-on-my-computer US +1-857-557-6826 UK +44-161-791-4591

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