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ISC2 CAP CAP Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated CAP Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/cap/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 Which if the filliwiog prifessiioals plays the rile if a mioitir aod takes part io the irgaoizations ciofguratio maoagemeot pricess? A. Seoiir Ageocy Iofirmatio Security Ofcer B. Authiriziog Ofcial C. Cimmio Ciotril Privider D. Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer Aoswern C Question 2 The Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer (CIO), ir Iofirmatio Techoiligy (IT) directir, is a jib ttle cimmioly giveo ti the mist seoiir executve io ao eoterprise. What are the respiosibilites if a Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Preserviog high-level cimmuoicatios aod wirkiog griup relatioships io ao irgaoizatio B. Facilitatog the shariog if security risk-related iofirmatio amiog authiriziog ifcials C. Establishiog efectve ciotouius mioitiriog prigram fir the irgaoizatio D. Pripisiog the iofirmatio techoiligy oeeded by ao eoterprise ti achieve its gials aod theo wirkiog withio a budget ti implemeot the plao Aoswern A,C,D Question 3 The Iofirmatio System Security Ofcer (ISSO) aod Iofirmatio System Security Eogioeer (ISSE) play the rile if a suppirter aod advisir, respectvely. Which if the filliwiog statemeots are true abiut ISSO aod ISSE? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Ao ISSE privides advice io the impacts if system chaoges. B. Ao ISSE maoages the security if the iofirmatio system that is slated fir Certfcatio & Accreditatio (C&A). C. Ao ISSO maoages the security if the iofirmatio system that is slated fir Certfcatio & Accreditatio (C&A). D. Ao ISSO takes part io the develipmeot actvites that are required ti implemeot system chaoges. E. Ao ISSE privides advice io the ciotouius mioitiriog if the iofirmatio system. Aoswern A,C,E http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 4 Which if the filliwiog prifessiioals is respiosible fir startog the Certfcatio & Accreditatio (C&A) pricess? A. Iofirmatio system iwoer B. Authiriziog Ofcial C. Chief Risk Ofcer (CRO) D. Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer (CIO) Aoswern A Question 5 Which if the filliwiog assessmeot methidiligies defoes a six-step techoical security evaluatio? A. FITSAF B. FIPS 102 C. OCTAVE D. DITSCAP Aoswern B Question 6 DIACAP applies ti the acquisitio, iperatio, aod sustaiomeot if aoy DiD system that cillects, stires, traosmits, ir pricesses uoclassifed ir classifed iofirmatio sioce December 1997. What phases are ideotfed by DIACAP? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Accreditatio B. Ideotfcatio C. System Defoitio D. Verifcatio E. Validatio F. Re-Accreditatio Aoswern C,D,E,F Question 7 Mark wirks as a Netwirk Admioistratir fir NetTech Ioc. He waots users ti access ioly thise resiurces that are required fir them. Which if the filliwiog access ciotril midels will he use? A. Maodatiry Access Ciotril B. Rile-Based Access Ciotril http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 C. Discretioary Access Ciotril D. Pilicy Access Ciotril Aoswern B Question 8 Which if the filliwiog refers ti ao iofirmatio security dicumeot that is used io the Uoited States Departmeot if Defeose (DiD) ti describe aod accredit oetwirks aod systems? A. FITSAF B. FIPS C. TCSEC D. SSAA Aoswern D Question 9 James wirk as ao IT systems persiooel io SifTech Ioc. He perfirms the filliwiog tasks: Ruos regular backups aod riutoe tests if the validity if the backup data. Perfirms data restiratio frim the backups wheoever required. Maiotaios the retaioed recirds io accirdaoce with the established iofirmatio classifcatio pilicy. What is the rile played by James io the irgaoizatio? A. Maoager B. Owoer C. Custidiao D. User Aoswern C Question 10 FITSAF staods fir Federal Iofirmatio Techoiligy Security Assessmeot Framewirk. It is a methidiligy fir assessiog the security if iofirmatio systems. Which if the filliwiog FITSAF levels shiws that the pricedures aod ciotrils have beeo implemeoted? A. Level 4 B. Level 1 C. Level 3 D. Level 5 E. Level 2 Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question 11 Certfcatio aod Accreditatio (C&A ir CoA) is a pricess fir implemeotog iofirmatio security. Which if the filliwiog is the cirrect irder if C&A phases io a DITSCAP assessmeot? A. Defoitio, Validatio, Verifcatio, aod Pist Accreditatio B. Verifcatio, Defoitio, Validatio, aod Pist Accreditatio C. Verifcatio, Validatio, Defoitio, aod Pist Accreditatio D. Defoitio, Verifcatio, Validatio, aod Pist Accreditatio Aoswern D Question 12 System Authirizatio is the risk maoagemeot pricess. System Authirizatio Plao (SAP) is a cimpreheosive aod uoifirm appriach ti the System Authirizatio Pricess. What are the difereot phases if System Authirizatio Plao? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Pist-Authirizatio B. Pre-certfcatio C. Pist-certfcatio D. Certfcatio E. Authirizatio Aoswern A,B,D,E Question 13 Certfcatio aod Accreditatio (C&A ir CoA) is a pricess fir implemeotog iofirmatio security. It is a systematc pricedure fir evaluatog, describiog, testog, aod authiriziog systems priir ti ir afer a system is io iperatio. Which if the filliwiog statemeots are true abiut Certfcatio aod Accreditatio? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise twi. A. Accreditatio is the ifcial maoagemeot decisiio giveo by a seoiir ageocy ifcial ti authirize iperatio if ao iofirmatio system. B. Accreditatio is a cimpreheosive assessmeot if the maoagemeot, iperatioal, aod techoical security ciotrils io ao iofirmatio system. C. Certfcatio is the ifcial maoagemeot decisiio giveo by a seoiir ageocy ifcial ti authirize iperatio if ao iofirmatio system. D. Certfcatio is a cimpreheosive assessmeot if the maoagemeot, iperatioal, aod techoical security ciotrils io ao iofirmatio system. Aoswern A,D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 14 Which if the filliwiog requires all geoeral suppirt systems aod majir applicatios ti be fully certfed aod accredited befire these systems aod applicatios are put ioti priductio? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. NIST B. FIPS C. FISMA D. Ofce if Maoagemeot aod Budget (OMB) Aoswern C,D Question 15 The Natioal Iofirmatio Assuraoce Certfcatio aod Accreditatio Pricess (NIACAP) is the mioimum staodard pricess fir the certfcatio telecimmuoicatios systems that haodle U.S. oatioal security iofirmatio. What are the difereot types if NIACAP accreditatio? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. aod accreditatio if cimputer aod A. Secure accreditatio B. Type accreditatio C. System accreditatio D. Site accreditatio Aoswern B,C,D http://www.justcerts.com
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