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Kluwer Academic Publishers Vértes – Nagy – Klencsár. Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry. (A magkémia kézikönyve) http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/1-4020-1305-1 http://www.chem.elte.hu/departments/magkem/nagys/. Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry Bevezető gondolatok: E. Teller.
Kluwer Academic PublishersVértes– Nagy – Klencsár Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry (A magkémia kézikönyve) http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/1-4020-1305-1 http://www.chem.elte.hu/departments/magkem/nagys/
Handbook of Nuclear ChemistryBevezető gondolatok: E. Teller „New ideas are hard to accept; popular mistrust and opposition often hinder the exploration and application of new sciences and technologies. We have to look only at the work and struggle of Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, among many others, to realize what obstacles there were in their paths. There can be no question that nuclear energy will become more important in the future in spite of the fact that there is general opposition toward the use of this form of energy. Conventional energy sources will soon become less available. Oil and gas are becoming more expensive and no great reserves appear to be available. Coal supplies are likely to last longer but I expect it to become more expensive even within this century. The other sources, like hydroelectricity, solar energy and geothermal energy will be in many cases important, but they will remain local and limited. I firmly expect that the source that will become of lasting and general importance for the world is nuclear energy.” „Az új gondolatokat nehéz befogadni; a bizalmatlanság és ellenállás gyakran gátolja az új tudomány és technológia feltárását és felhasználását. Elég, többek között, csak azokra a gáncsoskodásokra gondolni, amikkel meg kellett küzdenie, életútja során, Galileinek, Newtonnak és Einsteinnek.”
Handbook of Nuclear ChemistryBevezető gondolatok: G.A. Olah G. A. Olah: Chemical Research-2000 and Beyond, P. Barkan, ed. American Chem. Soc., Washington, DC and Oxford University Press, New York, 1998, pp. 40-54. „Generating energy by burning non-renewable fossil fuels including oil, gas and coal is feasible only for the relatively short future and even so, faces serious environmental problems (vide infra). The advent of the atomic age opened up a wonderful new possibility, but also created dangers and concerns of safety. I feel that it is tragic that the latter considerations practically brought further development of atomic energy to a stand still at least in most of the Western world. Whether we like it or not we have in the long run no alternative but to rely increasingly on clean atomic energy, but we must solve safety problems including those of disposal and storage of radioactive waste-products. Pointing out difficulties and hazards as well as regulating them (within reason) is necessary. Finding solutions to overcome them, however, is essential.” „Akár tetszik, akár nem, hosszabb távon nincs más választásunk, mint az, hogy egyre növekvő mértékben a tiszta atomenergiára támaszkodjunk…”
Handbook of Nuclear ChemistryA projekt fő adatai 3 sorozatszerkesztő Vértes Attila Nagy Sándor Klencsár Zoltán 2 kötetszerkesztő Lovas Rezső G. Rösch, Frank 1 függelékszerkesztő Molnár Gábor L. Kezdés: 2000. márciusBefejezés: 2003. október Tartam: 3 és fél év Statisztikai összegzés 2501 oldal 5 kötet 48+2 fejezet 79 szerző 2 bolygó (, ♂) 11 ország ()
Pászti F. (1) Patkós A. (1) Pusztai L. (1) Süvegh K. (1) Vajda N. (1) Valek A. (1) Vértes A. (1) Wojnárovits L. (1) Biri S. (1) Csikai J. (1) Dóczi R. (1) Fényes T. (1) Homonnay Z. (1) Horváth D. (3) Jancsó G. (1) Kanyár B. (1) Kiss Á. Z. (1) Koltay E. (2) Kovács A. (1) Köteles G. J. (1) Kuzmann E. (1) Marek T. (1) Molnár G. L. (4) Nagy S. (3) Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry Magyar szerzők (fejezetek száma)
1. kötet (576 oldal)
Foreword: E. Teller Preface: A. Vértes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsár 1. History of Nuclear and Radiochemistry G. Friedlander, G. Herrmann 2. Basic Properties of the Atomic Nucleus T. Fényes 3. Nuclear Reactions V. E. Viola 4. Nuclear Fission J. O. Denschlag Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 1Basics of Nuclear Science
