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Evolution of Communication Technology

Explore the history of communication technology, from ancient symbols to modern ICT advancements. Learn about information systems, communication processes, and the impact on society and culture. Develop insights into the future of technology and its influence on various aspects of life.

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Evolution of Communication Technology

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  1. 269111-CommunicationTechnologyina ChangingWorld Dr.KenCosh Week1

  2. Useful Info... Wednesdays – 13:30-16:30 Contact Me: in Room 412 Email: drkencosh@gmail.com Facebook: Ken Cosh (Homework 1: Please send me your google account email address!)

  3. Communication Technology in a Changing World "Developmentofmoderncommunication technology,thestructureandflowof internationalcommunicationandmedia products,andtheinternationalimpactofnew mediaandinformationtechnologyonpolitical, economic,socialandculturalchanges."

  4. What is it about? HistoryofICT HowdoesmodernICTwork? NotTOOTechnical Semiotics ThefutureofICT ICTeffectson Politics,Law,Economy,Society Ongoingconcerns Security,Reliability,Privacy,Ethics

  5. What is Information? Data: symbols Information: data that are processed to be useful; provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions Knowledge: application of data and information; answers "how" questions Understanding: appreciation of "why" Wisdom: evaluated understanding. (Ackoff)

  6. What is Communication? Anactorinstanceoftransmitting Aprocessbywhichinformationisexchanged betweenindividualsthroughacommonsystem ofsymbols,signs,orbehavior<thefunctionof pheromonesininsectcommunication> (Merriam-WebsterDictionary)

  7. Going Deeper... Aprocessby whichinformationis exchanged between individuals through a common systemof symbols, signs, or behavior

  8. Information Systems "Interrelated components working together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis and visualisation in an organisation." Laudon & Laudon

  9. Information Systems "Interrelatedcomponentsworking together tocollect,process,store anddisseminateinformation to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis and visualisation in an organisation." What Components?

  10. System Components Hardware Software Data CommunicationNetwork People

  11. Systems Collect Input Processing Process Output Disseminate

  12. What about Technology? Technologyis a word with origins in the Greek wordtechnologia (τεχνολογία), techne (τέχνη) "craft" and logia (λογία) "saying." It is a broad term dealing with the use and knowledge of humanity's tools and crafts. wikipedia.com Technology seems to be a difficult word to define, but in essence it is the enabler – facilitating information systems. A computer is an obvious example, a pen is perhaps less obvious.

  13. !!!A WARNING!!! !!!DONOTCITEWIKIPEDIAINMYCLASS!!! This Week's Reading: "Why You Can't Cite Wikipedia In My Class" by Neil L. Waters, Communications of the ACM, Vol 50, Issue 9, pp15- 17, 2007.

  14. While I'm on the warnings... Plagiarism!!! DO NOT PLAGIARISE - OR YOU WILL GET ZERO

  15. Back to a quick review... TechnologyistheEnabler... CommunicationTechnologyistheEnablerof Communication... Examples?

  16. Back to Communication A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, orbehavior 'Signs'includes'symbols'and'behaviour' Semioticsis'thestudyofsigns'

  17. Quick Quiz WhatisCommunication? WhatisTechnology? Whatisthedifferencebetween InformationSystemsandInformation Technology? Pleasewriteyourname,nickname,major andemailaddressonthepaper!

  18. Next ThehistoryofCommunication& CommunicationTechnology

  19. The Evolution of Communication

  20. Earliest Communication

  21. Speech SetsHumansapartfromanimals Estimated1.5million-200,000yearsago MutationoftheFOXP2gene Facilitatedtransferofknowledgethrough generations Formsthebasisofwrittenlanguages.

