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The body consists of 3 doshas. They have 5 subdoshas. We will share about Subdoshas of Pitta, issues due to imbalance and remedies for the same.
INDEX • What Are The Subdoshas Of Pitta? • SadhakaPitta • AlochakaPitta • RanjakaPitta
What Are The Subdooshas Of Pitta Ayurveda says there are three elements that govern the body which are Vata (related to wind and air characteristics of a body), (related to water and fire characteristics of a body) and Kapha (related to water and earth of the body). All of us contain a unique combination of mentioned doshas and they influence our emotions, intellect, digestion, skin tone and even sleep patterns.
Each dosha consists of Subdoshas of Pitta and they govern parts of our body and their functionality. Let us look at the Subdoshas of Pitta, an element which is about heat, energy, and transformation.
It represents metabolic activities responsible for the generation of energy in our body. It said to be composed of two elements of Agni and Jal.
SadhakaPitta Being associated with emotion, stress, and experiences, it governs the brain and the heart of the body. It helps us by enriching our consciousness and leads us towards the desired destination by energizing our intellect.
As it helps eliminate tamas and awakens the mind, thus making it very important. If SadhakaPitta gets out of balance, emotional toxins are generated in our mind and body, which hinders the happiness to bloom.
It also stops you from experiencing emotions and sometimes sharing them too. Practice yoga, meditations and listen to calm music. Practice art to bring this Subdoshas of Pitta.
AlochakaPitta This subdosha is known to govern our organs of sight, this includes cone cells and rod cells. It has a huge influence on one's vision and functionality. It is not limited to seeing physical things, it also helps you see beyond colors, it helps you recognize the quality and differentiate between wrong and right.
It is responsible for clarity in vision and understanding the meaning of light. An imbalance in this sub dosha can create problems in understanding problems and situations. To avoid imbalance, the poor vision of sight and any infection, prevent heat exposure to the eyes.
Triphala is one very effective Rasayana for the eyes. You can apply it locally, but only under the guidance and supervision of an expert vaidya. You can also take tablets of Triphala for this Subdoshas of Pitta.
RanjakaPitta RanjakaPitta is a subdosha that is responsible for the formation of blood cells and plasma in our bodies. It also includes their circulation via liver, spleen, stomach, and heart. It is largely associated with haem, an iron-containing compound that forms a non-protein part hemoglobin.
Not only this, but they are also responsible for the colors of other pigments too. They influence the color of your skin, hair, eyes, bowel moments and urine. Imbalance can cause skin problems and grey hair at an early age in one's body. Triphala, aloe vera juice, and turmeric will help you bring the Subdoshas of Pitta to balance.