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Welcome!. S outh B ay C onsortium. Please ~ Sign in. Help yourself to snacks. Set your phone on vibrate. Four Square Activity. “How’s It Going?”. Take a moment to reflect and write to each prompt. Stand and make eye contact with a colleague across the room.
Welcome! South Bay Consortium • Please ~ Sign in. Help yourself to snacks. Set your phone on vibrate.
Four Square Activity “How’s It Going?” • Take a moment to reflect and write to each prompt. • Stand and make eye contact with a colleague across • the room. • Each partner will share one “square”. • At the chime, change partners and share another “square”.
Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 4
Context for Teaching Initial Assessment of Teaching PracticeYou are here! Inquiry Summary of Teaching Practice FACT:You Are Here 5
Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice What 1) PTs will consider prior experiences from their teacher preparation program 2) SPs will conduct an informal observation to gather evidence 3) PTs will self-assess using a rubric 4) PTs & SPs will have a reflective conversation Why The Initial Assessment will help guide the PT’s work in their first Inquiry and will serve to measure growth over time. 7
Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice How PTs will gather information about their Context for Teaching in Module A and complete an Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice in Module B. Both will be used as sources of information to determine focus areas for the first Inquiry which will begin in January. 8
Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice:Purpose Paragraph • Review highlighted key points in the purpose paragraph of the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Directions • Questions? Comments? 9
Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Concepts Participating Teachers bring documentation (TPA/Portfolio, etc.) from their teacher preparation. Information gathered during this module will be used to develop the Individual Induction Plan (IIP) for the Inquiry module. This module will be completed concurrently with the Context for Teaching module. 10
Plan plan for future learning Teach Apply so that the SP will be able to observe and collect evidence to support their them toward current learning Reflect on prior teaching experiences
Understanding the Big Picture Step One: Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Self-Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation
Connecting Big Picture to Forms Step One: • Read the Step One Directions • Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison • Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart B-1.1 • Alignment Chart Discussion Guide B-1.2 • Show Video 14
Reconnecting to the Big Picture You arehere! Step One: Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Self-Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation 19
Read the directions for Step Two: Informal Classroom Observation (B-3.1 or B-3.2)Table Talk: Discuss the intent of an informal classroom observation Informal Classroom Observation 20
Informal Classroom Observation K-W-O Chart (B-2.0) Review the K-W-O Chart Note: What I already Know about my classroom practice What I Want to know about my classroom practice What I would like my support provider to Observe when (s)he visits my classroom 21
Informal Classroom Observation Prompt: Discuss with a partner the benefits of completing the K-W-O Chart for the Participating Teacher: Support Provider: 22
Informal Classroom Observation Pre-Observation Conversation Activity 3 - Pre Observation Conference Reminder Sheet • Work with your table partners to list the items a support provider might discuss with a participating teacher during the pre-observation conference. 23
Informal Classroom Observation Possible Answers for the Pre-Conference: • Discuss the lesson objective and plan • Review Context for Teaching student information forms • Share the observation form(s) and revisit the KWO chart from Step 1 24
Informal Classroom Observation . • Discuss the purpose of the observation and its location in the scope and sequence of the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice (Module B). • Discuss where you should sit during the • observation. • Discuss how/if you will be introduced to • students. 25
Informal Classroom Observation Observation Refer to Informal Classroom Observation Tools B-3.1 and B-3.2 Talk with a Partner Compare and contrast Informal Classroom Observation Tools B-3.1 and B-3.2 Identify the types of information documented on each form. 26
Informal Classroom Observation Observation Practice • Using Informal Classroom Observation Tool B-3.1 or B-3.2, prepare to observe a lesson • Remember to record all “evidence” observed during the lesson using: • CSTP • Induction Standards 27
Evidence vs. Opinion Observable Not influenced by observer’s perspective Free of evaluative words No conclusions drawn Makes inferences Depends on observer’s perspective Includes evaluative words Draws conclusions As we engage in the process of collecting evidence of a new teacher’s practice, it is important that we refrain from making judgments without evidence.
Types of Observation Evidence Verbatim scripting - teacher or student, “Take your homework out and put it on your desk.” Observed behavior - teacher or student, Students sit in groups of four. Numeric information about time use, student participation, resource use, etc. (tallies) Observed aspect of the environment, (e.g.procedures for group work are posted on the board) Teacher movement in the room (e.g. Draw a map of the class and chart teacher movement and proximity to students) Seating chart (Use a copy of the seating chart to tally numbers of times individual students are called on for answers) Start/stop times for activities and transition (e.g. Indicate starting and stopping time for each activity to collect evidence for pacing of the lesson.) Share scripting forms
Observation Evidence“Evidence or Opinion?” Teacher consistently called on boys more frequently, causing girls not to be engaged. • Children have desk with their name on it and a place to keep their things. Evidence, which CSTP? Show Video • Teacher says today’s activities are an extension of the math unit. Evidence, which CSTP? • Seating arrangement is flexible because it is Kindergarten. Opinion - rewrite opinion statements so that it is restated as evidence • Teacher clearly has planned and organized time for maximum effect. Opinion - rewrite opinion statements so that it is restated as evidence • Teacher checked student understanding with thumbs up/thumbs down. Evidence, which CSTP? Opinion - rewrite opinion statements so that it is restated as evidence
Informal Classroom Observation Practice Observation De-Brief • Partners: Share samples of evidence collected for the CSTP elements and Induction Standards • Did you have anything written that might be an opinion? If so, how could it be written as evidence? • What if there is no evidence for a standard? • Whole group share out 32
Informal Classroom Observation Post-Observation Discussion Role-Play Find a Partner (Take your observation notes and Post Observation Reflection B-4 with you) Decide who will be the support provider and who will be the participating teacher. Using the actual notes gathered during the practice observation, role play the conversation you would have with the participating teacher to determine key insights that might be recorded on the Post Observation Reflection tool, B-4. 33
Reconnecting to the Big Picture You are here! Step One: Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation
Read the directions and highlight the key ideas for Step 3: Initial Assessment Completion Share key ideas Marking the Self-Assessment 36
Marking the CSTP Self-Assessment Review the Assessment Tool criteria (Description of Practice E-1) Look at E-2.1 Self-Assessment summary form Can use Sources of Evidence codes on next page
Marking the Induction Standards Self-Assessment • Review the Induction Self-Assessment Tool (E 2.1 & E 2.2) • PT will write a short narrative for each Induction Standard (Pedagogy, Equity, ELL and Special Populations)
Reconnecting to the Big Picture You are here! Step One: Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Self-Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation 41
Reflective Conversation Read the directions and highlight the key ideas for Step 4:Self-Assessment Reflective Conversation Record(E-3) Share key Ideas 42
Initial Assessment Reflective Conversation Record E-3 Use information gathered thus far to answer the Reflective Conversation questions on E-3 43
Reflective Conversation Record NOTE: • The Reflective Conversation Record guides support providers to: • bring closure to each self-assessment activity • assist their participating teachers in using their reflections as they begin to develop Individual Induction Plans during each Inquiry. 44
Reconnecting FACT Context for Teaching: September - December Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice: October - December Inquiry - January - May Summary of Teaching Practice May 45
Last words of Support! • Take a deep breath • Chunk out the pieces • Calendar it out • Just do the very best you can!