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The 5th of the 7 Highly Effectively Habits, it deals primarily with "the method to be effective with others". Dr Steven .R Covey mentioned that there is a reason why the 7 Habits are sequenced in the way that he did. Every one of the Habit builds upon the previous one in a progressive manner. In his own words, "The relationship & the sequence among the Habits are the key to the overall power." It is most recommended that one learns all the 7 Habits in order. So, if you have not yet gone through the 1st Habit - Be Proactive, 2nd Habit - Begin with the End in Mind & 3rd Habit - 1st Things 1st, 4th Habit - Think Win-Win, why not go through them 1st? Here's the link for Habit #1: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-1-be-proactive-36473102 Habit #2: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-2-begin-with-the-end-in-mind-36631027 Habit #3: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-3-put-1st-things-1st Habit #4: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-4-think-winwin For you guys who are new to this, you might like to first gain some fundamental ideas via "The 7 Highly Effective Habits Foundational Principles" deck before all else.That will definitely help strengthen your concept of what the whole idea is about. Here's the link: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/the-7-highly-effective
Habit #5 - Seek 1st to Understand 1 Diagnose before prescribe WHAT’S INSIDE 2 4 autobiographical responses 3 4 levels of listening 4 The 5th level ~ emphatic listening 5 4 emphatic listening skills
1 Diagnose before prescribeIn order to influence, we have to be influenced. 1 Diagnose before prescribeIn order to influence, we have to be influenced.
. 2 4 auto- biographical responses The amateur salesman sells products while the professional sells solutions to needs & problems.
. Often, that Limits us from getting to understand the autobiography of the other person.
. We ought to learn To be more aware of these responses.
. And we should always keep our minds open while we are listening.
. 3 4 levels of listeningEveryone’s life is so unique but who’s going to listen to that uniqueness?
. depends on which level of listening is being adopted.
. 4 The 5th level ~ Empathic listeningThe one who listens does the most work, not the one speaking.
. We don’t just “see” things in our own mind,
. 5 4 empathic listening skillsThe deepest need of human souls is to be understood.
. Always listen with the pure desire to understand.
. let him or her get To the problem and the solution