  22. Progress towards Writing Symbols Allow message longevity but represent speech acts Cave Paintings Oldest date from around 30,000 BC Petroglyphs Around 10,000 BC carving developed to make incisionsinto rock surface Pictograms While Petroglyphs show a single scene, Pictograms narratea story Ideogram

  23. Writing Around 2-3,000 BC the Sumerians developed the first writing system. Evolved from Pictograms Developed into Cuneiform Around 1,000 characters -> 400 characters (Hittite Cuneiform) Symbols pressed into clay Egyptian Hieroglyphs were derived from Sumerian writing. "It is a complex system, writing figurative, symbolic, and phonetic all at once, in the same text, the same phrase, I would almost say in the same word." (Champollion)

  24. Developing an Alphabet Egyptian Hieroglyphics were logosyllabic, i.e. symbols stand for; Words Sounds or to place a word in a category The Phonetic components of Hieroglyphs were crucial to developing an alphabet. The Egyptians developed a set of 22-24 Hieroglyphs which were used to record foreign names etc.

  25. Proto-Sinaitic Also known as Proto-Canaanite Around 2,000-1,700 BC Migrant workers translated Egyptian Hieroglyphs into the Canaanite language E.g. The Egyptian "Pr" (or Per), meant house (or Floorplan). This became "bayt", which was Canaanite for house. Acrophony is when a letters name begins with the letter itself. Bayt ---> "Bet" ---> "Beta" ---> "B"

  26. Spreading the Word

  27. The Greeks Vowelswereahindrancewhenwritingin Pheonician,(aswellasEgyptian/Hebrew). ButinGreektheywereessential,andafforded equalstatusasconsonants. Togetherwiththe"Latins"(Romans)thealphabet evolvedintothis! Othertribesevolvedtheiralphabetsdifferently, butmoststemfromtheProto-Sinaitic.

  28. Communication Technology? What technology have we discussed so far?

  29. The Printing Press 105AD - Chinese invent paper The Chinese also developed wood-block printing, and bookswith hard covers and movable type (circa. 1041). However, Chinese has thousands of characters, so traditional block printing was still preferred. ~1440 - Gutenburg invented the printing press Ability to mass print books. Whereas before it could take a monk 20 years to transcribe the bible Gutenburg combined a variety of mechanical technologies to perfect his invention.

  30. The Printing Press Gutenburg was named #1 person of the millennium by A&E Network, Time Life. Ahead of; Christopher Columbus Galileo Galilei Shakespeare Newton Da Vinci Freud Einstein Lincoln Darwin Beethoven Why did this technology invention have such a great impact?

  31. Telecommunication Transmission of signals over a distance, for the purpose of communication. Visual, Audio (and later electronic) Fires Beacons Smoke Signals Drums Horns

  32. Telecommunication The Problem: How do we use fires / beacons / smoke signals to send a message; Consider the fire beacons in Lord of the Rings. N0 FIRE = No Problem FIRE = Problem! The Solution: Semaphore

  33. Hydraulic Telegraph Circa 400BC

  34. Semaphore France 1792. 2*2m long arms with 7 positions 1*cross bar with 4 angles 7*7*4 = 196 196 different symbols 556 stations following line of sight Total distance 4,800km Paris to Lille = 15 stations / ~32 mins

  35. Semaphore Sweden --> UK Germany -->

  36. Electrical Telegraph The presence and flow of charge Electrons & Protons Very Fast Early versions used a grid like this-> Later Morse invented his code. This pre-dates Optical Semaphore

  37. Electrical Telegraph Requires 'wires', which is a problem particularly at wartime. Maxwell: "We have strong reason to conclude that light itself is an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves propagated through the electromagnetic field." Marconi demonstrated that communication is possible wirelessly

  38. Telephone, Television... 1876: Bell demonstrated the telephone Now the wires can talk. Combine this with Marconi, and the airwaves start to sing - we have radio. Add some pictures & we have a TV.

  39. The Trends Further Faster More Research More Investment Creative Destruction : The New supercedes the old The Dream Information available Anywhere, Anytime

  40. Some of the Challenges Methods for efficiently coding information Ways to keep the message secret Constructing infrastructure that spans regions Synchronising senders & recievers

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