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Ancient and Modern Spinning Tops: A Whirlwind History and Uses

Explore the captivating world of spinning tops, from ancient times to modern innovations. Discover how these versatile toys have evolved throughout history and are used for games, bets, and even fortune telling. Learn about the different types of spinning tops and how magnets have revolutionized their design. Join us on a journey through time and witness the timeless appeal of these spinning marvels.

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Ancient and Modern Spinning Tops: A Whirlwind History and Uses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Old and new spinning tops By James Gray

  2. History • Spinning tops are one of the oldest toys in the world. • They are easy to make • There are lots of different ones • You can include them in lots of games

  3. Ancient Spinning Tops This spinning top was found in Tutankhamen pyramid. It is 3,300 years old.

  4. Old Spinning Tops • Spinning tops were a popular toy in Victorian times.

  5. Types of spinning top • You can use your fingers to spin small tops

  6. Types of spinning top • Big spinning tops need string to spin them

  7. Uses for spinning tops • Spinning tops are used for toys • Some people use them for making bets! • Some people use them for fortune telling!

  8. Modern Spinning Tops • Scientists use magnets to make tops almost spin forever

  9. Here are my spinning tops

  10. Thank you for listening

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