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Understanding Workplace Safety & Building Compliance

Discover the evolution of Rope Descending Systems (RDS) in window cleaning, initial oversights, regulatory interventions by OSHA, and compliance requirements under the ANSI/IWCA I-14 Standard. Learn why adherence to safety protocols is crucial in the window cleaning industry to prevent accidents and comply with regulations for building maintenance.

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Understanding Workplace Safety & Building Compliance

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  1. Understanding Workplace Safety & Building Compliance For Exterior Maintenance Contractors

  2. Rope Descending Systems were introduced to the window cleaning industry in the late 1950’s When one window cleaning company in a city started using RDS, all the other companies quickly followed to stay competitive Today they’re probably being used at all your mid to high rise buildings

  3. Window Cleaner’s developed the components and use of RDS without any real influence from regulatory agencies or professional expertise Unfortunately, a lot of bad habits and techniques were created

  4. Because so many window cleaning companies were using RDS and a lot of bad practices were going on, OSHA got involved in 1991 to create a safety regulation for the use of the equipment.

  5. OSHA published a Memorandum and sent it to all Regional Offices in the US to assist in regulating the use of Rope Descent Systems

  6. The Memo was basic in nature and addressed the following 8 important RDS techniques: Training of employees in the use of the equipment before it is used; Inspection of equipment each day before use; Proper rigging, including sound anchorages and tiebacks, in all cases, with particular emphasis on providing tiebacks when counterweights, cornice hooks, or similar non-permanent anchorage systems are used;

  7. Use of a separate fall arrest system (including, sit harness, or full body harness; rope grab or similar device; lifeline; and anchorage (all of which are completely independent of the friction device and its support system), so that any failure in a friction device, support seat (or harness), support line, or anchorage system will not affect the ability of the fall arrest system to operate and quickly stop the employee's fall;

  8. All lines installed (such as by using knots, swages or eye splices) when rigging descent control devices shall be capable of sustaining a minimum tensile load of 5,000 pounds.

  9. Provisions are made for rescue; Ropes are effectively padded where they contact edges of the building, anchorage, obstructions, or other surfaces which might cut or weaken the rope; Provisions are made for intermittent stabilization for descent in excess of 130 feet.

  10. The OSHA Regulations helped but they didn’t address all the known hazards faced by the window cleaning industry & user’s of RDS Especially when it comes to PROPER RIGGING !!!

  11. Improvising became Dangerously Popular

  12. Improvising became Dangerously Popular

  13. Window Cleaners were economically forced to guess where and how to rig their lines on a roof

  14. Accidents Were Occurring on a Regular Basis

  15. The Industry needed to remedy itself and a new American National Safety Standard was published recently and it is going to affect the way windows are cleaned at your property !! Published in December of 2001, the ANSI/IWCA I-14 Standard was developed to help raise the level of safety in the window cleaning industry

  16. The I-14 focuses it’s safety guidelines on the two most affected parts of the window cleaning industry The Window Cleaner and the Property Manager !!!

  17. Because Window Cleaners perform their trade at numerous worksites, the I-14 Standard helps to point out that workplace safety is a “shared responsibility” Window cleaning contractors can only control the safety of the equipment they bring to the site or building Building & Property Managers have control of the overall safety of their building

  18. An Even BIGGER CONCERN is that window cleaners may perform their services at your building 2, 3, 4, even up to 6 times a year !!! Are you prepared for that much exposure ???

  19. One Important Reason for You to COMPLY Is to Help Prevent Accidents

  20. More Reasons for YOU to COMPLY To Prevent OSHA Citations And to Reduce Exposure to Costly Litigation that may arise if an accident were to occur

  21. More Reasons for YOU to COMPLY Since it’s publication, OSHA is now enforcing window cleaning safety by referencing the I-14 Safety Standard and they have done so numerous times. Samples can be viewed at the OSHA Website at www.osha.gov

  22. More Reasons for YOU to COMPLY If you feel that your building meets OSHA requirements, remember that OSHA now enforces the I-14 Standard. As a result, you’ll want to be sure your facility is in compliance with this new safety standard.

  23. Work with your Contractor by Exchanging Written Assurances These are as simple as documents on company letterhead that verify: • The Contractors Safety Ability and; • The Safety of Your Facility

  24. Written Assurances You Should have from the Window Cleaning Contractor 1. Proof the Contractor will perform services in accordance with all applicable Local, State and Federal Regulations. 2. Documented, well trained and competent personnel to perform the services. 3. Specifications for their transportable equipment along with maintenance and inspection criteria. 4. A Written Work Plan that Identifies: a) Where suspended access equipment will be used; b) Where ground barricades will be placed; c) What anchor points on the roof will be used; • Any other recognized safety hazards

  25. Written Assurances You Should Provide in Return 1. That any permanent equipment (i.e., powered platform) on the building has been inspected and maintained in accordance with industry standards.

