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ANVAY Maritime Institute is a DG Shipping approved Maritime Academy of India. We are one of the top maritime institute offering best education and training for Seafarers. ANVAY Maritime Institute endeavour to be a professional and progessive training body offering DG approved post sea modular courses, training & education to inspire and motivate individuals to be competitive in this dynamic industry.<br><br>https://www.anvaymaritime.com/course-detail.php#fpffpssrefapst<br><br>Call us at 022-27560135/ 91 7045374894 /022-49678747 / 91 9975737174<br><br>Email:<br>info@anvaymaritime.com
ANVAY MARITIME INSTITUTE Anvay Maritime Institute (MTI No : 204071)ADDRESS :Office No.41A,42A,43A, 44A, 45A, 46A, 47A, 4th Floor, Aggarawal Trade Center,Sector -11, Plot No.62, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614.CONTACT DETAIL: 022-27560135 022-49678747 7045374894 9975737174
ABOUT USANVAY MARITIME INSTITUTEANVAY Maritime Institute endeavour to be a professional and progessive training body offering DG approved post sea modular courses, training & education to inspire and motivate individuals to be competitive in this dynamic industry. By imparting proficient knowledge and training.ANVAY Maritime Institute ensures bright future for all of its seafaresVisionDG Approved InstituteTo be a comprehensive One Stop Solution to all marine needs at all level.MissionSTCW Courses in MumbaiContinuously endeavour to provide bench marking standards, to be a reliable, ethical and socially responsible reputed name, amongst top marine industries in the world throught quality training to seafarers, recruitement and trading services.
COURSE 1.Basic Safety Training The aim of the course is to give seafarers the essential education and training in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities, Elementary First Aid and Personal Survival Techniques. 2.Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Enables every candidate attending this course to perform onboard designated security duties including anti-piracy and anti-armed robbery exercises.
3.Basic Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations inclusive of Augmentation It comprises a basic training program appropriate to their duties, including oil and chemical tanker safety, fire safety measures and systems, pollution prevention, operational practice and obligations under applicable laws and regulations. 4.Passenger Ship Familiarization (Crowd Management) The objectives of this course are to provide the student with the knowledge and skill in controlling a crowd in an emergency situation, locate essential safety and emergency equipment on board, communicate effectively with passengers during an emergency, demonstrate the use of personal life-saving appliances and comply with the ship's safety and emergency procedures.
5.Refresher Personal Survival Techniques Seafarers holding an existing PST qualification are required to complete this updated proficiency course every five years to maintain proficiency under the STCW 1978 as amended. 6.Refresher Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting. Seafarers holding an existing FPFF qualification are required to complete this proficiency course every five years to maintain proficiency under the STCW 1978 as amended.
WELCOME AGAIN TO ANVAY MARITIME INSTITUTE, Hello my Sailor Friends, Welcome again to Anvay Maritime Institute, Deck dept aur engine dept. Merchant navy ,What is merchant navy uniform like? Do they have to wear the uniform all the time? Merchant navy officers mainly wear a white shirt and black trousers, along with epaulettes according to the rank on the ship. The uniform is accompanied with black formal shoes and a pullover or sweatshirt during cold climate condition. The cap (P-cap) is a black hod with a white top having an anchor symbol.
However, while working on ships, the crew usually wears a boiler suit along with personal protective equipment (PPE). The personal protective equipment will change according to the type of ship and kind of work that is to be performed. Officers are supposed to wear the uniform when on the ship’s bridge, mess room or as asked by the ship’s captain. Needless to say, the merchant navy uniform is of great importance and pride and maritime professionals are required to keep the uniform up-to-date and clean at all times. Good bye for now. Stay home, Stay safe and fight against COVID 19. Always for you - Anvay Maritime Institute.
THANK YOU for ANY CLARIFICATION AND ABOUT COURSE connect with us • For support and any question Email us at info@anvaymaritime.com Call us on 022-27560135 • Website http://www.anvaymaritime.com