5. Kinetics of Radioactive Decay S. Nagy 6. Interaction of Radiation with Matter D. Horváth, A. Vértes 7. Statistical Aspects of Nuclear Measurements S. Nagy 8. The Standard Model of Elementary Particles D. Horváth Appendix—Reference Data G. L. Molnár, R. B. Firestone Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 1Basics of Nuclear Science
2. kötet (539 oldal)
1. The Origin of the Chemical Elements T. Rauscher, H. Oberhummer, A. Patkós 2. Natural Radioactive Decay Chains H. C. Griffin 3. Radioelements H. C. Griffin 4. Isotope Effects G. Jancsó 5. Isotopic Paleoclimatology R. Bowen Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 2Elements and Isotopes: Formation, Transformation, Distribution
6. Radioactive Dating Methods R. Bowen 7. Production and Chemistry of Transuranium Elements Y. Nagame, M. Hirata, H. Nakahara 8. Production and Identification of Transactinide Elements G. Münzenberg 9. Chemistry of Transactinides J. V. Kratz 10. Superheavy Elements D. C. Hoffman, D. M. Lee Appendix—The Table of the Nuclides R. B. Firestone Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 2Elements and Isotopes: Formation, Transformation, Distribution
3. kötet (554 oldal)
1. Radiation Chemistry L. Wojnárovits 2. Hot Atom Chemistry H. K. Yoshihara, T. Sekine 3. Mössbauer Spectroscopy E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, S. Nagy, K. Nomura 4. Mössbauer Excitation by Synchrotron Radiation M. Seto 5. Positron Annihilation Spectroscopies K. Süvegh, T. Marek 6. Exotic Atoms and Muonium D. Horváth Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 3Chemical Applications of Nuclear Reactions and Radiations
7. Neutron Scattering Methods in Chemistry L. Pusztai 8. Activation Analysis R. Zeisler, N. Vajda, G. Lamaze, G. L. Molnár 9. Applications of Neutron Generators J. Csikai, R. Dóczi 10. Chemical Applications of Accelerators E. Koltay, F. Pászti, Á. Z. Kiss, F. Adams 11. Tracer Technique F. Ambe, S. Ambe, S. Enomoto Appendix—Reference Data Z. Homonnay, R. B. Firestone, G. L. Molnár, J. Csikai, R. Dóczi, R. Zeisler Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 3Chemical Applications of Nuclear Reactions and Radiations
4. kötet (416 oldal)
Preface:F. Rösch In Memoriam Gerhard Stöcklin:F. Rösch, H. Wester, S. Qaim 1. Reactor-Production of Medical Radionuclides S. Mirzadeh, L. F. Mausner, M. A. Garland 2. Cyclotron Production of Medical Radionuclides S. M. Qaim 3. Radionuclide Generators F. Rösch, F. F. (Russ) Knapp 4. 11C: Labeling Chemistry and Labeled Compounds G. Antoni, T. Kihlberg, B. Långström 5. 18F: Labeling Chemistry and Labeled Compounds H.-J. Wester Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 4Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry in Life Sciences
6. 99mTc: Labeling Chemistry and Labeled Compounds R. Alberto, U. Abram 7. Radioiodination Chemistry and RadioiodinatedCompounds M. Eisenhut, W. Mier 8. Radiometals (non-Tc, non-Re)and Bifunctional Labeling Chemistry H. Mäcke 9. Radionuclide Therapy M. R. Zalutsky 10. Dosimetry and Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation B. Kanyár, G. J. Köteles Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 4Radiochemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry in Life Sciences
5. kötet (416 oldal)
1. Radiation Detection H. C. Griffin 2. Dosimetry Methods W. L. McLaughlin, A. Miller, A. Kovács 3. Particle Accelerators S. Biri,. E. Koltay, A. Valek 4. Technical Application of Nuclear Fission J. O. Denschlag 5. Isotope Separation W. A. Van Hook Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 5Instrumentation, Separation Techniques, Environmental Issues
6. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange in Radiochemistry G. Skarnemark 7. Radiochemical Separations by Thermochromatography A. F. Novgorodov, F. Rösch, N. A. Korolev 8. Environmental Radiation Protection Y. Maeda, S. Osaki 9. Radioactive Waste Management P. A. Baisden, C. E. Atkins-Duffin Appendix—Reference Data R. B. Firestone, G. L. Molnár Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 5Instrumentation, Separation Techniques, Environmental Issues