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Fossils can be placed in a time sequence to see patterns

Evidence of Evolution Outline evidence that present day organisms have developed from different organisms in the distant past. Fossils can be placed in a time sequence to see patterns. Relative dating Law of superposition (generally shows a progression from simple life forms to more

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Fossils can be placed in a time sequence to see patterns

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  1. Evidence of EvolutionOutline evidence that present day organisms have developed from different organisms in the distant past

  2. Fossils can be placed in a time sequence to see patterns • Relative dating Law of superposition (generally shows a progression from simple life forms to more complex life forms • Now we can place absolute times on may fossils by Radiometric Dating

  3. Transition fossils Provide a suggested pathway for evolutionary change. Archaeopteryx Birds evolved from reptiles

  4. Skeletons of Crossopterygious (lobed fish) and amphibians show many similarities. Convincing argument for relations • Comparison of present day organisms with fossils of past • organisms show changes that have occurred over time. • Skeletal comparisons are often used as evidence of possible • Lineages.

  5. Biogeography • Is the Study of the distribution of living things. Distribution of similar plants and animals across the world suggests that after the break up of super continents (eg Gondwana), evolution has continued resulting in small changes of species as a result of changes in environmental conditions • Oreocallis: Peru Ecuador, • New Guinea and parts of Australia Embothrium: Chilie, Argentina

  6. Tasmanian Waratah Gippsland Waratah or Victorian Waratah. Northeast NSW New South Wales Waratah. East New South Wales.

  7. Comparative Embryology

  8. Comparative anatomy

  9. biochemistry

  10. Comparative DNA analysis

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