  26. How To: If your facility has a permanent powered platform, its manufacturer can provide inspections and maintenance…your window cleaning contractor may also be able to assist you with finding the manufacturer or another company that could provide these services.

  27. Written Assurances You Should Provide in Return 2. If transportable suspended equipment is being used at your building, you need to have a “certified” anchor system in place. This enables workers to have separate and properly located anchors for both their primary work line and backup safety line.

  28. What is a Certified Anchor System?? Since OSHA now enforces the I-14 Safety Standard, a “certified” anchor system needs to meet I-14 guidelines. According to the I-14 Standard, roof safety anchors must be easily identifiable; provide adequate fall protection; in the proper location for the suspended worker; able to support 5000lbs and; used correctly. To become “certified” a licensed professional engineer needs to provide their stamp on a roof layout drawing that shows the anchors are properly located; that they meet the load requirements and; how they are to be used. This engineer stamped drawing constitutes a Certified Anchor System and this certification lasts for 10 (ten) years.

  29. What is a Certified Anchor System?? This eliminates the guesswork which has led to improper and unsafe rigging practices.

  30. Sample of a Certified Anchor System

  31. Sample of a Certified Anchor System

  32. What a Certified Anchor System Looks Like

  33. What is a Certified Anchor System?? Once your Anchor System is “Certified” for the 10 year period, the anchors should be inspected annually by a competent person. An engineer or their stamp is not required for annual inspections.

  34. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 1: The Contractor brings rigging equipment to my building. Do I need a “certified anchor system” if they use their own anchoring equipment?

  35. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 1-ANSWER: Because the equipment is transportable, the contractor is required to attach the rigging equipment to a “sound” anchor on the roof (aka-tieback). Furthermore, the suspended worker needs an additional and separate anchorage for their safety or backup line. A certified anchor system would still be required.

  36. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 2: There are steel fixtures on my roof that I think are being used, can they be certified for 10 years ? Location…..Location…..Location !!!

  37. Proper Anchoring System Anchor Location is CRITICAL !!! As stated earlier, users of RDS need two completely separate and independent anchors. One for their primary descending or work line. The other is for the secondary backup or safety line. This provides double protection for the worker !!! Ideally, the anchors should be in a straight line from where the worker goes over the side of the roof or building. However, engineering calculations allow for a variance of 15 degrees in each direction from a true straight line off the anchorage point. This ensures that the weight of the worker will not cause any movement of the rope on the roof edge once they’re suspended.

  38. Proper Anchoring System Anchor Location is CRITICAL !!! If anchorage points are too close to the building edge and/or too far apart, workers may string them together using a horizontal line as demonstrated by diagram on the left, and shown in use on the right.

  39. Proper Anchoring System The I-14 Standard states that a horizontal line must be designed by and; installed under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer. C B Here’s one important reason why… A If a horizontal line is run from A to B as shown, and C= 180lb. The force on A & B will be nearly 6000lbs which is over the 5000lb capacity. A B C= 180lbs

  40. Here’s a more important reason why… Two Window Cleaners were killed when the horizontal line that was strung between anchor points failed. Boston, MA April, 2003

  41. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 2-ANSWER: If additional anchors were added to these roofs, the existing fixtures could be included into a certifiable roof safety anchor system.

  42. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 3: There are steel supports on my roof that I think are being used, can they be certified for the 10 year period ? If the supports are tied to directly and not strung together, they may be to far away from where the worker needs to be suspended to perform their work, as shown in this photo.

  43. Proper Anchoring System Because this roof edge is concrete, it would abrade right through the rope as it slides along this edge towards its final resting point. If this rope was loaded by the weight of the worker….it would slide down the roof edge to here, (about 30 feet) until it came within 15 degrees of a straight line from the post it’s attached to.

  44. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 3-ANSWER: There are steel supports on my roof that I think are being used, can they be certified for the 10 year period ? If additional anchors were added to this roof and identifiable anchors added to the existing supports, all could be included into a certifiable roof safety anchor system.

  45. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 4: I receive an engineer stamped letter every year that says the steel supports on my roof meet the OSHA 1910.66 Regulation for Fall Arrest…Is that a roof certification ?? First, a roof certification requires that a licensed professional engineer needs to provide their stamp on a roof layout drawing that shows the anchors are properly located; that they meet the load requirements and; how they are to be used. Once you receive this, it is a compliant roof certification and does not need to be done each year because it actually lasts for a 10 year period.

  46. Proper Anchoring System FAQ # 4: I receive an engineer stamped letter every year that says the steel supports on my roof meet the OSHA 1910.66 Regulation for Fall Arrest…Is that a roof certification ?? Second, the OSHA 1910.66 Regulation is for Permanent Powered Platforms and their fall arrest anchor points on a building. If Rope Descent Systems are being used at your building, this Regulation can’t be applied mainly because the anchors are located far apart (20-30 ft.) for a powered platform and not where they need to be for a Rope Descending System.

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