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Here are 3 tips on photography which I've learned recently. They are simple, yet powerful, and are most suitable for a novice like me! I hope for those of you who are also picking up photography find these tips useful.
3 simple tips to improve your photography *‘ Simple Tips To Improve Your Photography
iliusfraxad b Yang A0 Wei & lgN_| @llWV¢l@0lIll00A00lVl
All photos shown in This deck were taken using my Sony Xperici Z2.
This is a simple and obvious tip, but makes an impact on the appeal of a photo.
just your d is level. ' ’yoii shoulilad in the haoligroun - When you're oomposing an image gear so that the horizon
Straighten your horizon for a more natural-looking image with a greater impact.
For the most of us who take photos on the fly, we usually point, shoot, and we have a photo of our desired subject.
at It doesn't really occur to us to ensure that we have a technically-pleasing composition. a
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Changing the angle from which you talie a photo can lie iaquich and easy waytog malie it much more interestiiig} “ 5
Basically, the Rule of Thirds suggests that you imagine a tic-tac-toe grid (of equal sizes) over what you're photographing.
Basically, the Rule of Thirds suggests that you imagine a tic-tac-toe grid (of equal sizes) over what you’re photographing. That you put your subject at one (or two) of the four spots where the lines intersect.
«B . Placing your subject a bit oil-center can add some interests to your photos. .. . .. ‘vs _. ——
It adds drama & emotions, inviting your viewers into the story. / 'i. " 7 “ j " r * ' ! r r . l T ' l i i . v i , ‘ l l H ~‘ ‘ i i I fir 4--5.“: l l y ' " ' ‘i , , i 3 l i __ , }J, "v, l’, .‘: ‘- bl; 1’; L . i _i‘; ". ‘ll; ill ‘ y I l I " I ll /1"? ‘-fl’ ‘ 7 "' _ go ' y 2-‘ ‘ ; y _ , ‘ 5.§”V£* 5'! ’ l’, "{, ' J’. - K‘ , t “"~ ' , , - o t l .5.‘ I “Ls. ' J- (C. . “Le,
'C‘I—¢. _.§ S It adds context. The viewer gets more detail, and a better sense of how the / if: gr subject relates to the surroundings. r- *7": I
/ ‘ , J ‘. 1%‘ .1‘ ‘ ‘ “I'll! !! , r4 1‘ . ",4.'o' . I, i . a’ / / I It gives the viewer's eye more to do. is Rather than just looking at a center g point and being done with it, an off- center photo invites us to explore.